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Posts posted by junglenz

  1. uhhhhh....well my interest is peaked! :-)

    You can import Nimitz Carrier from arma 2 into arma3 - works well for this jet and buzzard, any other jets imported and they crash on paintwork lines on carrier deck.


    F18 on carrier from 1:21

    ---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 23:07 ----------

    Great work John & Saul, this is one impressive aircraft with fantastic detail and options.

    A request - I know A10 is old school plane but have members that would like to use it for bomb runs on town etc... any possibility to get one from early arma and adjust to work in arma3?

  2. Again, great work on this plane. Have added it to one of our missions and also found the aircraft carriers from Arma 2 can be loaded into arma3.

    The F18 seems to be the only plane (apart from buzzard) that runs along deck without stuttering and crashing (other planes from arma2 like f14 tomcat etc can be run in arma3 (without allinarma) but have problems on deck).

    2nd video clip is Nimitz, catapult and shields work to launch plane, as well as arresters on landing although (not shown in video) my landing skills are pretty crap.

    Planes can be stored on lower deck and taken to upper deck by elevators although I need to get tow and script setup to take plane to elevator.

    Credits again to Saul and John for F18 mod.



  3. Thanks for all the fixes Cuel. It is a good mission.

    We are still getting the VIP appearing at camp maxwell and then disappearing, however once heal and we find locator (bb) he seems to follow to beach. (Last time we played we had him near the extraction point only to have our vehicle with him in it being blown up by enemy helicopter - couple of things I added to the mission)

    Have got v1.4 so will run that tonight and see if any bugs still appear. Are you working on another mission?

  4. Good job, excellent fix. All seems to work well now, although not sure if we have a problem with VIP. Still trying to find him (although he seemed to spawn at Camp Maxwell, found him there, healed him and then a minute later he disappeared)

    Anyway, again good job, having fun on this mission (like them when not too much involved).

  5. We get in the water, find the wreck, see the divers, however you cannot kill them. They sit there in a standing position.

    Once bodies identified we get new tasks. We goto shore, call in supply which parachute drops in. We get weapons and go kill the ones on beach. Task completed but still task for black box shows - no info on where to go next, did notice that task for supply crate not completed even thou we have it and selected weapons from it.

    Will try again this afternoon and see if things change.

    Apart from small issues (and still some debug messages appearing) it is an enjoyable mission.

  6. Found the wreak, got shot by divers (who don't move), went back to them - HOW THE HELL DO YOU KILL THEM - the gun I had had no effect on killing them, even right up to there faces. (of course died again). Also the support drop onto the hill caused package to blow up in flames - so no other guns to select.

  7. About sound... Nothing to do with my mission. Arma 3 has currently several sound problems:

    - Reload sound broadcast to everyone even when they are far away!

    - Missing or very weak sounds for players around you (In Arma 2 I knew where everyone were thanks to sound)

    - Loop issues with the sound of some weapons.

    - Is not possible to locate the sound of some sound sources.

    I'm pretty sure they are working on the sound issue! We need the sound quality of Arma 2!!!

    By the way! I did a first test of my multiplayer knife kill... IT WORKS! so I will include with the next update!

    I'm also working in a new automatic healing system -> Better for this kind of game!

    May be tomorrow the update will be out!

    See ya!


    OK thanks for the info.

  8. Thanks , i know its MPMissions , just learning :( . About the loging stuff lol i kinda screwed up my server and cant join the server . When Host settup the server it was Set up on Escape from Stratis mission . how to set it back to that mission ?

    ---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

    How to login in the server as admin ?

    In your server.cfg near bottom there is a section

    class Missions




    template="PUT MISSION NAME HERE";// omit the .pbo suffix

    difficulty="regular";// difficulty: recruit, regular, veteran or mercenary (see CfgDifficulties in the main game config)


    class COOP_Wargamesv108


    template="Wargamesv1081BETA.Stratis";// omit the .pbo suffix

    difficulty="regular";// difficulty: recruit, regular, veteran or mercenary (see CfgDifficulties in the main game config)



    Save and restart game.

    To log in type / to get chat open. then #login password. (make sure you have set admin password in server config.) If done correct it should show you as admin.

  9. ---------- Post added at 01:11 ---------- Previous post was at 01:09 ----------


    Wait. you have to respawn at base when shot? Didn't you get any option to respawn on your squadmates?

    Sorry only just read this. No never had option to spawn on team mates.

  10. Great mission now ai working correctly on server. Had no problems with agia marina, took a while to clear area but did it with no problems (little lag).

    Have added mobile respawn unit on our server and btc revive/respawn system, found it annoying having to respawn at base when shot.

    Good work, credit to you and others that helped with things.

    Have not completed mission(s) yet. Keep tweaking things into mission (couple of attack helis etc...)_
