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About Uyematsu

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  1. Hello, Age: 22 Somewhat new player, certainly not new to FPS. Decent understanding of Military Strategy and Tactics Talent in Recon, Marksmanship, Leadership Work 9-5 or 6 and free after that during week, sometimes busy on Saturday but generally available Looking for small close-knit clan for PvP and Coop, with a possible interest in Scenario Development; 18+ only please Be aware that I can be quiet, seriousand guarded at first, but I will open up after a day or so PM me and/or add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995466849/
  2. Uyematsu

    Performance Advice Requested

    Thanks for the response. I have a hyper 212 i believe, that or another recommended after market cooler and SSD. Also I've seen that link before and I lost it. Thanks! After doing some research I found that it really wouldn't be worth the effort to replace my current CPU with the bulldozer as it only has 2 actual physical cores (and 2 logical). Luckily I will be putting together a new rig for someone and I'll give it to them. I've found that if I play on lower population servers or single player, I can run the game at 50-70 frames on decently high settings
  3. Hello Forum, I have tried all the different tips and tricks to adjust my game performance and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get above 30fps in most situations. Generally I am between 17-20 fps in Multiplayer. I only see about a 5fps difference with low settings(11000 draw distance) and auto-detect(16000 draw distance) which puts many of the settings to ultra. I understand that this is Alpha and that the game will be more streamlined as time goes on, but I wanted to see what others more knowledgeable than I had to say about other options that I have available to me. My Hardware specs (off the top of my head) include a Phenom II 1100T (6cores)@ 3.3Ghz, 8Gbs Memory DDR3, and a(n) Nvidia Gtx 680 My MOBO doesn't have the latest PCI express port which would or should boost the 680 performance; which leads to my first question: What kind of improvements would I see if I upgraded my mobo to fully support the 680? Second, I haven't overclocked my CPU and was wondering how significant a performance boost I would see should I overclock. From what I've gleaned from brief research, people with this processor can easily and safely OC to 4.2Ghz and have sustained stability. What sort of improvement would I see (now and in the future) Please consider my interest in future titles including most prominently Rome 2 Total War (I can't express how excited I am about this game) which will be a CPU intensive game. My other option to consider is I have a current generation AMD proc (bulldozer 4cores)@ 4.2Ghz, that isn't installed and I imagine if I felt the need, i could overclock that as well. Thanks in advance for the replies, ScatCat