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Posts posted by outlawled

  1. Would have been better to post this in the editing forum.

    Anyway, I believe if it is named the same it still WILL NOT work and will not be backwards compatible with your older signed files. As such, it doesn't really matter what you name it. You can either name it the same, and then re-sign all your older PBOs with the new key (and have server admins replace their existing key with the new public one DSSign creates), or name it differently and use it to only create new files (or again, re-issue your older files signed under the new key). Whichever you decide, there are pros and cons to both, I guess it just depends on how much hassle you want to go through and whether you care enough about all your releases being signed under the same key (or not).


    Yep. Wrong forum. My bad.


    Thanks for the response, though. And yeah, I'm not worried about hassle, I just dunno what I'm supposed to do here. I feel like it'd be a bad thing for there to be two keys with the same name floating around? Might lead to confusion?


    Would it be okay if each of my addons had its own key? Is that something that would annoy server admins?

  2. Can we please have "addWeaponItemsCargo" and "removeWeaponItemsCargo" commands with input that matches the output of the weaponsItemsCargo command?

    container addWeaponItemsCargo [weapon, muzzleAttachment, railAttachment, opticAttachment, [optionalMagazine1, bulletCount], [optionalMagazine2, bulletCount], bipodAttachment]; // adds the weapon with specified attachments and loaded magazines
    container removeWeaponItemsCargo [weapon, muzzleAttachment, railAttachment, opticAttachment, [optionalMagazine1, bulletCount], [optionalMagazine2, bulletCount], bipodAttachment]; // removes first instance of the weapon with specified attachments and bullet counts of loaded magazines
    (backpackContainer player) addWeaponItemsCargo
    	"arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F",		//weapon
    	"muzzle_snds_H",			//suppressor
    	"acc_pointer_IR",			//laser
    	"optic_Aco",				//optics
    	[					//loaded magazine
    		"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",	//mag type
    		30				//mag ammo count
    	"bipod_01_F_blk"			//bipod
    (backpackContainer player) removeWeaponItemsCargo ((weaponsItemsCargo (backpackContainer player)) select 0);

    It'd also be nice to have an "addWeaponItems" command to go with the weaponsItems command.


    This one is less important, though, as the only new functionality this would provide would be to give a unit a weapon with an already loaded magazine regardless of how much inventory space they have (don't get me wrong, this would be great, but it's not as essential as the "addWeaponItemsCargo" command).

    • Like 1

  3. I reinstalled Windows a few months ago and forgot to back up my private .bikey file, so I need to make a new one.


    My question is, should I use the same name as I did for the last one ("outlw") and inform server admins to delete the old server keys, or should I use a new name like "outlw2015" or something?

  4. Hi 1 would like to know 2 things please.


    1. Can I get permission to use it in a modpack for a server?

    2. Their isnt a server key, do i not need one?


    1. Yes, you can use it in a mod pack for a server, but you should probably wait until I update it and add a server key.

    2. You need a server key if you plan on only allowing certain mods.

  5. Thanks for update, I've been waiting for this. If you can be bothered someday and sign this addon, that would be even better. :)


    I'll make sure to do it for the next small update which should be out later tonight or tomorrow.


    Thanks for the update, outlawled! Top man! Now, any chance of an updated The Fourth Wall? Will love you long time if so!


    What would you like to see in an update for The Fourth Wall?

  6. Version 3.1.2 Released


    Hey, guys! Sorry I'm really shitty about updating/replying to stuff/being a human being!


    GiPPO, who is a super great person, took the time to update my broken scripts and send me the updated script version a few days ago, and I finally sat down and re-figured out how to turn scripts into an addon.


    Hopefully, everything is working now.


    I didn't sign the addon version because I reinstalled Windows a while back and forgot to backup my private .bikey thing, but I dunno if any servers even use the addon version. They generally use the script version, so the addon version is really just for singleplayer. And you don't need a key for singleplayer, so...yeah.


    Also, thanks to everyone for the emails and PMs of support and feedback! I really do appreciate it, even if it takes me a while to reply!


    Here's hoping BIS never updates ArmA 3 again!



    - 3.1.2 (thanks to GiPPO)
    - Fixed: GUI bugs caused by the latest ArmA 3 update.
    - Fixed: Not all belt magazines were recognized as belt magazines (anything with 100 or more bullets will count as a belt now).
    - Fixed: Tracer ammo and non-tracer ammo were able to be mixed together.
    • Like 4

  7. Hey, guys. Sorry for the radio silence. I'm not dead, I just gave up waiting for the scripting commands I wanted the devs to implement and moved on to other games. 8(

    The original reason I didn't release an update quickly after the RPT error was brought to my attention was that I was planning on releasing a large update and didn't want to release too many updates too quickly.

    But then I got frustrated about the scripting commands thing and uninstalled ArmA 3.

    And then the reason I didn't update the mod was because I was unable to test it, and regardless of how small the change, I didn't want to release something without making sure it worked properly.

    So yeah, long story short, I'm a terrible, lazy person and I'm sorry and here's version 3.1.1 and hopefully it works and I'll try to fix things quicker from here on out and maybe I'll even come back to ArmA modding in full at some point in the future and if you're really lucky I might even learn what run-on sentences are and stop using them, I dunno. Anything is possible.

  8. There's an addon version for clients and a script version for servers, Lordprimate.

    serjames, are you talking about the error mentioned by UK_Apollo, or is there another error I don't know about?

    I haven't launched ArmA 3 in quite a few months, so I'm sorry to everyone who's been hoping for an update.

    I'll try to work up the motivation to get an update out to fix that missing semicolon soon.

  9. I don't believe it will work in missions that were started before you had Moduload installed, so if you aren't already sure that that's not the problem, you should try starting up a fresh mission.

    Otherwise, I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe disable all your mods except Moduload and Mag Repack and start a new mission and see if that will work.

    If it does, start enabling the rest of your mods one at a time (and start a new mission each time just to be safe) until Moduload stops working.

    It would also probably be helpful to just list all the mods you have enabled right now.

    Also, more specifics about the problem would be nice.

    Is the Moduload button always greyed out when you press escape after loading a mission, or does just nothing happen when you press the button?

    Does the button not show up? Are you definitely playing ArmA 3 and not Take On Mars or perhaps Frog Fractions?

    Is your computer even turned on?

    What is a horse shoe? What does a horse shoe do?

    Are there any horse socks?

    Is anybody listening to me?

  10. Hello,

    I have been having a heck of a time with TMR_ALT. I cannot get it to run anymore at all ... at least the things I can tell, like auto rest and bipod. Sometimes I'll notice auto rest is working again, but bipod stopped working forever ago in this mission (Pilgrimage) and has never worked since. When I hit ESC, the reinitialize button is always active ... never greyed out.

    Aside from TMR_ALT, I am running:








    Any suggestions would be great!




    It's still active even after you've clicked on it?

    Are you having this issue with other missions or just that one?

  11. Awesome work Outlawled. Truly. As always, I'm asking permission to edit the .cpp file and the folder name for simple personal ordering purposes.

    Please, if you find Mods that actually conflict with this one, post here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152461-Overall-Mod-compatibility-aka-Will-Mods-A-and-B-work-togheter


    Thanks! And as always, you have my permission to edit any file you want!

    ;2632658']Outlawled' date=' the AN/PNC-212 doesn´t reinitiate with moduload neither [i']jumpmf [/i](just to add to your list of stuborn addons lol)

    just needed to thank you again cus your addon came in the right time, lots of campaigns (at least two I´m aware of, not counting Silver Dawn which Misty Ronin should update soon) are about to be released, and thus your addon is a must have!


    Thanks for the heads up! I'll look into it.

    And no problem, man. Glad I could help.

    Is there any shortcut button to use this?. Because i do load savegames and had to reinitialize all the time.

    So, instead of clicking on the button in the escape menu, you want to be able to just press a keyboard key? Is that what you're asking?

    If that is what you're asking, I'm sorry, but that won't ever happen. All keyDown eventHandlers (which you need in order to have code run when a certain key is pressed) do not get saved along with the mission. That's why this mod exists in the first place.

    You can define a keyDown EH in the config of the main display, and I don't think that that keyDown EH ever goes away, but those don't stack, so if two mods did that, one would overwrite the other. Which would be bad. So no one should ever use that.

  12. Huh...

    Well, okay. Here's the thing, Moduload is essentially two mods packaged together.

    The first mod is CBA-independent. It adds a button to the escape menu which should always be there no matter what. When this button is pressed, code is run which iterates through all of the CBA Pre/Post Init EH config entries and runs the initialization code for any mods therein.

    The second mod is CBA-dependent. It adds a keyDown eventHandler to the main display (this is what any mod that you have to press a key to activate does). That keyDown EH waits for the escape key to be pressed. Once it has been pressed, code is run which waits until the escape menu is active, and then a line of code that disables the button is run.

    That line of code to disable the button A.) only works if the escape menu is the active display, and B.) has to be run every time the escape menu gets opened up again. The button doesn't stay disabled when the escape menu is closed.

    So if the button is disabled when you enter the escape menu, that means that Moduload's keyDown EH is still working. If Moduload's keyDown EH is still working, all keyDown eventHandlers should be.

    The second Moduload mod is just like any other CBA-dependent mod; it stops working when they stop working.

    In theory, if you start a mission, CBA mods should be initialized by CBA. So the second Moduload mod gets initialized which means that the Moduload button is disabled. If anything happens to where CBA mods stop working, the second Moduload mod will stop working, but the first won't. So the button will still be there, and it won't be disabled. If you press the button, all CBA mods will be initialized by Moduload. So the second Moduload mod gets initialized again which means that the button is disabled.

    That is how the mod is supposed to work. Obviously, this is not the case for you guys. I don't play much singleplayer (or multiplayer for that matter) myself, I mostly just hang out in the editor writing scripts and jerking my knob, so I haven't really tested this out with a whole lot of mods.

    The mods I'm using right now are CBA, Mag Repack, Tao Folding Map, Blastcore, JSRS, and Moduload.

    To test out some of the situations you guys mentioned, I just started up the Armed Assault showcase, played for a couple minutes, saved, exited, loaded, and had to reinitialize my mods as Mag Repack and Tao Folding Map weren't working. I hit escape, the Moduload button was not disabled, I pressed it, all mods got reinitialized.

    I continued to play the mission and a few minutes later, I was killed. I hit the "Load" button and selected the most recent auto-save. I didn't need to reinitialize anything, though, because Mag Repack and Tao Folding Map were still working. The Moduload button was also still disabled.

    I waited a few minutes and hit the escape key and hit the "Load" button again (without dying this time), and selected the most recent auto-save. Again, what I found was that all my mods were still working.

    So if there are problems with loading a previous save from within the mission, it might have to do with the specific mods you guys are using.

    If you guys could give me a list of all the mods you are using, and let me know which of those mods you are sure aren't working after loading a previous save from within the mission, that would be tits.

    And I would appreciate it as I appreciate all things that are tits.

    And again, thank you for your kind words and for bringing these issues to my attention.

    Also, if any of this sounded condescending or anything, that was not my intent. I just want to make things as clear as possible.

  13. yeah the button is not showing up.
    yeah fresh start after updating ofc. Had it installed before i started the mission. its gray on all missions i play on but like i said it was okei until the update.

    Wait, is the button grayed out or not showing up?

    If it's grayed out, that means the mod is working but that your mods aren't in need of initialization.

    ;2626296']For me its alright' date=' what happens is that some missions you have to go back to menu and then resume, so the button is available ([i']Pilgrimage [/i]and all showcases i.e.), some others work flawlessly (Whole lotta of Altis i.e.)

    Finally could play and enjoy the whole concept of Whole lotta of Altis with your addon, thanks a bunch Outlawled =D

    I mean, you should always have to go back to the menu and resume the mission...because that's what the mod is for. It allows you to reinitialize your mods after you've loaded a save-game. If ever the button is grayed out, that means that the mod is working as intended. If the button is not showing up at all or nothing happens when you press it, then there is a problem.

    Thank you for the continued feedback.

  14. What exactly is the problem? Is the button not appearing or is just nothing happening when you press it? Or is it running (i.e. after pressing the button, the "Moduload Initializations" hint appears) but TMR doesn't work?

    Are you using any other mods? If so, are they also not working?

    Are you playing singleplayer or multiplayer?

    Is Moduload the only mod that you've updated recently?

    Are you on ArmA 3 Stable or Dev Branch?

  15. This is a good idea for an addon. Parachutes are super annoying.

    I wouldn't use onEachFrame, though, because of the possible conflicts. If you really need to have your code run every frame, I've written a function that has essentially the same effect as onEachFrame.

    outlw_fnc_onEveryFrame =
    private ["_code", "_condition", "_pFrame"];
    _code = compile (_this select 0);
    _condition = compile ([_this, 1, "true"] call BIS_fnc_param);
    while _condition do
    	_pFrame = diag_frameno;
    	waitUntil{diag_frameno > _pFrame};
    	call _code;

    You just give it the code you want to execute and an optional condition, both as strings.

    ["hintSilent str(damage player);", "alive player"] call outlw_fnc_onEveryFrame;

    That will post a hint every frame with the player's damage value until he's no longer alive. If you just call the function with the code you want executed every frame and omit the condition parameter, it will act just like onEachFrame.

    Maybe onEachFrame has better performance or something, though. I dunno. I'm really not sure what the benefits of onEachFrame are.

    Honestly, though, I don't think your code really needs to run every single frame. Maybe you could have a loop that checks every 10 seconds or so to see if the player's parachuting, and if he is, then start checking if he's reached the ground every frame.

    I dunno, these are just some thoughts. In any case, this is a helpful addon. Thanks for sharing it.

  16. Just tried this out...great mod. A wishlist item would just be making all possible mags repack automatically when you run the command, since it seems like you're not really going to want to just leave half-filled mags at any point, anyway.

    Or maybe just a button on the window to "Repack All".

    Well, the thing is, though, the purpose of this mod isn't just to make everyone's lives easier; it's meant to add something to the game that can be done in real life. Making everyone's lives a bit easier is just a bonus.

    Adding an automatic repacking system is something that has been suggested several times (especially after v3 came out, when everyone was still used to v1 and v2 where there was only automatic repacking), but I don't think it's something that I will ever implement.

    Sorry 8(

    Thanks for the feedback, though.

    I just had to stop by and say how great i enjoyed your video! haha awesome

    Haha. Thanks, man! Glad you were not annoyed by the long intro!

    I agree with Pergor that your mod is great, but it doesn't work in singleplayer with saved games. If there's anything you can do to fix it, I'm sure lots of players in addition to us would be grateful. See Pergor's post (a few posts back from this one) for some links that might help resolve the problem.

    I created another addon called Moduload which attempts to solve this problem.

    Would it be possible to add a delay when re-distributing rounds? Like a 1 second delay per round etc.

    As Jackson Snow said, if you're using the script version, you can adjust how long each individual bullet takes to repack. If you're using the addon version, you're stuck with the default of 0.8 seconds/bullet.

  17. I posted this on Armaholic but I'll post it again here cause I don't know if you check comments for that one:

    Before I used V + R to bring up the menu because V is they key I use in addition to other keys to change stance, move speed, firemodes, etc. I use that because the way I have my hand on the keyboard, I have to reach over to hit left or right CTRL which I found annoying in situations where I need to do something quickly and have to hit 2 buttons to do it, hence the change from CTRL to V for me. V sits almost directly under my index finger in its resting position so I can press it at a moments notice.

    I might revert to the old version and have to deal with the error message about the scrollbar because it better fits my overall keybindings.

    Yeah, I don't check Armaholic very often.

    I liked the amount of freedom that the old keybinding system offered, but the new system is less prone to errors. Also, I don't really feel like repacking your magazines is something you need immediate access to; it's not as important an action as, say, crouching or sprinting.

    But yeah...I'm sorry that you don't like the new system. 8(

    If you need the download link for version 3.0.2, let me know.
