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Posts posted by soldat_ryan

  1. Hummm yes ok but how to know which "classnames" (or "pbo") are used by mods/addons before to add them in Basix settings ?

    If we have to wait the log and player's bans it is not efficient i think. People will cry and cry !!

    Hope you know what i mean. :p

    (I do not criticize the addon just want to know how to use it with efficacity, preventing bad kicks and bans)

    EDIT : May i have to add invadeandannex.pbo to "_Setting20 = [""]; " ?

    Greats. :)

  2. Hi jacob,

    About teleporting yes, i have disable the option yet.

    About ban, yesterday other players were banned this is my log file (i have deleted IUD and names)

    [[4/7/14] 1:56:22]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, (YYYYYYYY)-CheatEngine Modified Config (RscDisplayInventory)
    [[4/7/14] 13:20:31]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, (YYYYYYYY)-NonWhitelisted Classname (Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers)
    [[4/7/14] 13:29:35]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, (YYYYYYYY)-NonWhitelisted Classname (CALanguage_missions)
    [[4/7/14] 16:34:15]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, (YYYYYYYY)-NonWhitelisted Classname (Extended_EventHandlers)
    [[4/7/14] 19:40:8]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, (YYYYYYYY)-NonWhitelisted Classname (vts_weaponresting)

    How can i prevent these bans which are not cheats (exept for 1st player i don't know, all others are regulars)

    On my server i m allowing addons (client side) : CBA, VTS, THUD, JSRS2.1 and Shacktac

    This is my settings file


    //Addon Whitelist

    _Setting22 = true; //Scan player PBO files against server PBO files and detect discrepancies ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)

    _Setting23 = [""]; //Additional PBO files to add to the whitelist (e.g. ["CBA_A3.pbo","CBA_CORE.pbo"])

    //Classname Whitelist

    _Setting24 = true; //Scan player classnames against server classnames and detect discrepancies ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)

    _Setting25 = [""]; //Additional classnames to add to the whitelist (e.g. ["LandVehicle_Duck","Gun_Cowboy"])

    //Addon Blacklist

    _Setting1 = true; //Scan player PBO files ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting2 = ["devcon.pbo","DevCon.pbo","DEV_PostA3.pbo","DEV_CO_Dummy.pbo"]; //Addons you don't wan't on your server (e.g. "devcon.pbo")

    //Variable Blacklist

    _Setting3 = true; //Detect player using Banned variable names ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)

    _Setting4 = ["mainnext1","visualeffects1","iBeFlying","nonapsi_ef","ChangingBullets_xx",





    "airborne_spawn_vehicle_infiSTAR","Metallica_infiSTAR_hax_toggled","LysticsCode","color_list_lystic","LOLTOGGLESHITNIT"]; //Banned variable names (e.g. an array called: HaxSmokeOn)

    //Classname Blacklist

    _Setting16 = true; //Detect player using Banned classnames ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting17 = ["DevCon","DEV_Background","DEV_Abort","GlobalExecuteButton_06","DEV_MiniMap","DevCon_Fired","DEV_MapReplacement"]; //Banned classnames list

    //Server Speed Limit

    _Setting5 = false; //Detect player speed hacking ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting6 = 600; //Non-unit vehicle max speed on your server (Variable for detecting speed-hacking, set to 600 by default)

    //Weapon Blacklist

    _Setting7 = false; //Detect player using Banned weapon ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting8 = [""]; //Weapons you can't obtain legitimately in your mission

    //Vehicle Blacklist

    _Setting9 = false; //Detect player using Banned vehicle ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting10 = [""]; //Vehicles you can't obtain legitimately in your mission


    _Setting11 = true; //Detect player teleport ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)

    //Player Exemptions

    _Setting12 = true; //Allow declared players to be exempt from Anti-Hack ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting13 = [ADMINS IUD]; //List of player UID's exempt from Anti-Hack

    //Admin Menu

    _Setting14 = false; //Enable BASIX admin menu system ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting15 = [["",""],["",""]]; //List of admin UID's and level, structure [uID,LEVEL] e.g. [["123456","SuperAdmin"],["789123","Admin"],["456789","Moderator"]] (options: "SuperAdmin", "Admin", "Moderator")

    //Permanent BASIX Bans

    _Setting18 = true; //Enable BASIX permanent ban system, be warned possible security risk if enabled ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)

    //BASIX Mission Disable

    _Setting19 = false; //Disable BASIX for certain missions defined by ".pbo" name e.g. "SuperBattle_V1.pbo" ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting20 = [""]; //Disabled mission PBO files

    //CheatEngine Injector Scans

    _Setting21 = true; //Allow BASIX to scan for indications of someone Injecting using CheatEngine ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)


    _Setting26 = true; //Allow BASIX to store chat conversations ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)

    _Setting27 = false; //Enable word and phrase filter ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to false by default)

    _Setting28 = [""]; //Filter list, capitals don't matter (e.g. ["fuck","cunt","I will kill your dog"])


    _Setting29 = false; //Enable chat based commands, found in "fn_BASIX_COMMANDS.sqf" ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)

    //Version Checker

    _Setting30 = false; //Enable version checker ("true" is on, "false" is off, set to true by default)

    //End Of Settings ** Do Not Edit Below This Point **

    BASIX_SETTINGS = compileFinal (format ['_return = [%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9,%10,%11,%12,%13,%14,%15,%16,%17,%18,%19,%20,%21,%22,%23,%24,%25,%26,%27,%28,%29,%30]; _return',_Setting1,_Setting2,_Setting3,_Setting4,_Setting5,_Setting6,_Setting7,_Setting8,_Setting9,_Setting10,_Setting11,_Setting12,_Setting13,_Setting14,_Setting15,_Setting16,_Setting17,_Setting18,_Setting19,_Setting20,_Setting21,_Setting22,_Setting23,_Setting24,_Setting25,_Setting26,_Setting27,_Setting28,_Setting29,_Setting30]);

    publicVariable "BASIX_SETTINGS";

    As you can see it is not so different in regards of root file.

    Thanks for your help.

  3. Hi,

    I have installed the addon yesterday on my server with teleportation enable.

    Players were been kicked when they respawned after death.

    We are playing mission "Invade and Annex" and -BTC-Revive is used.

    How can we prevent this kind of true-false positive detection ?

    One other have been banned for "RscDisplayInventory" but now i have a little doubt about real cheat or false positive. :confused:


  4. ive updated all my servers but my gameservers.com one doesnt wanna update still says its dead is it something on there end? all configs are the same

    and it takes forever for the arma 3 servers to pop up even with filters

    Be sure you set the steamqueryport (usually it is 27016) in your server.cfg and put this port when you clic on "dead" status in gametracker to update your server, not the server port (default 2302).

    (change 2302 by 27016)


  5. Problem solved :


    We have added support for the updated ARMA3 servers.

    If your ARMA3 server is showing as dead, and you have recently upgraded to 1.22, then you will probably need to update your query port.

    See the ARMA3 wiki for information on the steam query port.

    By default it's 27016.


    We have not updated any ARMA3 servers query ports - you will need to do this. This was done to make things easy for server operators that plan on keeping their original query port.

    Dead ARMA3 servers will start being purged from GT on Monday, June 23rd.

    Feel free to post any questions in this thread.

    From http://www.gametracker.com/forums/forum.php?site=1&thread=94573

    It is not a problem with Arma3 but with Gametracker protocole used. Now it is update.

    Check your settings on gametracker and all will be fine.

  6. Hi,

    Which protocol we have to use with new update V1.22 for gametracker ?

    Gametracker is blind (servers are not displayed anymore).


    For HLSW, needs to set 2 ports now with HL protocol:

    Server port and steamQueryPort (ex : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2302:27016)

    EDIT :

    For server admins using gametracker follow this tread on gametraker : http://www.gametracker.com/forums/forum.php?site=1&thread=94573

  7. Hi,

    I m building missions for PvP and try to configure VAS per side, but i think i have found a problem. (maybe known, but i seen nothing about it on the thread so i post it)

    in config.sqf, we can read

    											Example for side specific (TvT)
    switch(playerSide) do
    	case west:
    		vas_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    		vas_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; 
    		vas_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS
    	case west:
    		vas_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    		vas_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; 
    		vas_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS
    //If the arrays below are empty (as they are now) all weapons, magazines, items, backpacks and goggles will be available
    //Want to limit VAS to specific weapons? Place the classnames in the array!
    vas_weapons = [];
    //Want to limit VAS to specific magazines? Place the classnames in the array!
    vas_magazines = [];
    //Want to limit VAS to specific items? Place the classnames in the array!
    vas_items = [];
    //Want to limit backpacks? Place the classnames in the array!
    vas_backpacks = [];
    //Want to limit goggles? Place the classnames in the array!
    vas_glasses = [];
    vas_r_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    vas_r_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
    vas_r_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS
    											Example for side specific (TvT)
    switch(playerSide) do
    	case west:
    		vas_r_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    		vas_r_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
    		vas_r_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS
    	case east:
    		vas_r_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    		vas_r_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
    		vas_r_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS

    When i use this part :

    	switch(playerSide) do
    	case west:
    		vas_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    		vas_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
    		vas_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS
    	case east:
    		vas_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    		vas_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
    		vas_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS

    All is ok, only weapons/items/goggles selected are displayed in VAS depending your side.

    But if i m using the restriction part (it is the part, i want to set !!:rolleyes:):

    	switch(playerSide) do
    	case west:
    		vas_r_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    		vas_r_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
    		vas_r_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS
    	case east:
    		vas_r_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
    		vas_r_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
    		vas_r_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS

    Nothing appear on VAS box, it is EMPTY (black screen on left side), everything is disable ! :confused:

    I think something is broken here !


    Other little thing, i notice a typo mistake (i have change it on my above exemple) in config.sqf : :p

    	case west:

    should be

    	case east:

    Greats. :)

  8. EDIT : Damned the problem came from my side :o

    Thread to close !! :cool:


    Where are logfiles ???

    Since update they are not created. Did you notice it ?

    Usually (and until now it worked) i put command : logfile="logs/server.log"; in server.cfg.

    Folder "logs" was created automaticly with logfile named "server.log"

    If the folder "logs" is created, the logfile is created but it keep empty !!!

    Anyone else got the same problem ?


    EDIT : Damned the problem came from my side :o

    Thread to close !! :cool:

  9. if you get crash always create A3 feedback tracker entry, upload the bidmp, mdmp and rpt files (compressed in archive) to the ticket

    mission if possible too

    then post url here

    Hi Dwarden,

    This is the link of feedback : http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17659 with logs files inclued (i add missions too)


    ... maybe its the mods we are using. ...

    Personnally i do not use mod, so the problem do not come from them.

    Solved! Just made an integrety check and 1 file was bad!

    I have checked the files and ALL are good !

  10. Hi,

    I have updated my servers with 1.12 and since the last update (around 2 or 3 hours) my servers crashed 3 times yet.

    It never did before like this.

    There is no mod on my servers and only running I&A mission.

    OS : Windows server 2008

    Have you got the same trouble ?

    Here is the end of my log file :

    Mods: A3
    Distribution: 0
    Version 1.12.115915
    Fault time: 2014/03/05 19:53:32
    Fault address:  017D2DCE 01:00491DCE C:\serveurs\arma-s1\arma3server.exe
    file:     co50_AW_Invade_&_Annex_2_68c_[NGBC] (__cur_mp)
    world:    Altis
    Prev. code bytes: 8B 74 24 14 8B 0E 85 C9 0F 84 81 00 00 00 8B 01
    Fault code bytes: 8B 40 18 8D 54 24 04 52 FF D0 8B 10 8B 4C 24 10
    EAX:00000000 EBX:4DA07B00
    ECX:6D2EE040 EDX:00000000
    ESI:0063CE50 EDI:0063CE60
    SS:ESP:002B:0063CE18  EBP:4DA07B6C
    DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
