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  1. working solution can be found here................ http://loonywarrior.dyndns.org/arma/Experiment_5.Stratis.zip
  2. onPlayerDisconnected is fired after the actual disconect... player isnt there anymore............ and u cant depend on it, since it doesnt have to be fired... :(
  3. LoonyWarrior

    what is "_x"?

    lies and stupidity... what can i say ? http://loonywarrior.dyndns.org/arma/Experiment_5.Stratis.zip
  4. LoonyWarrior

    what is "_x"?

    at this point i hope that other ppl will see how many post i edited that thread... :eek:
  5. LoonyWarrior

    what is "_x"?

    if isServer then { { _x addEventHandler ["killed", { ["Task_Objectives", "Failed"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [["end1", true, true], "BIS_fnc_endMission", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }]; } forEach [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9]; }; ---------- Post added at 19:05 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ---------- u should start here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?158297-arma-MP-mission-ending-not-working
  6. LoonyWarrior

    Briefing.sqf entry ordering?

    its normal behavior... last is on top... (its same for created subjects..)
  7. may i ask u how old re u ? ....its about the same thing........... endMission is LOCAL thing u HAVE TO execute it on EACH client..... ...from the first page its still about the same thing and u re not listening to us... _x addEventHandler ["killed", {["Task_Objectives", "Failed"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [color="#FF0000"][["end1", true, true], "BIS_fnc_endMission", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;[/color]}]} forEach [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9];
  8. oki its really better ;) ..thx
  9. try change if (playerrespawntime < 1 || !isplayer _unit) exitwith {}; if (playerrespawntime < 1 || !isplayer _unit || side (group _unit) != resistance) exitwith {}; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition disableserialization; _unit = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull]] call bis_fnc_param; _respawnDelay = [_this,3,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param; if (!alive _unit) then { if (playerrespawntime < 1 || !isplayer _unit) exitwith {}; setplayerrespawntime (playerrespawntime + 3); sleep 2; cutText ["","black out",0.5]; sleep 1; cutText ["","black in"]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--- onPlayerKilled /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_draw = { _ctrlMap = _this select 0; _display = ctrlparent _ctrlMap; _ctrlList = _display displayctrl BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_ctrlList; _selected = _ctrlList lbvalue lbcursel _ctrlList; //--- Draw icons on respawn positions _color = playerside call bis_fnc_sidecolor; _icon = "selector_selectedFriendly" call bis_fnc_textureMarker; _iconSelected = "selector_selectedMission" call bis_fnc_textureMarker; { _colorLocal = if (_foreachindex == BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected) then {[1,1,1,1]} else {_color}; _iconLocal = if (_foreachindex == _selected) then {_iconSelected} else {_icon}; _ctrlMap drawicon [ _iconLocal, _colorLocal, _x call bis_fnc_position, 48, 48, time * 16, "", 1 ]; } foreach BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions; }; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseMoving = { _ctrlMap = _this select 0; _mX = _this select 1; _mY = _this select 2; _dis = 0.048; _selected = -1; { _pos = _ctrlMap ctrlmapworldtoscreen (_x call bis_fnc_position); if (_pos distance [_mX,_mY] < _dis) then { _selected = _foreachindex; }; } foreach BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected = _selected; }; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseButtonClick = { _ctrlMap = _this select 0; _button = _this select 1; if (_button == 0 && BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected >= 0) then { _display = ctrlparent _ctrlMap; _ctrlList = _display displayctrl BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_ctrlList; //BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = true; //_ctrlList lbsetcursel (BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected + 1); BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions select BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = true; _ctrlList lbsetcursel (BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected + 1); }; }; [ "Select Respawn Point", { scriptname "BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition"; _fnc_scriptName = "BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition"; disableserialization; _mode = _this select 0; _ctrlListBackground = _this select 1; _ctrlList = _this select 2; _ctrlContentBackground = _this select 3; _ctrlContentGroup = _this select 4; _ctrlContent = _this select 5; _ctrlMap = _this select 6; switch _mode do { case "init": { _ctrlContentBackground ctrlshow false; _ctrlContentGroup ctrlshow false; _ctrlContentGroup ctrlenable false; _ctrlMap ctrlshow true; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_ctrlList = ctrlIDC _ctrlList; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected = -1; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions = []; _ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler ["draw","_this call BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_draw;"]; _ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler ["mouseMoving","_this call BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseMoving;"]; _ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler ["mouseHolding","_this call BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseMoving;"]; _ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler ["mouseButtonClick","_this call BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseButtonClick;"]; }; case "select": { if (lbsize _ctrlList == 0) exitwith {}; if (BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect) exitwith {BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = false;}; _commitTime = 0.5; _positionID = _ctrlList lbvalue lbcursel _ctrlList; if (_positionID < 0) then { BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn = ""; } else { _position = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions select _positionID; _ctrlMap ctrlmapanimadd [_commitTime,(ctrlmapscale _ctrlMap) max 0.1,_position call bis_fnc_position]; ctrlmapanimcommit _ctrlMap; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn = _position; }; }; case "update": { _selected = _ctrlList lbdata lbcursel _ctrlList; if (_selected == "") then {_selected = missionnamespace getvariable ["BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn",""];}; //--- Preload the selected scene if (str _selectedPos != """""") then { preloadcamera (_selected call bis_fnc_position); if (typename _selected == typename objnull) then {1 preloadobject _selected}; }; _respawnPositions = (playerside call bis_fnc_getRespawnMarkers) + (player call bis_fnc_getRespawnPositions); if (str _respawnPositions == str BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions) exitwith {}; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions = _respawnPositions; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = !isnil {BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect}; if (count _respawnPositions > 0) then { lbclear _ctrlList; _lbAdd = _ctrlList lbAdd "<Random>"; //--- ToDo: Localize _ctrlList lbsetvalue [_lbAdd,-1]; _cursel = 0; { _text = ""; _picture = ""; _canAdd = true; switch (typename _x) do { case (typename ""): { _text = markertext _x; _picture = (markertype _x) call bis_fnc_textureMarker; }; case (typename objnull): { _text = (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _x) call bis_fnc_displayName; _picture = gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _x >> "icon") call bis_fnc_textureVehicleIcon; _canAdd = !isnull _x; }; case (typename []): { }; }; if (_canAdd) then { if (_text == "") then {_text = format ["Grid %1",mapgridposition (_x call bis_fnc_position)]}; //--- ToDo: Localize if (_picture == "") then {_picture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";}; _lbAdd = _ctrlList lbadd _text; _ctrlList lbsetvalue [_lbAdd,_foreachindex]; _ctrlList lbsetpicture [_lbAdd,_picture]; if (str _x == str _selected) then {_cursel = _lbAdd;}; }; } foreach _respawnPositions; _ctrlList lbsetcursel _cursel; } else { ["No respawn positions found"] call bis_fnc_error; }; }; }; } ] call bis_fnc_showRespawnMenu; } else { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--- onPlayerRespawn /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isplayer _unit) then { //--- Player - teleport to selected position [] call bis_fnc_showRespawnMenu; _respawn = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn; if (str _respawn == """""") then {_respawn = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions call bis_fnc_selectrandom;}; [_unit,_respawn] call bis_fnc_moveToRespawnPosition; //--- Clean-up BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_draw = nil; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseMoving = nil; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseButtonClick = nil; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = nil; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions = nil; with uinamespace do { BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_ctrlList = nil; BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions = nil }; setplayerrespawntime _respawnDelay; } else { //--- AI - teleport to random position _respawnPositions = (side group _unit) call bis_fnc_respawnBaseMarkers; if (count _respawnPositions > 0) then { _respawn = _respawnPositions call bis_fnc_selectrandom; switch (typename _respawn) do { case (typename ""): { _unit setpos markerpos _respawn; }; }; }; }; };
  10. no no no no no... :rolleyes: look.. u re doing it bad and the editor makes it even worse.. use triggers for "area based activation"
  11. its not my topic :confused: ....look better :p
  12. zooloo look at this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?158373-How-to-make-a-private-pbo
  13. LoonyWarrior

    How to make a private pbo?

    u can save values to the profile.... :) i already thought about how to do that.. http://loonywarrior.dyndns.org/arma/Experiment_3.Stratis.zip its not finished, it doesnt save the information but it already shows how to store them... i decided to use two arrays.. the profiles and the sessions.. profiles re stored in server profile and based on UIDs.. when client joins the server, server pick the profile from profiles and store it as session and sessions re based on IDs.. two rules... client never knows the profile ID client never knows the session ID btw.. i forget the best part.. its ment to be "modulable".. the ProfileManager just maintain the profiles.. but im actualy working on another script and i want to finish it first....
  14. LoonyWarrior

    How to make a private pbo?

    sorry but did u really think about that ? ...thouse values re stored in NAME.vars.Arma3Profile in Documents........ the only solution is to store the values only on the server.......