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Everything posted by spyderblack723

  1. Hard to fix an issue that we can't reproduce. No testers or devs have reported any crashing. From this point of view, we have no reason to think ALiVE would be the cause of any crashing, any rpt logs are appreciated though.
  2. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    There is a way to do it, and I've made a few posts on it in the past. I'll try looking for them and linking them here. No guarantee it'll be fast though, been really busy lately.
  3. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    Yes. Like stu81 posted, modules are executed on all clients.
  4. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    Like HeroesandVillainsOS said, make sure you are using the hotfix from last night. I had accidentally made a typo that saved uniformItems twice in place of the vestItems. @HeroesandVillainsOS Here's how it should look https://gyazo.com/8656a11277a3f0d2a8778536e0d81c86 https://gyazo.com/53d84535a135324b8f3a807a4927346c
  5. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    There should be one called just "Game Logic". If you can't find it I'll post a picture when I'm home Thanks again Foxhound :)
  6. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    Small hotfix to fix a few outstanding issues and a few issues found after the release of last update Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8x2alhz5dxvx1o/SpyderAddons.rar?dl=0 Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=579263829 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Feb 2 @ 7:41 pm Changelog - [All] Fixed error on module init (isDisposable) - [All] Fixed RscButton sound errors - [misc] Config improvements - [sup_loadout] Fixed emply entries in loadout display - [sup_loadout] Fixed typo in saveLoadout function - [sup_loadout] changed addUniform to forceAddUniform to allow loading of enemy-side uniforms - [amb_ambiance] Optimized for long term missions - [amb_ambiance] Enemy groups will stay civilians until they choose to act aggressively - [mil_insurgency] Hid module (functions still accessible) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    Yeah, one for each area
  8. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    The insurgency module is WIP and probably doesn't do what you think, I left it in so scripters could make use of the functions it provides, I need to remove the module part of it so it is not visible. Go to the create a unit screen, change the side to "Logic". Find Game Logic within those subfactions. Place that "unit" to the place you want ambiance to exist, and sync it to the ambiance module. -- I'll release a small hotfix today to fix some issues with the loadout manager
  9. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    There's no data being persisted on my side, so there is no effect on SP saving from this mod.
  10. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    Just realized I forgot to use forceAddUniform for the loadout manager meaning it will not load any uniforms that belong to your side when loading classes (oops). Will release a hotfix soon within a day
  11. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    Shall not be forgotten this time ;) https://github.com/SpyderBlack723/SpyderAddons/issues/9
  12. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    Key features of this update: - Loadout manager has received a complete rework and now includes many new features such as creating folders to store loadouts. It also improves upon existing features, definitely check it out. Images can be found on the steam workshop page. - Search feature in civilian interaction has been reworked to work more similar to the standard vanilla search system Recently I remembered I had changed my aspect ratio to a custom one that fitted my liking. Well I forgot that also impacts how my menus looked as they were designed for a non-standard aspect ratio, I would like to fix this in the future. As I reworked the Loadout Manager I realized that pretty much all of my other modules could do with a nice update to bring them up to a better standard. As things progress I'll probably iterate through modules and give them an overhaul. Please let me know if you encounter any bugs (specifically civilian interaction as I merged a WIP and stable version together at the last second for release) and I will try to fix them as quick as possible. Note: I will work on creating the scripted version over the next week, I did not want to hold up the main release. I will also attempt to add to the wiki located here so that users can get a better understanding of how the mod works. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Jan 31 @ 8:21pm Changelog - [sup_loadout] Reworked entirely - [x_lib] Added fnc_displayNotification - [civ_interact] Reworked search system to work similar to the vanilla search system - [civ_interact] Refactored code in prepartion for future rework - [sup_recruit] Added code parameter that runs on unit spawn - [sup_vehiclespawn] Added code parameter that runs on vehicle spawn - [civ_interact] Made civilian names persistent through despawn (Currently persists through death as well. Will be fixed in future) - [amb_ambiance] Can now sync Game Logics to module to define custom locations - [general] Replaced ALiVE functions with CBA functions in modules that don't require ALiVE (oops) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=579263829 Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8x2alhz5dxvx1o/SpyderAddons.rar?dl=0 Links on frontpage updated
  13. spyderblack723

    Spyder Addons

    Missed this question, sorry. Hopefully this will fix itself with the newest loadout manager as it's more precise in what it saves (was missing a few things such as secondary weapon items). If it's still present after release let me know. Hopefully a new release within the error unless a bug presents itself.
  14. This might be a case of the enemy commander sending in existing cas units to deal with the armor. Tell your mission makers to go through all placement military placement modules and disable spawning of air units.
  15. ALiVE can be used in that manner, you might just have to test around and see if it's exactly what you want. For other possible solutions, HETMAN AI commander may also work, I've never used it but I think it may be meant for smaller-size scenarios (once again, complete assumption).
  16. spyderblack723

    need help with Zeus - make Zeus faction sided

    Can't say, never really messed with Zeus much Looking at.. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Curator#Manual Specifically this section myCurator addEventHandler [ "CuratorObjectRegistered", { _classes = _this select 1; _costs = []; { _cost = if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {[true,0.1]} else {[false,0]}; // Show only objects of type "Man", hide everything else _costs = _costs + [_cost]; } forEach _classes; // Go through all classes and assign cost for each of them _costs } ]; You might be able to look through the side of each _classes and remove them if they are not of side west (or whichever side)
  17. spyderblack723

    need help with Zeus - make Zeus faction sided

    It'll work fine with ALiVE I set up a quick mission to test (BLU_F vs OPF_F) Just execute this code in the debug console http://pastebin.com/raw/ipufnZBm Just change "west" in this snippet to whatever side you want the curator to be able to edit if !((side _x) == west) then { Once you can confirm this is working though, I would recommend switching back to an EH instead of looping every 10s
  18. spyderblack723

    need help with Zeus - make Zeus faction sided

    He's trying to do this in an ALiVE environment which automatically add's units created by ALiVE to the curator list. So to bend it to that context, just edit the code to only remove units of the undesired sides.
  19. Try spawning a regular unit in the editor (no modules). If you still can't see the model then it might be an issue with the units.
  20. That's it, I just couldn't remember the exact name
  21. Supply boxes aren't guaranteed to spawn, one time they may spawn, the next they may not. To access the gear inside crates called it via logistics, you must enable ALIVE player logistics in the ALIVE menu. Then there should be an action on the crate to unload it. @rainque Try enabling ALIVE Profile Markers. This can be done by opening the ALIVE app key menu and navigating to Virtual AI System >> Mark profiles
  22. Don't be silly, I don't actually finish them ;)
  23. You should never sync the actual OPCOM modules together, but the OPCOM modules to the opposing side's placement modules. What this does is make the objectives created by those placement modules know to the commander they are synced to. A commander won't attack any objectives that aren't synced to him because he is not aware they even exist. For my asymm missions, I prefer to sync the security force's placement modules to the asymmetric commander so that the asymmetric commander is aware of and will attack those objectives. I do prefer keep the asymm commander's objectives secret from the security forces so that they do not have too strong of an advantage by knowing where the insurgents are operating at. It's mostly up to your preference though.
  24. The main post is behind due to Wolffy being gone. Asymmetric warfare is fully released (but open to improvements). It is not it's own module but instead can be enjoyed by enabling options is existing modules, ex. Turn opcom behavior to asymmetric, sync the IED and CQB modules to the commander, setup the rest of the modules as you would normally, and you're ready to go.