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About renacyde

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  1. renacyde

    Wrong color with .paa files

    the texture it to big that is whats giving you that
  2. ok i added roadway lod and geometry phys still can walk in the walls but i dont go through floor now new pics https://gyazo.com/315424381e3c684a8d84121a8b5412eb https://gyazo.com/3fe6d13f2c393d04fac95fa792a5de39
  3. pathways are for AI and I will be adding roadways i have models with both in and it still has no collision
  4. OK i took a 2 month break from building every thing was working fine. I come back to it and i cant get geometry lod to work it wont add collision to my custom buildings i have tryed every thing. I have no idea what im doing wrong here's some pics https://gyazo.com/f6...6f9f4dee70add4c https://gyazo.com/56...8c027c59cc0682c
  5. OK i took a 2 month break from building every thing was working fine. I come back to it and i cant get geometry lod to work it wont add collision to my custom buildings i have tryed every thing. I have no idea what im doing wrong here's some pics https://gyazo.com/f6b019fd39e3708eb6f9f4dee70add4c https://gyazo.com/567ca23003a8cfc618c027c59cc0682c