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Everything posted by foestus

  1. holy focking banana
  2. A2 OA, reinstalled cleanly, waiting for the go :bounce3:
  3. I think i got it :o http://www.keytlaw.com/images/F-4E%20Drone%20Killer.jpg (175 kB)
  4. Damn, the more i see videos and pictures, the less i want to play any other FPS :butbut: didn't launch A3 since february 'cause of you :mad: Wanna sing "Mickey Mouse" in Phu Bai map !!!!
  5. hope to play those missions with full roster :bounce3:
  6. if i had the skill to do models, i would have provide you the whole riverine fleet ... but i don't have that f**king skill :(
  7. talking about A3 (aka Unsung 3.0), can we expect an expand of riverine craft to include monitors, rpc, pcf, aspb and so on to complete the arsenal along with the pbr ? (for more info, read the "Vietnam Riverine Craft (1962-1975)" by Osprey Publishing)
  8. Please stop teasing, i barely endure the waiting for 2.6, please DO NOT START with 3.0 :butbut:
  9. well concerning your mod i feel three different feelings : - i want it NOW - i want it perfect - i want to let you do what you have/want to do no matter the time i have to wait (in a certain limit though). My experience during the small period i played with 2.5 was so huge, that i actually more enclined to cede on my 3rd feeling, hoping that i will find servers in europe with this best mod ever running on it ;) My only reproof is to myself, not being able to help you :mad:
  10. The answer will be "soon" ;) Seriously, they're taking so much pleasure to actually trolling us by showing feature after feature, screen after screen, that i'm starting to think they're delaying the release just to mock us :rolleyes: more seriously², i'm gonna start feeding my magazine not to be surprised by a release coming really really soon :bounce3:
  11. when i expect that you've reach your peak, bang you released something more :D best mod team ever
  12. Watched two month ago :D and yes worth to watch
  13. proof : a Tunnel Rat in action http://www.warchapter.com/images/image003_01.png (857 kB)
  14. Stop it now !!! or i send you both Rolling Thunder and Junction City on your TO !!!
  15. you've just killed me, now i'm exited till release
  16. Damn that's a low blow, teasing a teaser should be illegal :mad:
  17. OMG, i thing that Animal Mother will be back !!!
  18. Holy F http://www.betty-blue-art.com/yazoo_kadaj/photos/youngguns/an20.gif (1440 kB)
  19. Well i only played in coop' missions (especially with <BoB>'s) and it was nearly orgasmic, never feel such a tension in a FPS while patrolling or ambushing in the jungle. Since i've played this mod in coop', i never played bf3 again and refuse to take bf4 even to play with my clanmates 'cause it's absolutely tasteless now. I can't imagine another game/mod that bring me what i feel on those few (and too rare) occasions.
  20. Looks like Christmas gonna be sooner this year :bounce3: