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Everything posted by gfresco

  1. gfresco

    Rydygier's Trivia Vault

    Quick incognito question? Would having a rifle in a backpack count the same way grenades/throwables do in terms of making you be considered armed?
  2. gfresco

    Rydygier's Trivia Vault

    I'd love to fiddle with incognito to facilitate an insurgent/guerilla mission where you can move about behind lines/in enemy presence undetected unless you're being suspicious. Looks promising
  3. I've been trying to edit a script to have a time delay before one part of it completes, but I can't quite figure out how (I've only tried inserting sleep commands). This is a respawn script that currently respawns the group where it was placed in the editor instantly when it dies. I would like to create a time delay so the group respawns after some time has elapsed (for example 15 minutes). Alas I am still learning to script and am fairly noobish, and my attempts to insert sleep commands or any brackets have been unsuccessful. This is the script (from https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/172933-mission-template-stand-alone-gaia-make-missions-fast-by-using-mcc-gaia-engine/ ) I need to insert a delay around this portion of the script: I would really appreciate any help a lot.
  4. I have as well, but I'm not sure people look at the last page of that thread so much.I figured I'd try a general discussion since (I hope) the general thing I'm attempting - inserting a delay in a script - is more general then his specific GAIA framework. Thanks though I've tried inserting both waitUntil { sleep 10; }; and a fresh if (count(_gaia_respawn)==2) then waitUntil { sleep 10; }; right before this line if (count(_gaia_respawn)==2) then { [_gaia_respawn,(_x getVariable ["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]),(_x getVariable ["MCC_GAIA_CACHE",false]),(_x getVariable ["GAIA_zone_intend",[]])] call fn_uncache_original_group;}; with no luck. If you or anyone feels up to giving me a bit more direction/suggestion, it'd be appreciated. I get I'm asking to be hand held a bit so I understand if people don't have the time to do so. edit: waitUntil { sleep 10; if (count(_gaia_respawn)==2) then { [_gaia_respawn,(_x getVariable ["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]),(_x getVariable ["MCC_GAIA_CACHE",false]),(_x getVariable ["GAIA_zone_intend",[]])] call fn_uncache_original_group; false}}; This works, however it seems to cause an issue with the other scripts at hand (units keep "respawning/spawning" even though the 1st one hasn't been killed) but I guess thats beyond the scope of this topic.
  5. Thanks so much for sharing. I'll be testing this and if it works it'll of made my mission about 10x better! Much appreciated. Edit: Amazing. Seems to work. This coupled with GAIA will keep my map constantly populated without a retarded never-ending stream of enemies that never let up. I'll try to test it myself but any confirmation on if it works with the cacheing as well? My concern is basically this: If in the init line I put: nul = [this, "DELAY=", [60,120], "INIT=", "(group _proxythis) setVariable ['GAIA_ZONE_INTEND',['1', 'NOFOLLOW']];"] execVM "Jebus.sqf" ; (group this) setVariable ["mcc_gaia_cache",true, true]; After testing it myself the cacheing doesn't work at all when entered in this format. Editx2: So I figured out how to combine them and get them to work but had a few new problems arise, nul = [this, "INIT=", "(group _proxythis) setVariable ['mcc_gaia_cache',true, true]; (group _proxythis) setVariable ['GAIA_ZONE_INTEND',['5', 'NOFOLLOW']];"] execVM "Jebus.sqf"; After testing the cacheing in the editor I noticed 2 odd things. 1) It doesn't kick in instantly, and when my cache distance was set to 5m they disappeared only when I went about 50m away. Afterwords they would only reappear closer 5m, and disappear at 5m away again. When running back and forth multiple times to test the cacheing the group started to "clone" itself, basically after a bit I'd run back and there'd be now 2 identical groups when I had initially placed one. This got even worse when the GAIA patrol started to kick in. The patrol would leave its spawn point, get cache'd and then a copy of them would get "respawned" at their spawn, so moving back and forth between the two each squad would start to steadily duplicate itself further. If I could guess, I'd wager that GAIA's cacheing system triggers JEBUS to think the squad is dead and respawn it, then when GAIA uncaches the unit again you get duplication. How to fix that is way beyond my skills. So now I'm stumped. I got the cacheing code to work buts generated a problematic bug. It seems at this point it'd be simpler to insert a respawn delay in GAIA's own respawn system, though being able to use JEBUS would allow for setting individual respawn times per group which would be very nice. (having armor/helicopters respawn less frequently then technicals/infantry for example) Edit x3: So, my attempt at just adding a delay into the GAIA respawn itself (in the init.sqf bottom section) waitUntil { sleep 10; if (count(_gaia_respawn)==2) then { [_gaia_respawn,(_x getVariable ["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]),(_x getVariable ["MCC_GAIA_CACHE",false]),(_x getVariable ["GAIA_zone_intend",[]])] call fn_uncache_original_group; false}}; This works, however it seems to cause an issue with the other scripts at hand (units keep "respawning/spawning" even though the 1st one hasn't been killed) Final edit: It seems putting a sleep command in the start fn_uncache_orginal_Group.sqf works and doesnt seem to cause any delays/pauses with respawning
  6. Is there a way to get the respawn function of gaia to operate on a delay? My issue is that sometimes dead squads respawn and rush to re0-support a little too fast, and i'd like to pace it out more without moving the spawn areas. I tried inserting a sleep command in a few different spots in the code in the init.sqf as referenced by the answer to the same question earlier in the thread, but at best worked in a glitched way (stopped after 1st respawn) or not at all.
  7. Here's a question for more intelligent scripters then me. I'd like to use EOS to create a map wherein there are many opfor EOS zones. I would like to have blufor soldiers occupy the zones once they have been cleared, to simulate a gradual military capture of towns from opfor to blufor. Anyone able to advise me on how best to pursue this?
  8. TrueNam SP & CO-OP - Gfresco's attempt at a dynamic Vietnam war mission. 1.2 version (Unsung mod) Downloads: Updated DL Link (Version 1.1): Sendspace: Sendspace DL Mediafire: Mediafire DL Armaholic Link: TrueNam - Armaholic What is the intent of this mission? Please bear in mind this is my first attempt at making a mission beyond a small village firefight. I am the type of player that doesn't enjoy the direct pursuit of linear objectives but prefers a somewhat dynamic open world map with a degree of variability. I wanted to create a mission for the Unsung mod that would feel somewhat like the warfare or Takistan & Lingor force missions. I wanted a mission thats fun to replay and can be played either singleplayer or by a large co-op group. Currently there is only one explicit objective to end the mission with. I'd be up for adding in more "side" objectives but my knowledge is limited. I have tested this mod pretty thoroughly but I'm only 1 man so I may have missed out on things (and I'm new to mission making so may not of been the best "tester") All said; Chances are I will discover some flaws/bugs/imperfections and need to update this. None the less it is "finished" in the sense that its fully playable/enjoyable and everything listed below is implemented. What are the features of this mission? -Dynamically spawning enemies. As you enter areas of the map enemy patrols will spawn and begin to patrol the area (using UPSMON scripts). All AI is handled by RMM manager and even when large amounts have been spawned in performance should remain decent. -Helicopter "Taxi" (Extraction and transport) using Norrins script is available at the starting airfield. -Recruitable A.I. Recruit up to a limit of 15 soldiers at any given time, both U.S army and USMC soldiers are available to form your squad. (Using Bon's) script. -Respawn with a full display of ammo/weapons crate for U.S forces, allowing you to equip yourself as ideal for each excursion. -Dynamic weather that should be sync'd for MP use as well, by Enigma. (Set to a slightly rainy emphasis due to this being Vietnam.) -Support with the SSM module, provided by Huey choppers for ammo resupplies and unsung-mod planes for airstrikes. Mission objectives/notes: The "main" objective in this mission is to search & destroy 4 N.V.A officers assisting the Vietcong in their guerilla excursions. These officers are likely to be highly mobile and very difficult to track. After eliminating all 4 return to the top of the Artillery hill at the Airbase (with the entire team) to end the mission. Other objectives are the continued search and destroy effort against Vietcong forces. One can play as either pilots, a USMC squad, or a U.S Infantry squad. Any constructive feedback that can make me a better mission maker would be endlessly appreciated. Required mods: CBA ACE/ACEX Unsung Unsung traps (DL since some people told me they cant find it: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8108 )
  9. gfresco

    Zee Identity Pack

    Muchos gracias for the solution. A certain someone in my life i'm trying to get to play Arma with me informed me healing is preferable to shooting so-o-o-o-o useful tip! Fly to the Czech Republic and get the jebronis to help out!
  10. gfresco

    Zee Identity Pack

    Small question: Any simple way to set one of these units as a medic?
  11. Man Arma 3 has had me a little out of touch with the old Arma 2 mechanics but i'm pleased to see that the mission is still functional with the 2.6 update. i doubt many people play this - but honestly more people have then i expected. i want to add an enjoyable Opfor/Vietnamese side of the mission but not sure the best way to incorporate patroling Americans. Would be great if i could actually script in patrols coming and leaving via helicopters but not sure if i can do that.
  12. Wow people actually played my mission! That's awesome. Eeeh. Gunna try the 2.6 update for it and if anyone wants i will add in playable NVA and such.
  13. I am making a mission where the entire map has dynamically spawning enemies and civilians. I would like to add a system where there are randomly generated tasks that would prompt the player(s) to traverse the map. By randomly generated I just mean whatever task the player is prompted to do is random, I wouldn't be opposed to manually creating the locations for each task provided. The tasks in of themselves would ideally be very simple. The tasks I'd like to be randomly generated are: 1) Meet with civilian elder/leaders at a specific area. 2) Move & investigate an area (or series of areas, basically an externally directed patrol.) 3)Provide security (hold for a period of time) a specific village/location 4) Transport medical/food supplies from POINT A to POINT B I know how to make very simple tasks in-game via the task module, but I don't know how to make a system that would randomly select from a pool of tasks and assign them. I also don't know how to fully set up the task-ideas I listed above. If anyone could point me towards resources/guides/pre-existing scripts that handle this sort of thing, or offer me personal direction in scripting something myself, I would be very grateful
  14. gfresco

    Zee Identity Pack

    Fucking amazing on the Beta. Maybe now I can convince the girlfriend that shooting taliban can be a couples activity too. Seriously though amazing progress since the start.
  15. Pretty simple but very aggravating problem. When i try to launch a hosted multiplayer server i crash right after kicking ok, before the map/mission select screen. I do NOT crash when I set the connection type to "LAN", i go to the mission/map select no problem. As soon as i select internet though, it locks up and i have to reboot my comp. This literally started just 2 days ago, after never being an issue before.
  16. gfresco

    Zee Identity Pack

    riiiiiiiiight feminists mob executing people lol :j: thats why there are no female characters in commercial video games :confused: when there are plenty :confused: can i get some of whatever your smoking cus clearly i aint puffing on the premo shit
  17. To my knowledge you can't have ALiVE's opcom take control of EOS spawned units - or i at least don't know how. What you can do s run both of them (f you want). EOS as a script creates the red zones denoted by a marker that spawn in enemy units (that you desiginate) that turn green when cleared. This is the script i've seen most insurgency missions use. You can run it on a map with ALiVE but ALiVE won't control those units only the ones it spawns or you tell it to control. However the two "layered" together can make a fun mission. What ALiVE has - and this may be the source of confusion - is its own map marking system that looks similar but by default only updates every 2 minutes and i'm not sure if it takes killing every last unit to flip to green or just a majority of friendly forces
  18. if your trying to get an insurgency mission one like the common ones for arma2/arma3 with the squares going from red to green those are USUALLY done with the "EOS" script and thats not really what the alive module (currently) does. You can run EOS scripts to create insurgent areas and run alive to control the AI units not being spawned by EOS to combine a dynamic battlefront with areas that you know will provide action/be held by opfor.
  19. gfresco

    Zee Identity Pack

    May i make on minor suggestion? Whenever possible a female flightsuit model would be great for pilots. The default model isnt too terrible but itd be nice to have given the growing role of female pilots for the past 70 years.
  20. gfresco

    Zee Identity Pack

    Looks astounding! Was wondering if you'd be able to get the body models, but i feel like a jebroni for second guessing you.
  21. Thanks a ton for all the assistance folks, i am going to sit down tonight and try to tighten it up. I do really appreciate the help people here provide
  22. Hey. i need help getting a script that selects and assigns tasks for players on a dedicated server. Currently sometimes it assigns one task for everyone, sometimes a different one, sometimes no task at all. in editor preview/sp it works flawlessly. This is how the script works. in the editor where players spawn in is a trigger activated by independent present (the playable units) with the activation area covering where players spawn/start. This is its init: nul = []execVM "Tasks\random1.sqf"; in the init.sqf of the mission folder: //Side task system missions = [1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]; in tasks\random1.sqf: if ((count missions) == 0) then {hint "All available assignments completed"}; _mission = missions select (floor(random(count missions))); if (_mission == 1) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission1.sqf"}; if (_mission == 2) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission2.sqf"}; if (_mission == 3) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission3.sqf"}; if (_mission == 4) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission4.sqf"}; if (_mission == 5) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission5.sqf"}; if (_mission == 6) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission6.sqf"}; if (_mission == 7) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission7.sqf"}; if (_mission == 8) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission8.sqf"}; if (_mission == 9) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission9.sqf"}; if (_mission == 10) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission10.sqf"}; if (_mission == 11) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission11.sqf"}; if (_mission == 12) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission12.sqf"}; if (_mission == 13) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission13.sqf"}; if (_mission == 14) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission14.sqf"}; if (_mission == 15) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission15.sqf"}; if (_mission == 16) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission16.sqf"}; if (_mission == 17) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission17.sqf"}; if (_mission == 18) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission18.sqf"}; if (_mission == 19) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission19.sqf"}; if (_mission == 20) then {[] execVM "tasks\mission20.sqf"}; missions = missions - [_mission]; and this is an example of one of the mission sqf's (the rest of the mission is handled via ig triggers): _grp = createGroup east; _pos = getmarkerpos "spawn2"; officer2 = _grp createUnit ["caf_ag_me_t_ak47", _pos, [], 5, "FORM"]; officer2 addvest "V_Chestrig_rgr"; _grp = createGroup east; _pos = getmarkerpos "spawn3"; officer3 = _grp createUnit ["caf_ag_me_t_ak74", _pos, [], 5, "FORM"]; officer3 addvest "V_Chestrig_rgr"; _grp = createGroup east; _pos = getmarkerpos "spawn4"; officer4 = _grp createUnit ["caf_ag_me_t_pkm", _pos, [], 5, "FORM"]; officer4 addvest "V_Chestrig_rgr"; _grp = createGroup east; _pos = getmarkerpos "spawn4"; ep = _grp createUnit ["caf_ag_me_t_pkm", _pos, [], 10, "FORM"]; _grp = createGroup east; _pos = getmarkerpos "spawn4"; ep2 = _grp createUnit ["caf_ag_me_t_ak74", _pos, [], 10, "FORM"]; //Task4 - Raid insurgent compound. OPCOM=[GUER,"HQ"]; OPCOM sideChat "Transmitting additional assignment, over."; sleep 3; [GUER,"task_19",["Raid this compound and kill the training commanders. Act quickly to ensure they do not flee the area, otherwise the search for them may be extensive and painstaking.","Eliminate the commander","Eliminate Insurgent"],objNull,true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; hint "New Secondary Objective Assigned."; "compound2" setmarkeralpha 0.5; Anyone know where this script is going wrong?
  23. stupid queston but i cant figure it out how do i get independent units to trigger the ied's.
  24. Just recently today I am experiencing an error with EOS. When it spawns in units they seem to "freeze" in place, and won't move/patrol until one of them is injured. Its very curious - maybe the new arma update? I did not have this issue with ANY of my EOS missions before, now in all of them. I videotaped the Error in the default EOS sample/demo mission to ensure its not due to my own modifying of EOS. Here is my error video so you can see what I'm talking about: Edit: 'm a fucking moron. left TPW mods enabled, it seems TPW causes this issue as of the latest update. Stupid me. 'll leave my original post up as is in case someone else has an issue using TPW and EOS and google/forum searches it or something.
  25. gfresco

    Killoch's MultiNational Pack

    Woo, thanks for the Cadpat!