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About BreakingInReverse

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  1. BreakingInReverse

    Franco Prussian War Mod - Work In Progress

    Are you going to make a map for this as you did with VVV and the WWI mod? Maybe an urban map with some trenches around the city.
  2. BreakingInReverse

    WW1 Mod Expansion Pack Release

    ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW1ModExpansion.rar Thats the direct DL for the expansion pack. ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW1Mod.rar Thats the direct DL for the original. The DLs might be blocked in your region. Oops, I didn't see the Prof's post.
  3. BreakingInReverse

    Franco Prussian War Mod - Work In Progress

    This looks awesome! I wish you luck on this! :D
  4. BreakingInReverse

    WW1 Mod Expansion Pack Release

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10773 That has the downloads you need. Also, can you reupload the mission bug fix? (Thanks to the admin that saved me from utter embarrassment!:o)
  5. BreakingInReverse

    WW1 Mod Expansion Pack Release

    Awesome, thanks! By the way, I made a quick of the gas using the already existing WW1gas level.Also, is there a script I can add to an event to have men put on their gas masks?
  6. BreakingInReverse

    WW1 Mod Expansion Pack Release

    No problem! I have one question, how can I access the gas? I expected it to be with the artillery but I couldn't figure out. :confused:
  7. BreakingInReverse

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod beta 1.0

    This mod is great! I love how the shields have a physical presence, you managed to implement them perfectly. They add a entire new depth to the combat, instead of being a case of who can stab first, it becomes a case of putting yourself in a good position to have your hits connect with the enemy and the enemy's hits to bounce of your shield
  8. BreakingInReverse

    WW1 Mod Expansion Pack Release

    Awesome! As I said, this is a superb mod, and it deserves more attention, so hopefully posting in this thread will get it the attention it deserves.
  9. BreakingInReverse

    WW1 Mod Expansion Pack Release

    This mod is one of the best mods I have ever played for any game, ever. I have question: Does anyone have any missions they would like to share? I'm pretty bad at using the editor and i'd like to try some more levels. (I'm not sure if necroposting is as frowned upon in this forum as it is in other forums I used.)