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Everything posted by mecharius

  1. Oh wow - just noticed this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178671-Tiled-maps-Google-maps-compatible-(WIP)
  2. Yeah thats fine. I think the untextured one is a bit easier to edit on. Yeah, let me know how you go. I've been scouring the wiki for "setMapPosition" commands but no luck so far :)
  3. I couldn't get the "topography cheat" to work but I just exported Stratis section by section and stitched it together. The quality is not great, but it only took about 45 minutes. I also hacked in a user override of the map image. Here is the result: Altis is going to be a LOT more work :)
  4. Hey BadLuckBurt - sounds like a good idea, I tried to find something this way a couple of days ago without much luck. Can you point me towards the right PBO path? I've also seen on some threads that you can hit shift+numpad minus, then release and type "typography" to export the map in emf, although its without place names. I'll let you know if I have any luck with this approach.
  5. I aim to eventually allow you to to define your own custom maps in the GUI so you could use whatever file you legally have access to in PNG / JPG format. You would need to "calibrate" the image a little bit to tell the editor how to convert where you click on screen to game map coordinates. This only requires specifying the minimum and maximum x- and y-coordinates of the map image you are using.
  6. Hi Edge, no problem thats perfectly understandable. I'll get to work on some screen grabs. Thanks for looking into it for me!
  7. Hey Tajin, in theory it would be pretty easy to use a custom map - its just an image and some very basic maths to convert where you click on the image to in game coordinates. Currently the map information is not saved with mission data but it would be very easy to do so. Managing required addOns[] arrays in the mission.sqm would be a bit more complicated, but there is no reason it couldn't be set up for a number of community maps. I haven't really looked into generating a map from in game but would be interested to know if it was possible! (I think I read on a forum somewhere that they used to be able to do it in the OFP days) As far as where its going, well.... its a secret! OK that's a lie. However to prevent this going too far off topic, I'll direct you to the "release" notes on www.anvilproject.com/downloads/index.html which are pretty much up to date (or will be in about 5 minutes). When I get this map sorted I'll make an official release thread with a bit more room for discussion :)
  8. Bangabob - its a great script. I did have to modify a few lines so that I could send in an optional callback when the zone is captured but other than that its working perfectly! Hi Edge, thanks for taking the time to reply and do some digging around! Hopefully we can get this sorted and I'll be able to release something soon!
  9. Cheers Kremator. There are a bunch more features already completed in the newest version, I just want to sort out the map before I make anything public.
  10. Thanks Whiztler - openstreetmap is a LOT better than when I last looked, pretty impressive :) I'll have a bit more of a go at it but I think it may not be quite right as I need something that represents the game world pretty closely (i.e. the game buildings and markers) Its for this: .
  11. Smurf's method has worked for me when transferring games between friends over LAN so only one person has to download the files. Basic steps that work for me (for a fresh install): 1) On the PC you want to install the game to - your "gaming PC" - go to the library. 2) Find the game in the list, right click and "Install Game" 3) As soon as it starts downloading click "Pause All Downloads". There should now be a folder wherever Steam is installed - for me this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 4) On the PC with Internet access - your "work PC" - download the game using steps 1-3 above. 5) Once it is done, replace the entire folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 on your gaming PC from the work PC. 6) Once copying is complete, click "resume downloads" on your gaming machine. It should quite rapidly go to 100% and you should be good to play. It sounds like you know how to turn automatic updates off... i.e. right click on the game >> properties >> updates tab >> select "Do not automatically update this game". To get the updates you should just be able to replace the folder on your gaming PC from your work PC as per step 5 above. As others have said you may need to verify the files by right clicking on the game in the library >> properties >> local files >> verify integrity of game cache, but I haven't tested so don't know if this is necessary.
  12. Hi guys, I've seen lots of issues / posts and done some searches related to this but I'm currently stumped... I've been following Zach's weapon tutorial http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154474-Zachs-Full-on-guide-to-Custom-Weapons! and got an early version of my pistol in the game working no problems. I then made some changes to the 3d model in Blender and when I got it back into the game I get this: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577863206885044235/CE1C38839FD0533090144AE88019A6CD202D3E21/ The gun is fine and the wrist of the right hand is fine but the rest of the hands and left arm and fingertips are like a superhero cape!? So far I have tried 1) Re-exporting the RTM file from O2, or using ones from other guns or one exported directly from the sample skeleton with no parts moved 2) adding "autocenter: 0" and "class: vehicle" to all LODs, or to geometry and memory only 3) adding mass to the pistol in the geometry LOD 4) deliberately setting the wrong rtm file path to see if the rtm file was being picked up (it is) 5) trying fresh config.cpp (with only the required variables changed such as the model p3d path) 6) rebuilding the p3d and all LODs 7) resaving the anim/model.cfg with the default OFP2 skeleton Starting to get a little bit annoyed with it :) as I'm not really sure what else to look at? Hopefully somebody can point me in the right direction!
  13. Yeah I've thought a bit about using the Arma .Net libraries - you could potentially get it to dynamically generate the mission, but given the other amazing libraries out there I didn't go down this path. However a persistent strategic campaign is is a fun idea. Yes, I saw this site but haven't really tried it. This one grew out of being bored one afternoon and just seeing what could be done. :) The mission generator by doesn't know which soldier you want to play so by default all units are set as "playable". You can fix this warning a few ways: 1) To change in one mission: open the mission in the editor, double click on the soldier you want to play and set its playable to "PLAYER" 2) To set up a custom squad configuration: create a custom unit with playable set to "PLAYER COMMANDER". Then create a custom squad with this unit included. Include this in your mission. See for some hints about how to do this. The option I'm talking about is here:
  14. Presenting the Anvil Mission Generator What is it? A Windows utility which lets you rapidly build randomised missions for ARMA2. Build a fully functioning mission with waypoints, markers, and friendly and enemy units in under a minute. What are the features? - Various mission generators including defend, capture, patrol and air patrol - Support for Takistan, Chernarus and Lingor - Support for OA units and some ACE units - Build customised squads to suit the way you and your friends play - Easily implement and include scripts, or add your own to the online library at http://anvilproject.com - Export to a mission folder with a single click or copy and paste the SQM Where can I get it Get the latest version from http://anvilproject.com/downloads Also mirrored at http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19587 (currently version 0.2) Tell me more! Nope... I'll show you :) A mission in a minute: A more detailed feature preview: Change log v0.3 + New "Capture" mission type generator + New "Patrol" and "Air Patrol" mission type generators + New units added, now ACE and RU, US and INS units supported + Select generator type in UI + Add map markers + Optionally add waypoints for BLUFOR + Support for Chernarus, Takistan and Lingor + Text box to filter unit type in mission generator wizard + Add "airfield" type spawn points for air patrol missions + Units and Groups are all named in the mission SQM to make scripting easier Previous versions:
  15. "_x" is a variable that is populated by Arma inside a loop. It is local to that loop meaning it can't be used outside the loop. Basically the count function goes over everything in the "_enemy" list. For each item in the list it saves that item to _x then does whatever you tell it to inside the {} brackets. The wiki puts it this way: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/count
  16. Ah, ok fair enough... As Killzone_kid said SQF is the scripting language used in Arma... its got similar "grammar" to C++ but is not quite the same thing. The links in the KK's post and at the bottom of my last post should get you started. The nice thing about SQF is there are plenty of examples around the place you can follow to get going! Another good reference for specific commands is https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2
  17. You are correct! :) I had this issue a while back and thought I had corrected it by adding "str"... I assume its something to do with the SQF variables being weakly typed although I can't replicate the "any" response now.
  18. Hey Killzone_Kid... nice link - its worth pointing out that ARMA 3 scripting is very similar to ARMA 2 although the OP won't be able to use the debug console. Re-reading the original post, now I'm confused as to whether the OP wants to program GUIs for A2 - e.g. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18363 - or use the A2 GUI to script missions? Regardless, much of my post still applies... find some examples, pull them apart then adapt to your own. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sqf+introductory+turorial http://seit.unsw.adfa.edu.au/coursework/ZEIT2305/Resources/SQF_Tutorial/basic_sqf.HTML
  19. Disclaimer :) I haven't done any Arma GUI programming but have taught myself to program in a number of languages. C++ is a relatively difficult language if you are new to programming... but on the flip side its very powerful and if you can program in C++ you can easily learn other languages. I think it would be a good idea to start with some beginners tutorials such as http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html. Once you are comfortable with the basic syntax and have made some silly things like calculators and temperature converters then try to find some examples on the web and go through them until you understand how they work. Then think of a very simple project and try to implement it. When you come across something you don't get use google and BI forums and see if there is a solution. Don't just copy and paste the solution, look at the code to try and understand it... maybe make a few small changes to prove to yourself that you get it. In the end, programming is like anything else - start small and build yourself up, then its just a matter of practice, practice, practice!
  20. For the hint try hint format["%1", (str _alive)] The str converts the number to a word first. I'm not sure why "format" doesn't seem to do this.
  21. Personally I'm a brand new modder and I've recently been playing around with some small things just for fun. I started making them for A2 but soon switched to A3 because it looks and runs better (even on my laptop), and why not!? I've made a pistol, a very basic (and unusual) island, some bunkers and rocks. I'm using all open source tools (blender, GIMP) so my cost has been $0 even if the stuff I'm producing looks a teensy bit terrible :)
  22. mecharius

    [SP] Agiagrad

    Yeah I did think this after hitting send - I'm running the errr... alpha alpha branch? alpha dev branch? alpha beta branch? Yeah you know what I mean :) Yeah figured as much!
  23. mecharius

    [SP] Agiagrad

    Hey dogjones... thanks - cool idea and fun to play. I did see one script error when I first died and respawned For about ten minutes the AI stood around doing nothing much - maybe because I wasn't going after the correct capture point? Towards the end it got a bit errr... well see the spoiler: Anyway, thanks for the mission :)
  24. mecharius

    Pistol hand animation issues

    What was happening was I had a folder called "archive" with some old versions of configs etc inside the weapon's folder. It had backups of previous versions like "config_001.cpp". This was being pbod as well and I guess it was confusing arma :) Moving the folder out altogether (ie saving my backups somewhere else) fixed it.
  25. There are a few posts around the place about making a heli crash which I have done in another mission. The basic process idea is to do the following on a trigger that the heli flies through: _heli setHit ["mala vrtule", 1]; // destroy the tail rotor to cause a crash driver _heli action ["engineOff", _heli]; // get the AI to turn the engine off _heli setFuel 0; // remove all fuel to make sure You can then wait until the heli crashes - waitUntil { (getPosATL _heli select 2) <= 0.5 }; And finally spawn or move your ammo box near the wreckage: _ammobox allowDamage false; // don't get blown up by the heli, not sure if this necessary to be honest _ammoPos = [((getPos _heli) select 0) + some_distance_away, ((getPos _heli) select 1) + some_distance_away, 0]; _ammobox setPosATL _ammoPos; Use "some_distance_away" set to 9 or 10 so your ammobox doesn't spawn in/under the heli... with some tweaking I've had some good success with this. Getting the AI to shoot the thing with an RPG was a bit harder :)