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About TheGamingBluejay

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  1. TheGamingBluejay

    How Strong Will The PVP Scene Be?

    Arma? Competitive scrims? How do you even play an Arma game competitively? :confused: It's hard to get all MLG in a simulator...
  2. Hi, I am a prospective buyer of Arma 3 (potential). I played the Arma 2 free version and have been keeping my eyes on Arma 3. So far I like what I see, but from what I've seen it seems that to enjoy an Arma game on the multiplayer (and singleplayer in the long run) properly, you would need to find friends to play with and hook up on Teamspeak or something. It doesn't seem doable if you just jump into the multiplayer with a mic. I assume many of you have played the multiplayer side of things a lot-what do you think: is the game doable without seeking a specific community to play with and arrange times/deal with timezone differences? In Arma 2 it is hit and miss-about a third of the time I find a server in which I am not lagging (I take it most servers are European) and some strange event isn't taking place (despite reading the server info and notes page). I assume BI has smoothed this out, and the free to play version of Arma 2 might just be wonky, but regardless.. When I do see people who clearly have met up outside of the game playing together it looks like a very engaging experience though.
  3. TheGamingBluejay

    Stealth Kills?

    This is just me, and I'm no military professional so don't get all matter of fact on me, but if I was thrown into a war and I came up behind someone, I'd just shoot them. I wouldn't risk something Hollywood because there's a good chance unlike the movies the guy on the receiving end would fight back and not just give you puppydog eyes like they do in Battlefield. And from a science perspective: how would you even kill someone that fast? Assuming you stab them in the neck...they're still functional-you'd think they'd get a few shots into you before they go. But I've never killed anyone so I couldn't know for sure ;)
  4. TheGamingBluejay

    Arma 3 Alpha lacking Arma 2's immersion and fear factor.

    I think it has to do with that cracking sound the guns made in Arma 2 and the way they struck objects. Also, I've heard of some medic capabilities? I don't have the alpha and I haven't seen these in use in the videos I've seen but I'd imagine that if there was always a medic available to heal you that would ruin that feeling of, "If I die, it's all over".