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About TugeX

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  1. I noticed this too just by looking the screenshots. A little bit too much green tint. Other than that it looks amazing!
  2. TugeX

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Who are you referring to with "we"? +1
  3. I have no technical knowledge about sounds but other than that, I find this to be already the best soundmod, with your current samples. Closest thing to reality and that is what I'm after. It's almost sad that the vanilla sounds are the best there are currently, combined with Laxemanns reverbs (thank you for those LA). I'm going to follow this with great interest.
  4. Well that was fast, nice to see such a great support :) Anyway I learned where my issue is, I'm trying to use HAC and FAW hand to hand and it seems HAC overwrites the variables? Artillery is not in HAC control but still without it FAW works fine. HAC didn't have variables to control the artillery so precisely like FAW does, which is why I tried to use both. So does the same vars work straight with HAC or is it impossible to combine the best parts of each script?
  5. This seems like a great script, however, it seems the config variables do not work (script version 1.3). I tried with grad_RU and 2b14_82mm. They do fire properly but confgis somehow have no effect on firerate, salvo shell amount, 1/2 phase fire mission or anything. Always 6 rounds with first one being spotting round, firerate fastest possible. I tried to look the code too but couldn't find any obvious errors. Basically I define the variables and start the FAW.sqf after those, like supposed to. I'd appreciate any confirmation if it's just me failing or what :confused: .
  6. Thank you, grpNull did the trick and it suits my needs the best. However {_x=grpNull} forEach [grp1,grp2,...] did not work (_x undefined) and I have now defined each group separately as grpNull (~80 groups). There must be a more simple(=short) way to do that.
  7. First I check the amount of players, then spawn in base amount of AI groups and depending on the number of players some additional AI groups are spawned. After that I define config variables for HAC and assing correct groups to LeaderHQ's. RydHQC_Included = []; {if (!isNull _x) then {RydHQC_Included = RydHQC_Included + [_x]};} forEach [HQCgrpSF1,HQCgrpSF2,HQCgrpSF3,HQCgrp1,..]; The code gives errors of _x not defined, which, I believe means it still tries to add groups that don't exist to the RydHQ_Included array. !isNull check was supposed to ignore groups that were not spawned. I spawn the groups like this: HQBgrpSF4 = [getMarkerPos "Bsf4", east, ["RUS_Soldier_TL","RUS_Soldier_GL","RUS_Soldier_GL","RUS_Soldier1","RUS_Soldier1"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
  8. My bad, I was defining groups to be excluded/included like this: //RydHQC_Included = []; //{if (!isNil _x) then {RydHQC_Included = RydHQC_Included + [_x]};} forEach ["HQCgrpSF1","HQCgrpSF2","HQCgrpSF3","HQCgrp1",...]; which was obviously wrong, but RydHQC_Included = []; {if (!isNull _x) then {RydHQC_Included = RydHQC_Included + [_x]};} forEach [HQCgrpSF1,HQCgrpSF2,HQCgrpSF3,HQCgrp1,..]; does not work the way I want to. Any ideas what to change or some other method how to add groups to the array if they exist?
  9. I'm getting a bunch of Errors in RPT while testing MP mission by hosting it myself. However these errors did NOT happen while testing only in the editor. Basically I have 3 leaders (LeaderHQ,LeaderHQB,LeaderHQC) and correspondive Front area triggers named properly. In case 1 HQA initialized correctly but the other 2 did not. In case 2 not even the HQA did initialize. Case 1: This happened when there was no enemy to the AI, only me as an civilian observer. "Commander A (OTHER) - Recklessness: 1 Consistency: 1 Activity: 1 Reflex: 1 Circumspection: 0.2 Fineness: 0.5" "Morale A (OTHER): 0 - losses: 0 percent (0)" "Commander A (OTHER) - Recklessness: 1 Consistency: 1 Activity: 1 Reflex: 1 Circumspection: 0.2 Fineness: 0.5" Error in expression <QB_CInitial = RydHQB_CInitial + (count (units _x)) } foreach RydHQB_Friends + [R> Error position: <units _x)) } foreach RydHQB_Friends + [R> Error units: Type String, expected Object,Group "Commander A (OTHER) - Recklessness: 1 Consistency: 1 Activity: 1 Reflex: 1 Circumspection: 0.2 Fineness: 0.5" Error in expression <(RydHQB_KnowTL) then { { if (isPlayer (leader _x)) then {_players = _players + > Error position: <leader _x)) then {_players = _players + > Error leader: Type String, expected Object,Group,Team member Case 2: I was on the AI's enemy side "Commander A (OTHER) - Recklessness: 1 Consistency: 1 Activity: 1 Reflex: 1 Circumspection: 0.2 Fineness: 0.5" Error in expression <hicle ((units _x) select _a); { if ((_x knowsAbout _enemyU) >= 0.05) exitwith {> Error position: <knowsAbout _enemyU) >= 0.05) exitwith {> Error knowsabout: Type String, expected Object,Side,Group There was also error of deleting waypoints of the groups, but I just commented the script part out since I spawn in fresh groups which don't have any. All errors seem to be "Error X: Type String, expected Object,Side,Group".