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Everything posted by dr_strangepete

  1. dr_strangepete

    Variable is changing itself

    As good measure, try adding private ["_unit", ...etc] declarations to your scripts at the top. It seems possible variables are leaking through (for example _unit is used in both the code above and messageTo) This script is quite layered, you are further calling cse_fnc_sendDisplayInformationTo i see, could that be the source of trouble? It sounds like the meat of your function. You might want to consider adding debugging code throughout your whole script dumping all variables at every stage, every line, and compare step by step, loop by loop; the painful way. Its difficult to help on this end when there is apparently more going on than just the front ends shown.
  2. dr_strangepete

    uavHacker usage?

    i'm not sure you could change this any other way than a mod, as you are trying to change core game config...short of BI adding an actual scripting command (a singular 'hackUav' command would be nice) the mod way would be: config.cpp class CfgPatches { class hackerSchool { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.26; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All { uavHacker = 1; }; }; pack & binarize in addon builder, then throw the pbo in a @yourmod/addons folder. downside of course being that all your friends need it too (not as big a deal anymore)
  3. there is a module in the editor you can use, under the 'effects' category - fire. you can play with the values to make a big fire, etc....there are also BIS functions you can find the function viewer, also in the category 'Effects', if you want access to the backend scripting
  4. and you're absolutely sure that the memory points 'usti hlavne' & 'konec hlavne' are grouped with the memory point 'otocHlaven'? such that if you start with no points highlighted, and you click only on 'otocHlaven', the memorypoints for usti & konec highlight too?
  5. dr_strangepete

    Variable is changing itself

    [edit] on second thought, i'm not really sure whats going on....sorry....perhaps including the TDC_fnc_messageTo function would help. could it be leaking variables when run?
  6. dr_strangepete

    Dynamic Missions || Need Help

    there are multiple methods (editor; scripting; both), you'd need to be more specific on what you are trying to accomplish. i'd suggest writing out a plan and a flow chart of what you want, and when...break it down into smaller, manageable pieces. then we can help you figure out 'how'.
  7. dr_strangepete

    uavHacker usage?

    uavHacker is defined in configs, currently it is uavHacker = 0 in the parent CfgVehicles >> All, and B_soldier_UAV_F (and other UAV units) define uavHacker = 1 edit; just for thread reference: From the July Dev branch changelog: it sounds like just being that unit class will allow what you want. i haven't a moment to try it out
  8. i had encountered this myself, although i don't know if its the same cause; in my case, i needed to select none, then reselect the points for the selection, and use 'redefine' in the rt-click menu. i often found oxygen to be flaky in saving my memorypoint selections, and did this often to ensure everything stayed grouped. now, when you say, "... aiming point (where the rounds actually land)", do you mean the (virtual) 'barrel' doesn't rotate either? just the model of the turret moves?
  9. disclaimer - very much so a work in progress! NBS Mantis C-RAM a little sneak peak at what i've been working on - video shows AI gunners in control (they can't handle the turret speed well), but automatic artillery tracking is working too (rough turret transitions). its modular in the fact that the turret and slew can be easily attached to any base mount static or vehicle - in the video is a proof-of-concept naval platform the system will get its 35mm airburst cannon and companion radar setup initially when finished, and in time other components and weapon platforms should be turn-key. if i get the hang of this all, i'd like to do a few other c-ram's too all and all its quite a ways out...but feeling positive; thanks nouber for getting me in the right direction!
  10. dr_strangepete

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Check your bank account :) it was like $90
  11. dr_strangepete

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    :D so did i its the principle for me. and in reality i care far less than my typed-out words may make it seem. The fact is that their business is driven by customer demand. if we don't demand it, they won't make it :) In the end, dissent will only serve to help improve the game and BI.
  12. dr_strangepete

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    You guys are not seeing the difference between whining and -speaking up-, it'd be barely an issue if it were a free dlc "Thanks for dealing with all the shit this past year, heres a popsicle" We get to voice our displeasure. How else would BI get to know? Guess? KARTz fans (all 150) cheered loudly April 1st, so BI listened (friendly enough) - was that representative of the wants and needs of the tens of thousands of Arma 3 players? Doubtful. Take a look at the Feedback Tracker, perhaps in the 'Feature Request' category. Then do a search for 'karts' - in ANY category. This is not what players wanted, by any amount. Its not about 'entitlement', or not allowing developers to work on their own projects - its about players who have patiently supported, defended, and assisted a product which they believed in - putting up with any number of issues that would be considered unacceptable in most games - speaking out. We had turned a blind eye to so many things, because we love Arma. Its hard for players not to take it personally (the same way you take it personally when we disagree) All thats being asked is next time for BI to give more consideration to what their customers actually wanted - A civilian vehicle pack would have been a more appropriate choice, for example. They sold a mil-sim* sandbox, so you don't get to call us whiners when we expect what we bought. Its an infantry shooter. We had every right to expect bundled, paid content to be atleast in the same category as the game that was sold. And as a customer you get that voice; As a supporter I get that voice. On a positive note, i've found much enjoyment from the karts explosive properties, and look forward to ambushing unsuspecting karters :D
  13. dr_strangepete

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    i gotta chime in....ok, kartz are unique, and they are trying to keep the player base interested... but MY issue, is with these: * BI has repeatedly emphasised that Arma 3 is mainly an infantry shooter - That was the excuse given for poor Helicopter dynamics, and low detail vehicles (no interiors), among much missing content, and a peppery list of decisions they made surrounding that definition. * Its the First (edit: ) *paid* DLC - for a shooter - it shows BI it not listening to its fanbase, while further alienating those who already felt arma 3 had a korny start. * If it took so little time, and so little developer effort: - why does it cost money? - where are all the other little things people have been begging for, for well over a year? * If its only a 'Trial Run DLC' - again, why does it cost money (or give all that money to charity) - this should be free. you all know it. I'm happy -for- the people that are happy getting mariokart, but personally i'm disappointed. Of all the things they could have released... (i'll bet it wasn't on -any- of your wishlists prior to april 1st, and a tiny minority afterwards) my humble opinion. EDIT: didn't see the part about red-cross. atleast thats honorable (although they don't say what percent...)
  14. dr_strangepete

    BIS_fnc_kbTell how to?

    this was a pm i sent to Kiku, and didn't post because its vague and barely confirmed...
  15. dr_strangepete

    Getting infinite loading screens

    The tabbing makes this appear confusing, especially out of context... would you infact want the sleep in the forEach or the While? or both? (i'm not at all familiar with what fnc_aliveInit does, or how often it should be called.) while {true} do { /* { missing opening bracket for forEach */ if (side _x == OPF_F) then { nul = [[this], 'fnc_aliveInit', true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 5; /*16 players will take 80 seconds to iterate through this*/ }; } forEach allUnits; // sleep here? /* } missing While closing bracket */ just noticed it looked odd as written, thats all
  16. dr_strangepete

    Squad.xml Problem

    The wiki mentions only using A-Z 0-9 characters in the <squad nick="">, try removing the accented character. also ensure that the member nick's are typed exactly as each players profile name is set short of that, not sure what else...deleting the existing squad data in their AppData/Local/Arma 3/Squads folder to ensure a fresh try
  17. dr_strangepete

    Squad.xml Problem

    i just was able to load your squad.xml, but i get a 404 not found for your 'mod.paa' logo, should be in the same folder as squad.xml. perhaps you can still see the logo because it is cached on your computer, where as your squadmates computer can't download the image. if the image is infact in that folder, and readable, double check that your IIS server settings have a custom MIME type setup for PAA files otherwise that could be the reason for your 404. you can read more about that IIS issue on the wiki: squad.xml
  18. dr_strangepete

    stringable.xml help

    The project, package and container names don't seem to need to be anything specific, but should to be unique to prevent issues with other stringtables. As for the languages, these are the ones BI is using in their configs. This is a chunk of what has been working well for me: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Project name="Hell-Heli - dr_strangepete"> <Package name="Hell-Heli"> <Container name="Words"> <Key ID="str_dsp_yes"> <Original>yes</Original> <English>yes</English> <Czech>ano</Czech> <French>oui</French> <German>ja</German> <Italian>sì</Italian> <Polish>tak</Polish> <Portuguese>sim</Portuguese> <Russian>да</Russian> <Spanish>sí</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="str_dsp_no"> <Original>no</Original> <English>no</English> <Czech>ne</Czech> <French>aucun</French> <German>nicht</German> <Italian>no</Italian> <Polish>nie</Polish> <Portuguese>não</Portuguese> <Russian>нет</Russian> <Spanish>no</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="str_dsp_ChangeAircraft"> <Original>Change Helicopter</Original> <English>Change Helicopter</English> <Czech>Změna Vrtulník</Czech> <French>Changer Hélicoptère</French> <German>Hubschrauber Ändern</German> <Italian>Cambiare Elicottero</Italian> <Polish>Zmienić Helikopter</Polish> <Portuguese>Mudar Helicóptero</Portuguese> <Russian>Изменение Вертолет</Russian> <Spanish>Cambie Helicóptero</Spanish> </Key> <Container name="Dialog"> <Key ID="str_dsp_IntroText"> <Original>... I use containers to logically organize what strings are for sentences, or dialog controls, etc., but they don't really seem to do anything else except for organize. Using localize you can use the value of the string in a script: hint (localize "str_dsp_IntroText"); or from description.ext or a dialog config, you can add a '$' and capital letters 'STR', directly as a value without quotes: in a dialog: class RscText_1012: RscText { idc = 1012; text = $STR_dsp_ChangeAircraft; ... or in description.ext: overviewText = $STR_dsp_overviewText; ... You can also include html for structured text by encoding the tags with < and > and use single quotes (double might work i don't recall), you still need to use one of the structured text commands to render it (? fuzzy memory) Oh, and as a little tip, you can include the %1, %2, %3, etc that the format command uses in your stringtable value; then just use localize to load the string into the format command (you could pass variables or another stringtable value). In one use, i was passing a html color tag into a stringtable, simplified: <Key ID="str_dsp_colorword"> <Original><t color='%2'>%1</t></Original> then call it with: hint parseText format [(localize "str_dsp_colorword"),"Some red words","#FF0000"]; text is first formatted with my words and hex value, then parseText makes it the structured text that allows the tags to work. Last tip is for google translate: capital letters, and odd combinations of them, or lack of them, will cause google translate to not recognize the word or sentence....sometimes just playing with capitalization and punctuation will get it to spit out data (the quality of that data, is for another argument haha) -working on a stringtable.xml for the wiki... -> https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Stringtable.xml
  19. dr_strangepete

    [WIP] NBS Mantis C-RAM

    honestly i lost motivation the past month, but certainly not dead...just somewhere between extreme irritation with arma's methods and documentation (and new tools deleted all previous settings...yay figuring all that out again), and the irritation with how terribly ugly the model is - i cringe every time i load it up. It is all oxygen made from points, and it seems you need a real 3d program to get anything done properly: i don't have time to learn all of that atm :/ read: whine::whine:whine:: :D so, the new end goal for this will be to continue on at current speed till tracking and radar are functioning acceptably, then release all of it under the APL-SA license, effectively making this a community project - anyone can modify and release without permission, but all modifications will also be APL-SA - this will keep the development open, especially in the case if i disappear from the forums for one reason or another. this will be the best for everybody. I'll continue to work on it after that at my own pace (like now) and not abandon it to the wild Do not expect any apl-sa licensed content from me prior to the end of the arma competition - i just don't want to be involved in that in anyway. There will be alpha testing beforehand, just not soon. sorry. --in short, im just tired and frustrated with what should be the simplest tasks in arma, being complex, veiled or undocumented. Its half-awesome BIs attitude is 'heres the jist, but you figure it out' to everything, and half-douchy/shitty...when large chunks of the wiki still have statements like "we think this is how its implemented: ...", "i pulled these from the exe"....
  20. On the wiki discussion for lbSetSelected, a note from august says this is broken in arma 3, and recommends the use of lbSetCurSel
  21. dr_strangepete


    say and say3d don't work properly atm, it seems (someone mentioned this in the scripting forum the other day too), but you can use the kbTell command successfully - Fedator made a small tutorial^ on one method of using it, if you're unfamiliar with the command There is a ticket about this i just bumped from 8/8/13 :cool:: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12570
  22. looks like say is just bugged atm, you should submit a ticket [ http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12570 ]....using your lip file i noticed the lips will actually tweak-out briefly when he is done speaking. same tweakout for both say and say3d
  23. dr_strangepete

    Arma 3 Cheating / hacking / Exploiting.

    nobody here has provided any proof there was any actual 'hacking' going on. video? photo? what were the servers? no admins have chimed in with personal accounts of hacking (cite?) nothing to suggest this wasn't just an admin or clan with either own modified mission, or have the debug console enabled wreaking havoc on their clients -> thus why "so many are doing it but not getting banned", theres no rule against annihilating your users on your server. for example there was (is?) a period of time where if your heli were damaged, your AI commander would order all out, regardless of height.
  24. swap your: angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; for angle0="rad +360"; angle1="rad -360"; as for the up/down view port difference, make sure your memory points are grouped properly in your selections, and not being twisted or moved by some bone (edit: a thought, perhaps the viewpoint is using a standard animation source instead of your defined one? thus the difference in direction?)...also make sure your in o2 your model is facing forward in front view
  25. dr_strangepete

    Mobile Phone based DAGR

    things like this assure me i'll be enjoying this game for years. can't wait to see what comes next i'mma just throw this concept out there too - with location data exported to a phone, some devices support external gps inputs: it would be feasible to generate OpenStreetMap data (or equiv) for turn-by-turn road navigation in game :D (that could also just be piled into its own dll for an ingame-only gps...)