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About 25thInfantryVietnam

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  1. 25thInfantryVietnam

    25th Infantry Division - Vietnam Realism/MilSim | Unsung 3.0

    Unsung Delta Update The 25th Infantry Division has updated to Unsung's Delta patch. With such, several new operations have been planned. Shermanator, too, has become a weekend regular, and new videos have been put forth. You may find them on his youtube channel. Our December Recruitment Video is up. It may be found below.
  2. Squad name: 25th Infantry Division Timezone/location : US, AUS, & EU Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Both Contact email: N/A Website address: www.25thid.us Short description: Founded by former command from the famous 82nd Airborne for I44 (c. 2012), the 25th ID wishes to continue the aggrandization of historical MilSim, and tactical, coordinated, and simulated environments during the Vietnam War. Language: English
  3. 25thInfantryVietnam

    25th Infantry Division - Vietnam Realism/MilSim | Unsung 3.0

    Operations with Shermanator In recent days, the 25th Infantry Division has invited Shermanator to attend our operations. With joy and good fun, he has attended, and began to produce videos at the behest of the unit from his view. These videos can be found below. The 25th Infantry Division is still openly recruiting. To join today, visit us at www.25thid.us Veteran's Day Tribute
  4. Unsung Vietnam War MilSim ArmA 3 Page: https://units.arma3.com/unit/25th Teamspeak: airassault101.ts.nfoservers.com Website: http://www.25thid.us Founded by the aforementioned command personnel from the esteemed 82nd Airborne Division, the 25th ID ties in veterans, military enthusiasts, and active duty personnel alike for a unique, historical, and engaging experience. Officially opening in early October of 2016, the 25th prides itself in a history of excellence, dedicative efficiency, and extraordinary cohesiveness. As per other delegated information might suggest, the 25th Infantry Division for Unsung 3.0 strives to provide a dedicated recreational platform for historical military simulation. This ties in battlefield ethos, edictum, and training, into one, with a coordinated infrastructure and command element providing directives for junior enlisted. Seriousness is imperative, as with our previous renditions of historical simulation and/or virtual reenactment, and members will be addressed of appropriate customs, courtesies, and interactions to help enhance immersion and cohesiveness. However, fun, is tantamount to this. With the nature of the Vietnam War, members of the 25th Infantry Division often find themselves corresponding between air and ground elements to conduct mission objectives. Air-Assault is key, with emphasis on the utilization of transport birds such as the UH-1 'Bell' Huey. Members may join the Rotary detachment of the air-wing immediately upon entering into the unit, should slots be open. Due to the acquisition of a dedicated server, the 25th hosts a variety of missions and operations, ranging from official to unofficial, involving things as menial as speaking to civilians, or as intense as defending an outpost from NVA onslaught. The time and dates for these vary, however, items and events takeplace throughout the week, with official operations more likely than not; taking place on Saturday. To better delegate and inform subordinates of topics of information that may need to be discussed, trainings happen on the norm, ranging from learning mod functionalities to combat maneuvers, so the unit may effectively perform mission tasks and designated assignments. With catering to schedules in play, the 25th requires no activity other than what you wish to provide. However, as with other units, leadership roles will only be filled by those whom are able - or wish to - commit to them. Members may join other units so long as they are not malicious, or take place during or utilizing the Unsung modification for their platform. One might find in the ranks of the 25th, an assorted array of US veterans, active duty personnel, and other service members from foreign nations - as well as one or two individuals whose family served with the actual 25th. It is our duty to maintain a polished representation of this historical rendition of the 25th Infantry Division, in tribute and honor of those whom filled her ranks in the real world, may it be present day or in the mountains of Korea/Vietnam. WE ARE LOOKING FOR LEADERS - ACTIVE IN ALL TIMEZONES Former unit leader? Real life military experience? Looking to get back into the swing of things? We can help. Currently, the 25th ID, whilst rising in members, has a 'command work load distribution' issue. If you would like to 'have-a-go' at leadership, please, feel free to contact any of our senior ranking command staff officials, http://www.steamcommunity.com/id/EmperorTrajan in particular. To qualify, you MUST be willing to:Contribute to your environment Lead, host, and organize missions and trainings throughout the week Deviate duties to subordinates Recruit Accustom one's self to managerial duties, 'paperwork', and otherwise 'menial' tasking. Primarily, the goal is to find people who will truly be willing to 'earn their keep'. We've lots of PLAYERS, we're looking for LEADERS. Mods include:TFAR ACE UNSUNG APEX(no pop-ups, but required for foliage) CBA Teamspeak airassault101.ts.nfoservers.com See you on the LZ!
  5. 1stmarinesrealism.webs.com Created for ArmA 2's Hell in the Pacific mod on November 30th, 2012, the 1st Marines strive to be the best and most well disciplined unit for Hell in the Pacific. Utilizing ACRE and the HiP mod itself, 1/1 Emulates realism at it's premium, putting you in the shoes of a Marine in the 1940s. We offer many different MOS and job opportunities, however, to reach those goals you must strive to be the most prominent and efficient. OUR MISSION Here in the 1st Marines, our mission is not only to emulate the warriors of the 2nd World War, but to build individual skills, such as discipline, confidence, integrity, and respect. OUR STANDARDS Our standards in the 1st Marines are unique and challenging. Not only do they provide a realism stance, but they also help build confidence in yourself and the leadership of others, and overall, team building. EVENTS Eventually, we would like to schedule public events with members of ArmA 2's community. However, historical missions and operations are planned to be our main campaign, following the footsteps of the real 1st Marine Regiment. For more information on the unit, visit our website below. INFORMATION Teamspeak: Website(WIP): 1stmarinesrealism.webs.com Questions or concerns? Visit our teamspeak today!