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About passive_aggressive

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  1. Campaigns. Got it. I was putting it under scenarios. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for refitting your Arma 2 campaigns to Arma 3 but I can't seem to get Chasing Grim Reaper to work. Whenever I try to find it in Scenarios, it doesn't exist.
  3. Has anyone been able to play old custom Arma 2 campaigns like DEGRUV or Gambit Royale with this addon? I've been trying so far by downloading the Arma 2 addons and putting them in Arma 3, but the game crashes every time.
  4. Hello! I was wondering if anyone was able to run CO campaigns like DEVGU Seal Team 6, Lions of Kandahar, or Gambit Royale. I have all of the required addons installed into my Arma 3 folder except for ACE. Every time I try to start a new campaign, the game crashes. Any tips on what to do? Thanks for the mod! Here's my bat file