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About ninjafalcon

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  1. Ok so I have the script working and I'm going to leave the final code here for anyone else who has trouble with it. Free free to copy it into your missions and edit it for your own uses! Init.sqf NFC_fnc_fmwp = {apcwp = foxtroitOne addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; onMapSingleClick ''; true;}; Script alphaOneChat sideChat "Foxtroit, this is Alpha lead. I need you to provide support. Over."; sleep 10; foxtroitOneChat sideChat "Rogar that Alpha, send us the cordinates of where you need our support. Over."; hint "Select on the map where you want foxtroit to support."; private "_fsid"; _fsid = ["fs", "onMapSingleClick", "NFC_fnc_fmwp"] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; //onMapSingleClick "apcwp = foxtroitOne addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; onMapSingleClick ''; true;"; sleep 5; apcwp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; apcwp setWaypointType "SENTRY"; foxtroitOne setCurrentWaypoint apcwp; sleep 5; foxtroitOneChat sideChat "cordinates recieved, moving to assiest. Out."; private "_removefsid"; _removefsid = [_fsid, "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; Also thanks for the help Lappihuan. :D
  2. I don't have it precompiled that may be the entire issue then with the undefined variable. I'm extremely new to scripting and this is by far the most complex I've ever gotten on a script.
  3. There is a lot of spelling mistakes within my variables but everything matches up correctly, going to go back though and fix them after I have it functional. Thanks again for the help! :D
  4. Oh, sorry about that, its not recognizing the waypoint variable apcwp when it gets to setting its properties at line 15. It's saying its undefined, but doesn't say anything about the earlier code having any issues so I'm unsure whats causing it to not be undefined when the stacked handler is called.
  5. So I have this now still facing some problems so if anyone can help I would be very thankful! BIS_fnc_fmwp = {"apcwp = foxtroitOne addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; onMapSingleClick ''; true;";}; alphaOneChat sideChat "Foxtroit, this is Alpha lead. I need you to provide support. Over."; sleep 10; foxtroitOneChat sideChat "Rogar that Alpha, send us the cordinates of where you need our support. Over."; hint "Select on the map where you want foxtroit to support."; private "_fsid"; _fsid = ["fs", "onMapSingleClick", "BIS_fnc_fmwp"] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; //onMapSingleClick "apcwp = foxtroitOne addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; onMapSingleClick ''; true;"; apcwp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; apcwp setWaypointType "SENTRY"; foxtroitOne setCurrentWaypoint apcwp; sleep 5; foxtroitOneChat sideChat "cordinates recieved, moving to assiest. Out."; private "_removefsid"; _removefsid = [_fsid, "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
  6. I did happen upon that, was hoping that it was only needed for more complex scripts. Thanks for the quick reply I'll go look into that now. If anyone could show me a simple example of that code in use with onMapSingleClick it would be much appreciated!
  7. So in a mission I want a squad leader to be able to move his transport anywhere he wants for it to provide support using onMapSingleClick So far i've searched for a few days off and on and adjusted my script a few times and can't get it to work. I have it activated VIA radio alpha with the activation line being nul = execVM "foxtroitSupport.sqf"; Heres the Script alphaOneChat sideChat "Foxtroit, this is Alpha lead. I need you to provide support. Over."; sleep 10; foxtroitOneChat sideChat "Rogar that Alpha, send us the cordinates of where you need our support. Over."; hint "Select on the map where you want foxtroit to support."; onMapSingleClick "apcwp = foxtroitOne addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; onMapSingleClick ''; true;"; apcwp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; apcwp setWaypointType "SENTRY"; foxtroitOne setCurrentWaypoint apcwp; sleep 5; foxtroitOneChat sideChat "cordinates recieved, moving to assiest. Out."; Side Note, I have a group of two crew one engineer placed into an empty apc at the start so the code is adding a waypoint to those three don't know if that may be affecting it.
  8. On the dev branch they just added steam workshop support would be cool to see your mission there so it could auto update :D
  9. Love the mission! thanks for making it, and updating it so much :)
  10. Is there a way to have the script run on all the ai I have in a mission without having to name all the ai and manually putting them into the NORRN_player_units? Also want to avoid using the playableunits option as well as I don't want the player to be able to switch to enemy ai. Only recently started to use this script and it has just been making my missions fantastic!