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Everything posted by dr_strangepete

  1. add them to your dialog definition, in the scope of the control you want it applied to (there is also an example second-up from the bottom of the UI Event Handlers page): class dsp_dialog_weatherApply: RscButton { idc = 1601; onMouseButtonClick = "_this call dsp_fnc_diag_weatherApply"; ... or, if you need to add one later, or for dynamically added button, you can use ctrlAddEventHandler (assuming you know the control by that point) @zapat, haha, i didn't even think of that, even tho i pasted it, lol...
  2. according to DialogControls-Buttons (wiki), no that information is not passed in action via this (i haven't a moment to check if that is vaild for A3) but, you could always use a onMouseButtonClick User Interface Event Handler which will pass the control info. or, if you use Macros (see: Preprocessor Commands) for your IDCs, you can add an additional variable passed in your action line which is just a macro name, at runtime it will pass the IDC used everywhere else
  3. dr_strangepete

    Can't modify official vehicle configs

    try setting requiredAddons; the game is likely loading your mod prior to the official one, which is why its written over: class CfgPatches { class myMod { requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Armor_F", "A3_Armor_F_EPC_MBT_01"}; .... those are just two i had used while changing the names for the Slammer and Panther; i didn't check which addon the wipeout* is from.
  4. Sweet! Nice work. Maybe i'll start playing around with a 'Papers, Please' mod :D
  5. well the GUI editor seems to export a limited set of parent defines (by design or bug...) and fails to include the parent scrollbar class, among some others. I'm not sure if this affects every single player, but i've certainly seen this issue for awhile
  6. I guess i forgot how conditions work - they allow or prevent the completion of the current activated waypoint. so if you have a single waypoint elsewhere with a condition, the heli will still fly there first, -then- wait until the condition. What you can do (worked for me in a test mission), set a first MOVE waypoint directly ontop of your heli with your ^^condition, then have your second MOVE-destination waypoint after. The heli won't start up until the first waypoint's condition is true Reference: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Waypoints Didn't see F2kSel's reply - what he said :)
  7. Try inheriting from the scrollbar defined in RscListNBox: class RscListNBox { class ListScrollBar : ScrollBar {}; //this is exactly how its done in the game base config .... if your control shows funky scrollbars, or you expect icons, you can always predefine this parent (outside of the 'class Rsc____' blocks) class ScrollBar { color[]={1,1,1,0.60000002}; colorActive[]={1,1,1,1}; colorDisabled[]={1,1,1,0.30000001}; thumb="\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa"; arrowEmpty="\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa"; arrowFull="\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa"; border="\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa"; shadow=0; scrollSpeed=0.059999999; width=0; height=0; autoScrollEnabled=0; autoScrollSpeed=-1; autoScrollDelay=5; autoScrollRewind=0; }; then inherit directly from this^ class RscListNBox { class ScrollBar : ScrollBar {}; class ListScrollBar : ScrollBar {}; ..... if you want to see the actual configs the game uses for reference or comparison (or just curiosity), you can open up A3/ui_f/config.bin (you'll have to BankRev, then CfgConvert to get the config.cpp)
  8. simply add the colorDisabled[] property to your definition, it appears to be missing: class RscListNBox { colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.25}; //value from config viewer in-game etc..... if that doesn't work, try to copy the error word for word or screenshot please
  9. clearWeaponCargo wiki page says that its Arguments are Global, but Effects are Local, meaning that it will only work on the computer where executed. You are looking for: clearWeaponCargoGlobal which has Global Arguments & Effects - designed for MP. You'll need to pay close attention to those icons while scripting to ensure you are executing code on the proper computer. But like previously said, short of actual code, its hard to tell whats breaking where, all i can say is that its likely fixable. Don't give up! ---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:50 ---------- you'll also want: clearMagazineCargoGlobal and addWeaponCargoGlobal
  10. dr_strangepete

    Custom Respawn Loadouts' Uniforms

    using entries copied from what you linked, i was able to reproduce what you said originally, except in my case, changing uniform to uniformClass did fix the problem, and the unit respawned with the kit and uniform you supplied. When you tested with 'uniformClass', is it possible you forgot to cleanly reload the mission before testing? i only mention it because i pulled the same thing a few times while testing :) fyi, i am running A3 Stable branch. i'll gladly pack up what i have so you can test if it works properly on your end (maybe corrupt data?)
  11. dr_strangepete

    Custom Respawn Loadouts' Uniforms

    Sorry, i forgot, the example is hidden in a 'spoiler' text within the "Menu Inventory" listing just below do you mind sharing the parent classes of what you posted/have included via hpp (just the tree, not everything). I'll try to replicate locally. silly question, you're not trying to apply a Blufor uniform to an opfor player? if so that might require forceAddUniform. I edited it out of my original answer, but i have limited respawn loadout experience, but i guess i'm gonna learn today :)
  12. dr_strangepete

    Custom Respawn Loadouts' Uniforms

    edit: misread original post...according to Arma 3 Respawn wiki it should be uniformClass where do you have 'class rifleman_west' written? is it within the CfgRespawnInventory block in description.ext?
  13. simply splitting up the configs doesn't do anything except for organization. they still all need to be #included in the config.cpp one issue to look out for: i noticed while trying out your original example, that for me, Addon Builder isn't including the functions folder nor the sqf file into the pbo (extension -is- whitelisted). After binarizing and packing, files like sqf are visible and readable in the pbo if view in a text editor, but for some reason the folder isn't making it into the pbo. That aside, separately binarizing and packing a pbo using Eliteness (folders & sqf definitely included, confirmed), didn't seem to eliminate the error. nor any usual combo of root folder definitions. I'll try to find one of my older practice addons that worked fine, scratching my head as to why its not working... Have you seen or given this a thorough read? [url=https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_(Arma_3)#Adding_a_Functionhttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_(Arma_3)#Adding_a_Function
  14. Giallustio is correct, multilingual support - dialogs, scripts, anything. When merging, as long as xml blocks are not broken, the key structures, and key placement are arbitrary For reference: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Stringtable.xml
  15. dr_strangepete

    Place minefield task

    I think the error is the 50 and 1 are swapped....as I'm reading above, you are waiting until 50 AT mines spawn within 1m of the marker location.
  16. dr_strangepete

    Get road type?

    lol no worries, i was hoping i simply missed something everybody else knew :)
  17. dr_strangepete

    Get road type?

    Do you have a suggestion how to do that? because, like i was saying, its a hardcoded object, for which there are no configs, or classnames. typeOf seems to only return "" for nearestroad segments (as is expected, having no class name)
  18. grumpy, disregard me...going to bed :)
  19. dr_strangepete

    Get road type?

    Problem with nearRoads, as you are experiencing, is that the search radius only applies to the center point of each road segment, not the road itself. Unless the radius is set large enough to encompass the center points of two road segments at any given time (like 25m or so), you'll end up flip-flopping an empty array. What i would like to see is either IsOnRoad return an optional array with both the boolean & road type); a separate command for roadType (meh); or allow typeOf to return a class or p3d name instead of "" - as road segments are objects, but with no configs, so no classname is associated. I have a sneaking suspicion that surfaceType won't be able to return a road type, for the same reason it won't identify a helo pad: both are overlays, and independent of the terrain surface (afair). Perhaps, if the game at minimum returned the road type as part of the object model string for nearRoads (instead of only an object id#) we could at least combine the logic of isonroad == true, near 'Asphalt' segment...probably asphalt.
  20. ...Just not here :) This discussion needs to move to the correct forum, being grossly offtopic : ARMA 3 Servers & Administration
  21. dr_strangepete

    flag picture path?

    you can find quite a few already in-game, in addition to the standard factions: Large: a3/Data_F/Flags Map Icons: a3/ui_f/data/map/markers/flags
  22. can you please share the code you are using? cause i'm testing fnc_spawnvehicle right now and it works fine, and support for helicopterrtd sim is in the function (check the code in the func viewer). I did notice that the pilots take aggressive actions to 'return to formation' at times, but at no point did the chopper spawn with no, or too little power...spawnvehicle is essentially just a front end for createVehicle array [[(getpos player select 0),(getpos player select 1),25],0,"B_Heli_Transport_03_F",(group player)] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
  23. ^^ what Grumpy & Das Said. either use createVehicle (wiki), or in 'insert unit' in the editor set 'special' to 'flying'. if its set to flying engines will be entirely spooled up...never had an issue with that before; +just tried it in the editor now, works fine
  24. A little more info would be helpful. What are you experiencing, what are you expecting, and whats in the rpt?
  25. dr_strangepete

    Loading settings from external files?

    if you are planning on using a config for your data, your config.cpp can include a file from the mod directory, same way as you would with \userconfig (you won't be able to binarize with this include, it has to find the file at runtime) #include "\@my_mod\settings.hpp" by using the slash, you define the root folder, and the @ is necessary to access the actual folder (where as #include "my_mod\settings.hpp" w/o '/@' refers to addon space, and the file won't be found unless included in the pbo) scripts can do the thing, by referring to the file directly, execVM "\@my_mod\somesqf.sqf"; or have the script auto-run, for example: class CfgFunctions { class MY { class myCategory { class myInit { file = "\@my_mod\somesqf.sqf"; preInit = 1; Limitations are primarily security, or lack there of by allowing user sqf; also, by using '/@my_mod', you'll need to ensure the directory is placed and named correctly, or it will CTD. I'd go with included configs over sqf