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Posts posted by mannulus

  1. I know this probably does not help, but for some reason with this mod loaded, our server hangs on the loading screen for people.


    I tried checking server rpt. logs and found nothing that stands out.


    Mods include RHS, CUP, CBA, ACRE.


    Edit: I noticed even if the server does not have it loaded, if people individually have it loaded then it too causing the load screen to freeze.

    • Like 1

  2. @PuFu 

    This is something that has been bothering me. The M1237 MRAP has a unique counter-measure ability of using it's DUKE Antennas (which stops IED's from detonating regardless of activation type) that can be turned on and off with the counter-measure key. However, other vehicles with the DUKE system (such as the M1220 MRAP) is missing this ability tho it clearly has the antennas to do so.


    Was this an oversight or something else all together?


    EDIT: And what about the Rhino that the M1237 MRAP has? I know what it does IRL but does it function as intended ingame or just a cosmetic feature?

  3. 3 hours ago, ballistic09 said:


    It was literally answered 2 post above yours...



    The current delay is because we haven't mp tested at all yet to make sure everything works, due to people having lives and being busy and silly reasons like that. We have a lot of fixes and new content that aren't fully finished, but are more or less in working condition... or at least it works better now than it does in the present release, post Tanks DLC update. In all likelihood, the next patch will be a bit of a WIP update that will need lots of community testing and feedback, which will probably be followed with a hotfix "relatively soon" after its release.


    What is the process for helping the RHS team with testing? My leg exploded a while back and I am practically permanently disabled so I have tons of time to help.

  4. Is there any idea on when the next update for RHS will release? I know it was said that it was going to be after the Encore update due to the mod team (or the mod itself) being on the Dev Branch and was forced to wait till then. 


    Going without my beloved Bradley due to the armor and whatnot broken from the Tanks DLC for almost 4 months or so is heartbreaking. :icon_cry:

    • Sad 2

  5. On 7/18/2018 at 10:15 AM, Nichols said:

    Does anyone have a good settings for fragmentation in ACE? I am not finding much information on it and I would like to have it enabled in my missions but the server takes a massive dump when I turn it on even with as few as 10 objects being tracked. FPS goes down into the single digits when something as small as a frag grenade or a grenade from a grenade launcher explodes. We see massive issues coming up in the RPT to the point of where I end up turning it off in ACE and I hate that I can't use it. Maybe I am not using it correctly. Below is my CBA_Settings.sqf file if someone wants to take a look at how we have it setup.


      Reveal hidden contents

    // ACE Advanced Ballistics
    force force ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled = true;
    force force ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled = true;
    force force ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled = true;
    force force ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled = true;
    force force ace_advanced_ballistics_muzzleVelocityVariationEnabled = true;
    force force ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval = 0.05;

    // ACE Advanced Fatigue
    force force ace_advanced_fatigue_enabled = true;
    force force ace_advanced_fatigue_enableStaminaBar = true;
    force force ace_advanced_fatigue_loadFactor = 1;
    force force ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor = 1;
    force force ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor = 1;
    force force ace_advanced_fatigue_terrainGradientFactor = 1;

    // ACE Advanced Throwing
    force force ace_advanced_throwing_enabled = true;
    force force ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUp = true;
    force force ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUpAttached = true;
    force force ace_advanced_throwing_showMouseControls = true;
    force force ace_advanced_throwing_showThrowArc = true;

    // ACE Arsenal
    force force ace_arsenal_allowDefaultLoadouts = true;
    force force ace_arsenal_allowSharedLoadouts = true;
    force force ace_arsenal_camInverted = false;
    force force ace_arsenal_enableIdentityTabs = true;
    force force ace_arsenal_enableModIcons = true;
    force force ace_arsenal_EnableRPTLog = false;
    force force ace_arsenal_fontHeight = 4.5;

    // ACE Captives
    force force ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide = true;
    force force ace_captives_allowSurrender = true;
    force force ace_captives_requireSurrender = 1;
    force force ace_captives_requireSurrenderAi = true;

    // ACE Common
    force ace_common_allowFadeMusic = true;
    force ace_common_checkPBOsAction = 0;
    force ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll = false;
    force ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist = "[]";
    ace_common_displayTextColor = [0,0,0,0.1];
    ace_common_displayTextFontColor = [1,1,1,1];
    ace_common_settingFeedbackIcons = 1;
    ace_common_settingProgressBarLocation = 0;
    force ace_noradio_enabled = true;
    ace_parachute_hideAltimeter = false;

    // ACE Cook off
    force force ace_cookoff_ammoCookoffDuration = 1;
    force force ace_cookoff_enable = true;
    force force ace_cookoff_enableAmmobox = true;
    force force ace_cookoff_enableAmmoCookoff = true;
    force force ace_cookoff_probabilityCoef = 1;

    // ACE Explosives
    force force ace_explosives_explodeOnDefuse = false;
    force force ace_explosives_punishNonSpecialists = false;
    force force ace_explosives_requireSpecialist = false;

    // ACE Fragmentation Simulation
    force force ace_frag_enabled = true;
    force force ace_frag_maxTrack = 25;
    force force ace_frag_maxTrackPerFrame = 25;
    force force ace_frag_reflectionsEnabled = true;
    force force ace_frag_spallEnabled = true;

    // ACE Goggles
    force force ace_goggles_effects = 2;
    force force ace_goggles_showInThirdPerson = false;

    // ACE Hearing
    force force ace_hearing_autoAddEarplugsToUnits = true;
    force force ace_hearing_disableEarRinging = false;
    force force ace_hearing_earplugsVolume = 0.5;
    force force ace_hearing_enableCombatDeafness = true;
    force force ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits = false;
    force force ace_hearing_unconsciousnessVolume = 0.4;

    // ACE Interaction
    force force ace_interaction_disableNegativeRating = true;
    force force ace_interaction_enableMagazinePassing = true;
    force force ace_interaction_enableTeamManagement = true;

    // ACE Interaction Menu
    force force ace_gestures_showOnInteractionMenu = 2;
    force force ace_interact_menu_actionOnKeyRelease = true;
    force force ace_interact_menu_addBuildingActions = false;
    ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorInteraction = false;
    ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorSelfInteraction = false;
    force force ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMax = [0,0,0,1];
    force force ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMin = [0,0,0,0.25];
    force force ace_interact_menu_colorTextMax = [1,0.424812,0.42022,1];
    force force ace_interact_menu_colorTextMin = [1,1,1,0.25];
    ace_interact_menu_cursorKeepCentered = false;
    force force ace_interact_menu_menuAnimationSpeed = 0;
    force force ace_interact_menu_menuBackground = 0;
    force force ace_interact_menu_shadowSetting = 2;
    force force ace_interact_menu_textSize = 1;
    force force ace_interact_menu_useListMenu = true;

    // ACE Logistics
    force force ace_cargo_enable = true;
    force ace_cargo_paradropTimeCoefficent = 2.5;
    force force ace_refuel_hoseLength = 50;
    force force ace_refuel_rate = 1;
    force force ace_repair_addSpareParts = true;
    force force ace_repair_autoShutOffEngineWhenStartingRepair = true;
    force force ace_repair_consumeItem_toolKit = 0;
    force force ace_repair_displayTextOnRepair = true;
    force force ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair = 0;
    force force ace_repair_engineerSetting_repair = 0;
    force force ace_repair_engineerSetting_wheel = 0;
    force force ace_repair_fullRepairLocation = 2;
    force force ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold = 0.6;
    force force ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_engineer = 0.4;
    force force ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems = 1;

    // ACE Magazine Repack
    force force ace_magazinerepack_timePerAmmo = 1;
    force force ace_magazinerepack_timePerBeltLink = 8;
    force force ace_magazinerepack_timePerMagazine = 10;

    // ACE Map
    force ace_map_BFT_Enabled = false;
    force ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups = false;
    force ace_map_BFT_Interval = 1;
    force ace_map_BFT_ShowPlayerNames = false;
    force force ace_map_DefaultChannel = 0;
    force force ace_map_mapGlow = true;
    force force ace_map_mapIllumination = true;
    force force ace_map_mapLimitZoom = false;
    force force ace_map_mapShake = true;
    force force ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates = false;
    force force ace_markers_moveRestriction = -1;

    // ACE Map Gestures
    force force ace_map_gestures_defaultColor = [1,0.88,0,0.7];
    force force ace_map_gestures_defaultLeadColor = [1,0.88,0,0.95];
    force force ace_map_gestures_enabled = true;
    force force ace_map_gestures_interval = 0.03;
    force force ace_map_gestures_maxRange = 10;
    force force ace_map_gestures_nameTextColor = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3];

    // ACE Map Tools
    force force ace_maptools_drawStraightLines = true;
    force force ace_maptools_rotateModifierKey = 1;

    // ACE Medical
    force force ace_medical_ai_enabledFor = 2;
    force force ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 1;
    force force ace_medical_allowLitterCreation = true;
    force force ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment = true;
    force force ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives = -1;
    force force ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 1;
    force force ace_medical_blood_enabledFor = 2;
    force force ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK = 1;
    force force ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit = 0;
    force force ace_medical_delayUnconCaptive = 3;
    force force ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds = true;
    force force ace_medical_enableFor = 0;
    force force ace_medical_enableOverdosing = true;
    force force ace_medical_enableRevive = 0;
    force force ace_medical_enableScreams = true;
    force force ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI = 1;
    force force ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes = true;
    force force ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage = false;
    force force ace_medical_increaseTrainingInLocations = true;
    force force ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced = true;
    force force ace_medical_level = 2;
    force force ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay = 300;
    force force ace_medical_litterSimulationDetail = 3;
    force force ace_medical_maxReviveTime = 120;
    force force ace_medical_medicSetting = 2;
    force force ace_medical_medicSetting_basicEpi = 1;
    force force ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK = 1;
    force force ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit = 2;
    force force ace_medical_menu_allow = 1;
    force ace_medical_menu_maxRange = 3;
    force ace_medical_menu_openAfterTreatment = false;
    force force ace_medical_menu_useMenu = 1;
    force force ace_medical_menuTypeStyle = 0;
    force force ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious = false;
    force force ace_medical_painCoefficient = 1;
    force force ace_medical_painEffectType = 1;
    force force ace_medical_painIsOnlySuppressed = true;
    force force ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 1;
    force force ace_medical_preventInstaDeath = false;
    force force ace_medical_remoteControlledAI = true;
    force force ace_medical_useCondition_PAK = 1;
    force force ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit = 1;
    force force ace_medical_useLocation_basicEpi = 0;
    force force ace_medical_useLocation_PAK = 3;
    force force ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit = 2;

    // ACE Mk6 Mortar
    force force ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled = true;
    force force ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass = true;
    force force ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder = true;
    force force ace_mk6mortar_useAmmoHandling = true;

    // ACE Name Tags
    force force ace_nametags_defaultNametagColor = [0.77,0.51,0.08,1];
    force force ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha = 0.8;
    force force ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance = 5;
    force force ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles = false;
    force force ace_nametags_showNamesForAI = false;
    force force ace_nametags_showPlayerNames = 1;
    force force ace_nametags_showPlayerRanks = true;
    force force ace_nametags_showSoundWaves = 1;
    force force ace_nametags_showVehicleCrewInfo = true;
    force force ace_nametags_tagSize = 2;

    // ACE Nightvision
    force force ace_nightvision_aimDownSightsBlur = 0.216132;
    force force ace_nightvision_disableNVGsWithSights = false;
    force force ace_nightvision_effectScaling = 0.216132;
    force force ace_nightvision_fogScaling = 0.216132;
    force force ace_nightvision_noiseScaling = 0.216132;
    force force ace_nightvision_shutterEffects = true;

    // ACE Overheating
    force force ace_overheating_displayTextOnJam = true;
    force force ace_overheating_enabled = true;
    force force ace_overheating_overheatingDispersion = true;
    force force ace_overheating_showParticleEffects = true;
    force force ace_overheating_showParticleEffectsForEveryone = true;
    force force ace_overheating_unJamFailChance = 0.1;
    force force ace_overheating_unJamOnreload = true;

    // ACE Pointing
    force force ace_finger_enabled = true;
    force force ace_finger_indicatorColor = [0.83,0.68,0.21,0.75];
    force force ace_finger_indicatorForSelf = true;
    force force ace_finger_maxRange = 10;

    // ACE Pylons
    force force ace_pylons_enabled = true;
    force force ace_pylons_rearmNewPylons = false;
    force force ace_pylons_requireEngineer = false;
    force force ace_pylons_requireToolkit = true;
    force force ace_pylons_searchDistance = 50;
    force force ace_pylons_timePerPylon = 10;

    // ACE Quick Mount
    force force ace_quickmount_distance = 3;
    force force ace_quickmount_enabled = true;
    force force ace_quickmount_priority = 3;
    force force ace_quickmount_speed = 10;

    // ACE Rearm
    force force ace_rearm_level = 0;
    force force ace_rearm_supply = 0;

    // ACE Respawn
    force force ace_respawn_removeDeadBodiesDisconnected = true;
    force force ace_respawn_savePreDeathGear = false;

    // ACE Scopes
    force force ace_scopes_correctZeroing = true;
    force force ace_scopes_deduceBarometricPressureFromTerrainAltitude = true;
    force force ace_scopes_defaultZeroRange = 300;
    force force ace_scopes_enabled = true;
    force force ace_scopes_forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets = true;
    force force ace_scopes_overwriteZeroRange = false;
    force force ace_scopes_simplifiedZeroing = false;
    force force ace_scopes_useLegacyUI = true;
    force force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceBarometricPressure = 1013.25;
    force force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceHumidity = 0;
    force force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceTemperature = 15;

    // ACE Spectator
    force ace_spectator_enableAI = false;
    force ace_spectator_restrictModes = 0;
    force ace_spectator_restrictVisions = 0;

    // ACE Switch Units
    force ace_switchunits_enableSafeZone = true;
    force ace_switchunits_enableSwitchUnits = false;
    force ace_switchunits_safeZoneRadius = 100;
    force ace_switchunits_switchToCivilian = false;
    force ace_switchunits_switchToEast = false;
    force ace_switchunits_switchToIndependent = false;
    force ace_switchunits_switchToWest = false;

    // ACE Tagging
    force force ace_tagging_quickTag = 2;

    // ACE Uncategorized
    force force ace_gforces_enabledFor = 1;
    force force ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger = 0.1;
    force force ace_inventory_inventoryDisplaySize = 0;
    force force ace_laser_dispersionCount = 2;
    force force ace_microdagr_mapDataAvailable = 2;
    force force ace_optionsmenu_showNewsOnMainMenu = true;
    force force ace_overpressure_distanceCoefficient = 1;

    // ACE User Interface
    force force ace_ui_allowSelectiveUI = true;
    force force ace_ui_ammoCount = false;
    force force ace_ui_ammoType = false;
    force force ace_ui_commandMenu = true;
    force force ace_ui_firingMode = false;
    force force ace_ui_groupBar = false;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerAmmoCount = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerAmmoType = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerFiringMode = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableCount = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableName = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerMagCount = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponLowerInfoBackground = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponName = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponNameBackground = true;
    force force ace_ui_gunnerZeroing = true;
    force force ace_ui_magCount = true;
    force force ace_ui_soldierVehicleWeaponInfo = true;
    force force ace_ui_staminaBar = true;
    force force ace_ui_stance = true;
    force force ace_ui_throwableCount = false;
    force force ace_ui_throwableName = false;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleAltitude = true;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleCompass = true;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleDamage = true;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleFuelBar = true;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleInfoBackground = true;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleName = true;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleNameBackground = true;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleRadar = false;
    force force ace_ui_vehicleSpeed = true;
    force force ace_ui_weaponLowerInfoBackground = true;
    force force ace_ui_weaponName = true;
    force force ace_ui_weaponNameBackground = true;
    force force ace_ui_zeroing = true;

    // ACE Vehicle Lock
    force force ace_vehiclelock_defaultLockpickStrength = 10;
    force force ace_vehiclelock_lockVehicleInventory = false;
    force force ace_vehiclelock_vehicleStartingLockState = -1;

    // ACE View Distance Limiter
    force force ace_viewdistance_enabled = true;
    force force ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance = 10000;
    force force ace_viewdistance_objectViewDistanceCoeff = 0;
    force force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceAirVehicle = 12;
    force force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceLandVehicle = 9;
    force force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceOnFoot = 9;

    // ACE Weapons
    force force ace_common_persistentLaserEnabled = true;
    force force ace_laserpointer_enabled = true;
    force force ace_reload_displayText = true;
    force force ace_weaponselect_displayText = true;

    // ACE Weather
    force force ace_weather_enabled = true;
    force force ace_weather_updateInterval = 300;
    force force ace_weather_windSimulation = true;

    // ACE Wind Deflection
    force force ace_winddeflection_enabled = true;
    force force ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval = 0.05;
    force force ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled = true;

    // ACE Zeus
    force force ace_zeus_autoAddObjects = false;
    force force ace_zeus_radioOrdnance = false;
    force force ace_zeus_remoteWind = false;
    force force ace_zeus_revealMines = 0;
    force force ace_zeus_zeusAscension = false;
    force force ace_zeus_zeusBird = false;

    // Achilles - Curator Vision Modes
    achilles_curator_vision_blackhot = false;
    achilles_curator_vision_blackhotgreencold = false;
    achilles_curator_vision_blackhotredcold = false;
    achilles_curator_vision_greenhotcold = false;
    force force achilles_curator_vision_nvg = true;
    achilles_curator_vision_redgreen = false;
    achilles_curator_vision_redhot = false;
    force force achilles_curator_vision_whitehot = true;
    achilles_curator_vision_whitehotredcold = false;

    // Achilles - Debug
    Achilles_Debug_Output_Enabled = false;

    // Achilles - Defaults
    Achilles_var_setRadioFrequenciesLR_Default = "36,37,40,42,47,58,62";
    Achilles_var_setRadioFrequenciesSR_Default = "36,37,40,42,47,58,62";

    // Achilles - Icon Selection
    Achilles_var_iconSelection = "Achilles_var_iconSelection_Ares";

    // Achilles - Modules Interface
    Achilles_var_moduleTreeCollapse = true;
    Achilles_var_moduleTreeDLC = true;
    Achilles_var_moduleTreeHelmet = false;

    // MRHSatellite Options
    force force MRH_SAT_allowFullscreen = true;
    force force MRH_SAT_allowLasering = true;
    force force MRH_SAT_allowTargetDetection = true;
    force force MRH_SAT_allowTargetTracking = true;
    force force MRH_SAT_MaxSatAltitude = 1000;

    // TFAR - clientside settings
    TFAR_default_radioVolume = 7;
    TFAR_intercomVolume = 0.3;
    force force TFAR_oldVolumeHint = false;
    TFAR_pluginTimeout = 4;
    TFAR_PosUpdateMode = 0.1;
    force force TFAR_showChannelChangedHint = true;
    force force TFAR_showTransmittingHint = true;
    force force TFAR_ShowVolumeHUD = false;
    TFAR_tangentReleaseDelay = 0;
    TFAR_VolumeHudTransparency = 0;
    TFAR_volumeModifier_forceSpeech = false;

    // TFAR - global settings
    force force TFAR_AICanHearPlayer = true;
    force force TFAR_AICanHearSpeaker = true;
    force force TFAR_enableIntercom = true;
    force force TFAR_fullDuplex = true;
    force force TFAR_giveLongRangeRadioToGroupLeaders = false;
    force force TFAR_giveMicroDagrToSoldier = true;
    force force TFAR_givePersonalRadioToRegularSoldier = true;
    force force TFAR_objectInterceptionEnabled = true;
    force force tfar_radiocode_east = "_opfor";
    force force tfar_radiocode_independent = "_independent";
    force force tfar_radiocode_west = "_bluefor";
    force force tfar_radioCodesDisabled = false;
    force force TFAR_SameLRFrequenciesForSide = true;
    force force TFAR_SameSRFrequenciesForSide = true;
    force TFAR_setting_defaultFrequencies_lr_east = "";
    force TFAR_setting_defaultFrequencies_lr_independent = "";
    force force TFAR_setting_defaultFrequencies_lr_west = "36,37,40,42,47,58,62";
    force TFAR_setting_defaultFrequencies_sr_east = "";
    force TFAR_setting_defaultFrequencies_sr_independent = "";
    force force TFAR_setting_defaultFrequencies_sr_west = "36,37,40,42,47,58,62";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Airborne_east = "TFAR_mr6000l";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Airborne_Independent = "TFAR_anarc164";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Airborne_West = "TFAR_anarc210";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Backpack_east = "TFAR_mr3000";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Backpack_Independent = "TFAR_anprc155";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Backpack_west = "TFAR_rt1523g";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Personal_east = "TFAR_pnr1000a";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Personal_Independent = "TFAR_anprc154";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Personal_West = "TFAR_rf7800str";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Rifleman_East = "TFAR_pnr1000a";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Rifleman_Independent = "TFAR_anprc154";
    force force TFAR_setting_DefaultRadio_Rifleman_West = "TFAR_rf7800str";
    force force TFAR_spectatorCanHearEnemyUnits = true;
    force force TFAR_spectatorCanHearFriendlies = true;
    force force TFAR_takingRadio = 2;
    force force TFAR_Teamspeak_Channel_Name = "Theater of Operations (TFAR LIVE)";
    force force TFAR_Teamspeak_Channel_Password = "123";
    force force tfar_terrain_interception_coefficient = 4;


    This is what my community personally uses:


    force ace_frag_enabled = true;
    force ace_frag_maxTrack = 10;
    force ace_frag_maxTrackPerFrame = 10;
    force ace_frag_reflectionsEnabled = true;
    force ace_frag_spallEnabled = false;




    I have come to realize that Spall has a serious performance issue, so we don't use it.

    • Like 1

  6. There is a config bin error in regards to one of the APERS tripwires and the 100rd mag for the Autorifleman. Is there a way to fix this? It causes us having to load a mission twice cause it gets that error.


    I was able to replicate this by placing down NATO Autorifleman for the 100rd mag and the supply box [NATO] for the APERS tripwire.

    • Like 1

  7. 48 minutes ago, da12thMonkey said:


    None of the aicraft in RHS should be able to detect lock from IR sensors.

    It's not possible to do in real life since IR-seeking missiles don't emit radiation until they are fired (visible, IR and UV emission from the rocket motor).


    Detection of such MANPADS is done by MAWS (Missile Approach Warning System), but not every aircraft has MAWS.

    AFAIK only Su-25T had it with the "Suhogruz" system, and the latest Su-25SM3 upgrades that have "Vitebsk". Our Su-25 still has the cockpit and avionics of the older Su-25. Some helicopters in RHS do have Vitebsk however.

    MAWS only made it to A-10A in RHS because the National Guard ran their own initiative to modify some A-10As to carry AN/AAR-47 in the last few years before the USAF was upgrading to A-10C. After which AN/AAR-47 was rolled in to the whole A-10C program. Most US helicopters have MAWS.

    So for those ingame flying the SU-25 they are pretty much SOL if they get shot at by a MANPAD since they can't detect it being locked on or fired?

  8. 4 hours ago, Lucasam said:

    I too am having these issues.  It started out randomly greying out the combat logistics, then progressed to always greying out to the point I don't even bother putting that module in anymore.  But now the c2 module is acting up when you go to select the players for tasks.


    I assumed it was a mod conflict, I run a TON of mods, but laptop does the same thing and it's vanilla aside from alive and cba.


    Here is what I learned about making Logistics work:

    • The AI Commander MUST have an objective (preferably mil if I remember) under his control. This can be seen by opening the Commander Tablet and going to Intel and selecting BLUFOR Commander and looking at your base. It should have several symbols saying "occupied" and the objective circles must be green / yellow.
    • The objective must also not come under attack. I set a blacklist zone around my base's TAOR just to be safe.
    • Make sure your faction is properly typed into the required fields for your modules. Sometimes copy and pasting causes a extra space.
    • If all this still does not work, do a very in depth mod isolation. Our community's modpack has a folder called "BFTMinor" that contains a lot of smaller mods. It took time but I realized TFAR ILBE Radio Packs were causing it for me (forgot to put TFAR on at one point but put BFTMinor on which caused an error regarding ILBE and it worked fine; but when I put TFAR on to fix the error, it caused my greyed logistics so I was able to find the culprit of my pain.
    • Like 1

  9. Not sure when I will get a response on the ALiVE Forums so I will also post it here:


    I will make this straight to the point because this has been quite annoying to fix so I thought I would ask here for help.


    I am currently making a insurgency / conflict on the map of Gunkizli with the African Militia as the insurgents, the RACS as an independent faction and the USMC. All three factions hate each other. Now to my questions.


    1.) Should the insurgents have a Civ Objective that places units across the map or just in a specific area and spread from there?


    2.) I noticed the RACS (Royal Army Corp of Sahrani) does not use it's helos for transport / logistics / CAS. Is there a way to make them use it more often? I already made custom groups for them too.


    3.) My player logistics is greyed out. I have a military logistics synced to the AI Commander and our base is an airfield with a custom military objective with a very high priority to insure it becomes a logistics hub. I also have the player combat logistics setup as well (Not synced to anything).


    4.) When I try to use tasks from the Commander Tablet, it gives me no ability to select a player and/or players to give the task to. It's all empty. What am I doing wrong? I got the C2 module setup (and have tried replacing it several times).
