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Everything posted by deliverator80

  1. deliverator80

    Make Arma Not War - Winners

    Oh no! Whatever shall we do!? Please, don't quit scripting!
  2. deliverator80

    Chessmaster's Wounding System

    Cool, thanks. I'm also noticing that the "You are dead." message doesn't seem to go away after one has died and respawned. I don't have any errors in the rpt regarding the "RscDeadQuote" class, so I'm not really sure why it wouldn't be working properly. Any ideas?
  3. deliverator80

    Chessmaster's Wounding System

    chessmaster42, I'm getting the following error thrown in my rpt files. I haven't tested to see if I get it in a vanilla mission with no mods running yet, but wondered if you (or anyone else, for that matter) had seen this particular error before? Error in expression <ide = _unit getVariable "cws_ais_side"; if(cws_ais_show_injury_message) then { [> Error position: <if(cws_ais_show_injury_message) then { [> Error if: Type Number, expected Bool Otherwise, great script! Thanks for your hard work!