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Everything posted by mindstorm

  1. So with the help of a realy nice guy called Alduric (from http://arma3coop.pl) I was able to finally get some of the models I have into Arma. I made my self familiar with blender and also managed to port a model myself (the same as Alduric did), also giving the model some colors. Now I would like to be able to change the object's color with setObjectTexutre. Thus far I have been unable to achieve this. The model has the orignal colors I've set with blender, but they wont change when I use setObjectTexture. This is my model I made a selection called "pod", which I thought would make me able to change the colors. This is my models config: class CfgPatches { class ref_entity { units[] = {"ref_droppod"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class r_ent { displayName = "Entity"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Land_DuctTape_F; class Helper_Base_F; class ref_droppod: Helper_Base_F { mapSize = 1; author = ""; scope = 2; displayName = "DropPod"; //simulation="thing"; destrType = "destructNo"; vehicleClass = "r_ent"; hiddenSelections[] = {"pod"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"#(argb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0.1,ca)"}; model = "ref_entity\droppod\droppod"; accuracy = 1000; }; }; At first I inherrited from Land_DuctTape_F, but after inspecting the spheres from A3_Misc_F_helpers I thought Helper_Base_F would do the trick. Without luck. Could anyone point me in the right direction as to what I'm doing wrong, and why I am unable to apply different colors the the whole pod? I'm fairly new at this, kind of proud I actually managed to get objects from blender in Arma myself. Now I'm only stuck at this part and I would really appreciate the help!
  2. You are my hero! Thank you so much man. So happy right now :D. One more question, any idea on how to get the material to shine through, like the spheres? It seems like the original spheres don't use an rvmat so I suppose I need to change something in the object builder, but I have no clue what that would be.
  3. Looking forward to the release of this. Some nice particle effets you made there!
  4. For a project I'm working on I wanted to draw a line on the GUI, it will be used on a geiger counter image for the needle (so it has to be able to change direction, a gui block wouldn't work I suppose). Thus far I haven't found a way to do so. DrawLine seems to be only usable on map controls. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/drawLine Even though I get the idea this guy managed to get it to work on the GUI: He might have made a invisible map control overlaying the GUI though, but no clue where to even start there. Another way would be to use drawLine3D but I highly doubt I could ever get that working decently with all the transitions. Any suggestions on how to approach this?
  5. mindstorm

    Drawing a line on the GUI

    Thanks. What would us guys do without your help :D. Appreciate the time you take in replying even though you're on a break!
  6. mindstorm

    looting trash piles & bins

    Can't you just spawn an container item on top/inside of the bin and then call hideObjectGlobal true on the object?
  7. I'm getting missing textures (at start "arma_home_01" and when zooming in on some places in the editor "null"). Also I get a lot of artifacts and windows which are flying in the ground. http://puu.sh/j5I3I/78ddca9330.jpg (318 kB)
  8. This is something which should work. You probably need to add some more selections (some are for vehicles so you can remove those). _vehicle addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {_this call OnVehicleHit}]; OnVehicleHit = { _vehicle = _this select 0; _selectionName = _this select 1; _damage = _this select 2; _source = _this select 3; _returnVal = 0; _maxDamage = 1; switch (_selectionName) do { case "HitLFWheel": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitLF2Wheel": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitRFWheel": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitRF2Wheel": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitRBWheel": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitLBWheel": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitReserveWheel": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitFuel": { _maxDamage = 0.9}; case "HitEngine": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitEngine2": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitEngine3": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitBody": { _maxDamage = 0.9}; case "HitHull": { _maxDamage = 0.9}; case "HitTransmission": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitHydraulics": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitTransmission": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitLight ": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "Light_R ": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "Light_R2 ": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "Light_L ": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "Light_L2 ": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitGlass1": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitGlass2": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitGlass3": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitGlass4": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitGlass5": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitGlass6": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitRGlass": { _maxDamage = 1}; case "HitLGlass": { _maxDamage = 1}; }; if(_selectionName == "") then { //Check wether you want to apply damage to null selection. probably not. } else { //_currentHitDamage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage _selectionName; if(_damage <= _maxDamage) then { _vehicle setHit [_selectionName, _damage]; }; }; }; _returnVal;
  9. mindstorm

    Random Road Block

    You will need to determine the angle based on the direction of the connecting road. Bis has a nice function for this: BIS_fnc_dirTo. So you need something like this _roadBlockDir = [_blockpos, (roadsConnectedTo _blockpos) select 0] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _bargate = createVehicle ["Land_BarGate_F", getPos _blockpos, [], _roadBlockDir , "NONE"]; This will be easiest way to do but it will probably be a bit less precise from time to time. If you want this really precise you will need to plot points with isOnRoad and then calculate the center of a road 5 meters in advance and use that pos with the BIS_fnc_dirTo.
  10. First of all you need to make sure your sound is mono, not stereo. Then I add an logic to the object and make it use say3d. _deadPlayer = _this select 0; _object = "Logic" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _object attachTo [_deadPlayer ,[0,0,1.5]]; _object say3D "yoursound"; [_object] spawn { sleep 2; deleteVehicle (_this select 0); };
  11. I have a script SetAmmo.sqf which I call when a player joins the server, and after a respawn: removeGoggles player; player addBackpackGlobal "B_Carryall_ocamo"; sleep 1; player addMagazineGlobal "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"; sleep 1; player addWeaponGlobal "arifle_MX_SW_F"; removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems player; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_LRPS"; sleep 0.5; player setAmmo ["arifle_MX_SW_F", 1]; player addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap"; removeBackpack player; The script is executed on the client. I got some issues with this script, only when the mission is running on a dedicated server! When connecting the gogles get removed, the weapon is added but there is no magazine in the weapon (therefore ammo =0). After a respawn the script however works as suppose to, and the player gets one magazine with 1 bullet in it. I've allready added the sleeps hoping they would help but they don't. Anny suggestions?
  12. mindstorm

    setAmmo issue on first use

    That is seriously uncalled for. Can you imagine me creating a mission and thinking its working perfectly every time. Then when I launch it on a dedicated server I can spend annother 4-8 hours creating workarounds for bugs? Just to give you an idea, a list bugs I encountered with my latest mission. These only occure when I host it on a dedicated server. setDamage on static objects does not transfer to clients setVariable with global flag not working if used just after creating a vehicle Group names set in the editor trough a synced group name object don't work SetDir not working if used with attachTo on dedicated server And now I can add addMagazineGlobal and addPrimaryWeaponItem to the list. Also, since I'm added a backpack and a vest I'd probably have to use backpackContainer instead of vestContainer. Anyway. Thank you for taking the time in helping me.
  13. This might be something for you aswell, check the description for script files.
  14. mindstorm

    setAmmo issue on first use

    addMagazineAmmoCargo doesnt work. It doesn't even work when I login in as admin and use it trough debug console. I've changed my script to this piece of awsomeness and this worked. Gotta love this game. while {currentMagazine player == ""} do { player removeWeaponGlobal (primaryWeapon player); sleep 0.1; player addBackpackGlobal "B_Carryall_ocamo"; sleep 0.1; player addMagazineGlobal "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"; sleep 0.1; player addWeaponGlobal "arifle_MX_SW_F"; sleep 0.1; removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems player; sleep 0.1; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_LRPS"; sleep 0.1; player setAmmo ["arifle_MX_SW_F", 1]; }; Edit. To soon. Now it doesn't add the optics. Seriously BIS get your stuff together. Well for some weird reason addPrimaryWeaponItem doesn't work on my dedicated server untill a units dies and respawns. If I execute this on the server, global or local it just doens't work. (entity is my player object, and yes that excists). entity addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_LRPS"; After the first death my script starts working, and I also get the optics. And ofcourse the exec it from console also works. What on earth is this.
  15. On stable I can't even connect when loopback = true; With kickdups 0 I can only connect 1 client. So only thing I could imagine working dedi is dev branch with loopback. Can't switch right now so can't tell.
  16. According to the wiki it still does on DEV branch. Not sure if it also works on stable though.
  17. Not sure if it's even possible/allowed. Have you checked the dedicated server config file: kickDuplicate = 1; //Should be 0 in your case. BattlEye = 1; // Maybe battleeye has a check now? try disabling it aswell.
  18. Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Here's the class I used at the time. It works partly (server info/players). It's a big mess so you might wanna do some refactoring =). http://pastebin.com/L6sDFXLQ
  19. Hey guys, I've been trying to find out how to query an arma3 server (in this case from C#). No luck so far however. From my understanding since gamespy stopped arma switched over to steamquery? So far I've tried this libarary (C#): https://github.com/firefly2442/phparma2serverstatus This didn't work however. Than I read something about gamespy stopping so I looked into steam condenser, and found a library. https://github.com/txdv/steam-condenser-csharp This however also doesn't work. Is there anywhere I can find some sort of clarification on what protocol arma uses a.t.m. and how to implement it?
  20. I really doubt if that's even true. And even if it is I doubt a set of only 20 objects will be a noticable difference.
  21. Thanks for the reply. I found this class: https://github.com/Noahii/ArmAQuery/blob/master/ArmA3.cs It's depricated (as in not working). But with the steam server queries page I've been able to fix it. edit: I've been able to get the server information working but not the ping. This is my code for server information: byte[] request, response; IPEndPoint remoteIpEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host), port); client.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 100; client.Connect(remoteIpEndpoint); //Server Info request = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x54, 0x53, 0x6F, 0x75, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x20, 0x45, 0x6E, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x65, 0x20, 0x51, 0x75, 0x65, 0x72, 0x79, 0x00 }; client.Send(request, request.Length); response = client.Receive(ref remoteIpEndpoint); //string dataServer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response).Remove(0, 5); this.ServerInfo = ServerInfo.Parse(response); This works. However the ping part doesn't work: request = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x69 }; client.Send(request, request.Length); response = client.Receive(ref remoteIpEndpoint); I get a socketexeption. The request header is however excactly as stated on the steam server queries page. Anny suggestions on how to get the ping time? Edit2 Feeling so stupid right now. Just implemented it myselve: Stopwatch.Start(); response = client.Receive(ref remoteIpEndpoint); Stopwatch.Stop(); this.ping = Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
  22. Hey, I have a sign (Sign_F) where I attach 2 1M user textures to (UserTexture1m_F). The textures I apply to them are however are black up untill I aproach them very close in first person. Then they "load" and from then on they work, also after a restart of the mission. this setObjectTexture [0, ""img\warning2.jpg""]; this attachTo [sign1, [-0.50, -0.02, 0.6] ]; Could anyone else check if they experience the same or am I doing something wrong? ---------- Post added at 11:57 ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 ---------- Apparently it's allready reported. Please upvote: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13732
  23. This can only be done with mods.
  24. Bug report suggest it is the same with .paa. But I will test it out, also with setObjectTexture global. Thing is you need to restart arma after each try, this makes it a rather frustrating process to test.
  25. Has anyone tried putting an AI inside the vehicle. If it works you could hide the ai with: objectname hideObjectGlobal true;