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Everything posted by dave_beastttt

  1. dave_beastttt

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    What mission are you running?
  2. dave_beastttt

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    Didn't work for me on 1.06 Wasteland, players got no dialogue box and we all spawned on the northern spawn island location.
  3. dave_beastttt

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    We have 7 players now and restart client and password seems to be working. Filter MGT in the mp browser for ours
  4. dave_beastttt

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    Isn't it more important to make sure clients restart Arma 3 before joining though?
  5. dave_beastttt

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    How to join our server and play and not spread the vulnerability http://mgt.enjin.com/home/m/12045570/article/1439072
  6. dave_beastttt

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    We (MGT) run a high ranked heavily populated Arma 3 Wasteland server and have been hit by this script, we've passworded our server now and given instructions for players to restart Arma 3 before joining and it seems to be working.