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Everything posted by badluckburt

  1. badluckburt

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Bummer but I can live with that, Pufu's screenshots look amazing
  2. badluckburt

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Pufu, I see everyone is neglecting to ask the most important thing so here goes: are there women? :D
  3. badluckburt

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Your addons shouldn't be affected I think? It only looks at the game files.
  4. badluckburt

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    One of those times where I hate to be right ;) thank you for the confirmation though
  5. badluckburt

    Terrain Processor Tut ?

    Free or licensed version? Free is limited to 2048x2048, licensed goes up to 131072x131072 pixels (and no, that is not a typo).
  6. badluckburt

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I am definitely hoping for this but I suspect this DLC will be the EBO format for some time?
  7. badluckburt

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Well, at least everyone is having the same problem as me :P and with my luck, it'll probably start downloading by the time I go to bed. At least I know I have some new Arma goodness to look forward to later this week :)
  8. badluckburt

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Thank you very much BI, can't wait to go check it out :D
  9. badluckburt

    P Drive not working?

    That is true, I've disabled UAC a long long time ago and my account is the only one on this machine so I forgot how annoying it can be for people with standard accounts.
  10. badluckburt

    P Drive not working?

    God help us all Ever since my P: drive disappeared after restarting my PC I just used a .cmd file with these commands: subst p: /d subst p: c:\wherever\i\want\my\p\drive
  11. I think it should work as long BI's font has 'exotic' characters in it. Sometimes they are left out to save space and you only need the Latin charset but Arma is pretty well localized so hopefully the OP gets lucky :)
  12. What format are you saving to? If the format is PNG, TIFF or BMP (lossless formats), is the Photoshop image made up of layers? If so, try flattening it before saving. And check in Photoshop if the image is CMYK or RGB colour space I can't say I'm very impressed with the Count Colours plugin from what I see in your screenshots, it could at least tell you the RGB values it found. And as always with Arma, if all else fails, take things one step at a time. Feed it a mask image of 1 solid colour then start adding on to that.
  13. Sat / mask size at 5 x 5 pixels? If your terrain is 10240x10240 meters, that means it tries to stretch 1 pixel of your satmap over 2048 meters on your map. I'm pretty sure your problems will go away if you just use a 'normal' size.
  14. badluckburt

    Issues with buldozer

    There's some HTML entities on the end of the URL when you click but if you copy / paste them from the text it works. For your convenience: http://imgur.com/EV1VXZa http://imgur.com/KaJ5gRn
  15. badluckburt

    Terrain Builder is dumb

    P:\starter->island\data\layers is not a valid path. You can not have a '>' in it so it's no wonder ImageToPaa can't resolve it.
  16. badluckburt

    Texture is not correct

    TGA or PNG doesn't really matter when you're converting a PAA to a 'normal' image format so either would be fine. I wonder if this change is related to the Tanoa map, I can imagine they want increased ground detail for a jungle floor.
  17. badluckburt

    SQF generate UNIX timestamp?

    I don't think you want to generate the UNIX timestamp in SQF, I don't even think that's possible since you have no access to the current system date there, only the Arma world date. What database are you using? A trigger or stored procedure should be able to help you out.
  18. badluckburt

    Texture is not correct

    At the bottom of the page RoF linked, there's an explanation on how to do it. You'll need to open your _nopx image in Photoshop or something similar and edit the levels. After that, convert it back to PAA and that should be it.
  19. Another tool you might want to give a try is StringForge.
  20. badluckburt

    Getting rid of shore foam

    I can't help with your foam problem but I do know why your link is broken, it has a ) at the end, if you remove that it works fine :)
  21. badluckburt

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Download this file and read it: https://dev.withsix.com/attachments/download/22560/aaaReadMeGeneral.htm You'll find the link to that package under Additional Requirements. I just remembered one other thing, right-click the .exe install files, go to Properties and make sure they're not 'blocked'. Windows sometimes does that to downloaded files and it prevents them from executing properly.
  22. badluckburt

    Can't import shapefile.

    Turns out Global Mapper is pretty expensive, QGis should be free, not sure about ArcGis. I never use these programs myself so I'm afraid I can't help out with using them but there should be documentation or tutorials available that'll get you started. QGis: http://www.qgis.org ArcGis: https://www.arcgis.com/features/ Global mapper: http://www.bluemarblegeo.com/products/global-mapper.php
  23. badluckburt

    Can't import shapefile.

    I vaguely recall someone posting about a similar problem in these forums and I believe they fixed it by importing their shapefile into Global Mapper or another program that handles them and then re-exporting it. It would be very helpful if the error gave a little more information about the 'bad format'. It's a shame they're binary files otherwise you could just export a .shp file from TB and compare it.
  24. badluckburt

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    It's not because you need to buy them, quite sure of that. What Windows are you on? Can I take a wild guess and say it's 10? ;) Could be that you miss a certain version of Windows Installer.
  25. badluckburt

    How do I fix this texture issue?

    I didn't say change the colours, I suggested adding one after the other to see when the problem starts since you said that there's no issue with a single colour. And it's your choice but I don't see what the problem is with reimporting everything in a new project, you're not exactly far into it yet. Another you thing could do is just create a blank project following JakeRod's Atlas (you can find a thread for it in this forum) and if that one works properly, use it as a base to start your actual map from. As for the texture problems: how did you set up your P-drive?