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10 Good

About marcuskac

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    Private First Class

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  1. marcuskac

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    I like that people are giving feedback other than blindly praising the mod. There is room for improvement and I sincerely hope you will fill that room with more awesome stuff like the recent HMG sounds. Can't wait to see what the future will bring to this mod :) Still my favorite sound mod and I can't imagine playing Arma without it. With that said I hope you will look into the issues people posted above.
  2. marcuskac

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    Yeah, today on EUTW I was next to this infantry guy with an LMG (Zafir I think) and when he fired shots you could hear the echo sounds in the distance which sound like a Gatling gun when piled up. Kinda doesn't fit in, like I said before, if only a sound of one shot was played instead of dozen when a player shoots an LMG it would be ok and the sounds wouldn't stack up, if that is the issue here. (I have no experience with modding at all so I don't know what the issue might actually be) Thanks for trying though, the HMG sounds great in my opinion, we need this kind of distant battle sounds.
  3. marcuskac

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    I think I know what sound you mean, but I don't think its the Gatling gun, what it feels like is that the distant HMG ,or maybe in this case LMG, sound is played every time the weapon fires in the distance, if it would fire only once the sound is clear and it sounds awesome but as the player constantly fires, stops firing and so on, the sounds stack up and it sounds really bad, kinda like a Gatling gun but it's just a bunch of distant sounds stacked together. Sometimes the new, deeper HMG sounds even stack together, but it isn't as bad as this, this is more in the higher frequencies and more noticeable. Like the sounds are not only one shot but a sound of multiple continuous shots being fired (played) even though the player shoots only once. Would like to know what file I can delete to turn it off if there is no possible way to make the sound play only one shot when the player shoots only once, if that is even possible with this engine. Still not sure if it's only my problem. As for the real Gatling gun, it has the same problem in the distance (So does the Pawnee machine gun), when the player only fires one shot but the sound being played is much, much longer and doesn't sync with the shots fired but only gets played once and then stops after some time. (No stacking though) Maybe it's my problem for mixing SoS with JSRS: DF, I deleted some files from one I didn't need, that is the other mod got it better so I just removed the same sound files form the other mod.
  4. marcuskac

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Your nickname suits you.
  5. marcuskac

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    That distant machine gun...damn Nice job with this one, big size for a hotfix but I noticed new sounds right away.
  6. marcuskac

    Keyboard layout changes in multyplayer.

    Yeah but it seems like a weird problem, why is it so hard to resolve.
  7. marcuskac


    It just changes the color/saturation/brightness and a lot of other stuff to make the game colors look more vivid (depends on the settings of course) I use it all the time and whenever I turn it off I see how bleak the default game is. Could use some screens though as you can change lot's of settings and not all are the same.
  8. Any thoughts? I play Arma for a long time so when I stop, I have to use the different layout and sometimes I mix the keys up so it is a little annoying, any way to fix it?
  9. marcuskac

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    There is this minor annoyance when I hear more shots in the echo while I actually shoot one shot . (Vermin and Sting for example) It is only like that when I switch on full auto. Also, what .pbo file contains the sounds that are heard when a heli is firing in the distance (The minigun) and it is always long no matter how long the pilot/gunner is shooting the minigun
  10. I just gotta say, this is perfect! Good job, I love the sounds, they are not too loud so my ears are not ringing after every game but spot on, and I love the pop they make. Little issues with ADS sounds on the GM6 (Noise (kinda like metal vibrating at high frequency) after shooting while ADS) and the TRG-20 and TGR-21 EGLM (The sound while ADS is like too filled with Bass or something, it is not clear) (No issue with TGR-21), I believe those are the ones, just the sound is a bit weird when you shoot it while aiming down sights. Other ones are great. EDIT: I actually have a problem with most sounds when aiming down sights (They are distorted), but it is present only in surround (When i switch to it on my G35) so maybe it's just surround or just my headset.
  11. marcuskac

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    I'm more looking forward to the RC5 update for Dragonfyre, you never cease to get me hyped. This mod and Blastcore is what made me go back to Arma so please don't leave us. Don't stop working on this mod, it is something amazing and I am sad to hear that BIS is ignoring you even though you did so much for their game. They will never work as hard for their sounds as you did for yours, we appreciate that, and I can't imagine enjoying Arma without this mod after experiencing it.
  12. marcuskac

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Ok here are some screenshots. Not really anything distracting but it is strange, no other problems though.
  13. marcuskac

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    How do I fix the dots that I get when I throw a smoke grenade at closer range, anyone had that problem?
  14. marcuskac

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Is there a way to just disable the tank machinegun sound? (well the sound it's gunners machinegun makes for all vehicles in general) EDIT: It's ok i figured it out.
  15. marcuskac

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    Any way to disable the bomb whistle sound and that delays that are too much full of bass for my taste and are always too delayed no matter how close to the source? (I used the A-164) EDIT: Ok nevermind I fixed the issue, but still if someone knows how to disable bomb whistle it would be great.