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10 Good

About P66026

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  1. P66026

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Congratulations on the release!
  2. P66026

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Really love the underbarrel grenade launchers in this pack. The sight is accurate, and there are lots of different variety of grenades! Especially the thermobaric grenade for the AK, it actually kills unlike those crappy vanilla grenades:eek: I wonder is it possible for the M320 to also get some thermobaric grenade:cool:
  3. Your RHS compatibility patch really makes the RHS weapons a lot more enjoyable to use! But I wonder why you did not also switch the animation for reloading the grenade launcher of the AK? Your animation is a lot better than the vanilla one:p I also found that the patch did not make the RHS grenades for the grenade launcher compatible to your weapons. The RHS got a wide variety of grenades for the GL, it would be fun to use those with your weapons;) But anyway, your weapon pack is simply awesome, really makes my Arma 3 gameplay a lot more enjoyable:o
  4. P66026

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    How about HK417 with grenade launcher? The HK417 reminds me the SCAR-H in AA2: OA, and there is a SCAR-H with grenade launcher, so i think HK417 should do the same?