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About LimpingWhale

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    Private First Class
  1. LimpingWhale

    Needed: Scripter for new Game-Type

    The name may be the same, but it's not just an Altis Life.
  2. LimpingWhale

    Needed: Scripter for new Game-Type

    I thought about that. But I'm not very interested in using someone else's map, script, etc. I want a completely unique type of game play I wanna bring something NEW to ArmA. Even though you're saying you want to focus on scripting survival game modes, I would love to have you on the team. So long as you have the right requirements. Like I said in the original post, I'm not just looking for one person. Looking for multiple people, for multiple projects. If you're interested, or have any questions, please contact me on steam or Via PM on BiStudios.com. My contact information can be found at the bottom of the original post.
  3. LimpingWhale

    Need Scripter\Coder for new game-mode type

    Thanks. Yeah, I didn't realize I was on Terrain editing still. My apologies :cool: if there's a way to delete this thread, please let me know.
  4. Hello, my name is Jake. I'm 17 years of age and I'm looking for someone that is talented enough to bring my Altis-Life style map to life! I've done all of the work as far as layout, basic scripts, building structures and all-around design of the game mode. But I'm looking for someone who can make it a fully functional Altis-Life Game Mode. These are some of the requirements. Create a fully functional Money\Banking system Create delivery missions and others like it Be able to work on the map atleast 3 times a week 16+ years of age Make things from scratch (not stealing from TAW or anyone else) Familiar with English (oral & written) I'm looking for one or more people to help with this. I'm also looking for people to help with TS3 servers, WebDesign\building and more. If you're interested you can send me your application on Steam or BiStuido private messaging system. Contact Information: Steam: LimpingWhale E-mail: N\A BiStuido: LimpingWhale
  5. Hello, my name is Jake. I'm 17 years of age and I'm looking for someone that is talented enough to bring my Altis-Life style map to life! I've done all of the work as far as layout, basic scripts, building structures and all-around design of the game mode. But I'm looking for someone who can make it a fully functional Altis-Life Game Mode. These are some of the requirements. Create a fully functional Money\Banking system Create delivery missions and others like it Be able to work on the map atleast 3 times a week 16+ years of age Make things from scratch (not stealing from TAW or anyone else) Familiar with English (oral & written) I'm looking for one or more people to help with this. I'm also looking for people to help with TS3 servers, WebDesign\building and more. If you're interested you can send me your application on Steam or BiStuido private messaging system. Contact Information: Steam: LimpingWhale E-mail: N\A BiStuido: LimpingWhale
  6. I don't know what adding a EH (Eventhandler?) to units is\means, same with PV (publicvariable?). and I do not know where to add this 'code' ---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 18:58 ---------- Is there any information on how to use the BIS_fnc_countdown function? I have literally no idea where to start with it.
  7. how would I have to set this up so if blufor killed opfor they gain (x) points and if they killed a teammate they lose (x) points and viceversa? also, for destroying objectives, capture flags, etc. < ?Thanks, and sorry for my lack of knowledge about this subject. ---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ---------- File "init.sqf" This will work on editor mode... sorta. it doesn't end the mission. in MP it gives me this error: and also doesn't show up the timer or end mission. NOTE: I changed the 3600 to 60 to test. Do i have to change another time so it ends on 0 from 60?
  8. Points System? Hello, I've been messing with this Game mode I've been making for the past week or so, and I'm working on adding a points system but have NO idea where to start. I would like it to be where you kill someone, you get x amount of points, you kill a teamate you lose x amount of points, you destroy an obj. you get x amount of points and so on. I've tried to find guides on Youtube and google on this but I've found nothing very usefull. Same goes with the Countdown Timer. CountDown Timer? I want a countdown timer to be on the screen, maybe bottom right or something. I want the countdown to be activated by my 'setbomb' .sqf script and to run for x amount of time and then disappearing. I've just started scripting, messing with addons and the editor mode in the ArmA series. So I've very knew, I know little of the basics & some more advanced stuff that I've learned. I want the countdown timer to appear when the script is activated and disappear when the script ends\or is deactivated. Stopping Script if another is activated? So, on my mission, an objective will appear and you have to go plant the bomb and wait 30 seconds for it to go off. If the bomb gets deactivated the bomb won't go off. As of right now, I finished making the bomb explode after 30 seconds of it being planted but if you disarm the bomb before it explodes it still explodes. I can't seem to fix this. What I'm planning on doing with this information! I'm not planning on just using this information I hope to receive but also help others with the information. I hate just asking people to help me and then not giving the community anything back in return. It seems a little messed up to do. So, once I finish my map I hope to make a tutorial video on how I did a lot of the things that I completed, including the scripting portions. If you want credit for helping me with this, please say so and I'll make sure to add a credits to my video(s). How To: This is the section of my post I'll simplify on how to do the things above. Adding a countdown Timer: N\A Adding a points system: N\A Ending a script with a script: N\A Credits: N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A
  9. LimpingWhale

    Suicide Bomb Tutorial

    I'm having troubles with having "Arm Bomb" Going away after I activate it. i.e. I use action 'arm bomb' and 'det bomb' and 'deac bomb' come up and 'arm bomb' doesn't leave. So, I can just keep doing 'arm bomb' 'arm bomb' 'arm bomb' and then have a list of 6deacs and 6dets. IDK how to fix. If I figure it out I'll edit this post.
  10. Do you know how to make it so instead of a marker it's an AI, or possibly even another player? if you know how to do them post both please, it would be MUCH appreciated! :D
  11. I'm looking for a scripter that's "pro" with Arma 3 scripting. Once I get the server up and running you're welcome to a negotiated % of donations. And you'll have your name in the Credits and an Icon on the map. My Altis_Civ_life is pretty big and being made strictly from scratch to be completely unique and have only the best of Admins \ Staff Etc. I need a scripter not only for scripting the server but also helping me learn when and if they have the time. To get the spot on my team as Head-Scripter you need to have the majority of the things listed below. 1. You must have created one or more of your own missions that needed a fair amount of scripting done. 2. You must have a microphone\headset 3. You must be 16+ Years of age 4. You must have the time each day to work on scripting the mission 5. You must be willing to put up with my question and stupidity when it comes to scripting 6. You must be willing to let me see your map you created (can be ArmA2 ArmA2 AO or ArmA3) 7. You must not piss me off don't worry, it's kinda hard to do 8. You mustn't troll or add things I disapprove of 9. And lastly you mustn't add things I don't know about and stay in contact with me on a daily basis unless told otherwise Please, consider this opportunity and remember- there's money in it for you if we get donations! Thanks~ Jake