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Posts posted by fawlty

  1. Thanks Pierre

    Didn't realize         "Note: if a player is in a vehicle, the vehicle + crew teleport."


    P2 setPos somewhere else;

    So if I instruct say p2 into the second tank and set up a second trigger, p2 and all occupants will relocate to designated coordinates?


    I didn't want to find out the hard way, in mission.


  2. I've been using this which works fine if everyone's in the same vehicle


    [] spawn {  
    ["Get ready for Quick Travel",0,0,6,0.2,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;

    uisleep 5;   
    [0] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_fadeEffect"]; 
    uisleep 3;
    (vehicle player) setPos ([4137.54,2133.24,0]);  
    uisleep 1; 
    [1] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_fadeEffect"];
    uisleep 2; 


    The new mission I'm working on has two sherman tanks with players in each,  I want to reposition both to save travel time.

    Any suggestions to make this work without both tanks spawning on top of each other?


    Players are named p1,p2 etc.


  3. The there a way I can get this result in one line, used in a trigger

    p0_1 etc. is the ai squad leaders variable name


    [p0_1, 1500] execVM "fn_taskRush.sqf"; 
    [p0_2, 1500] execVM "fn_taskRush.sqf";
    [p0_3, 1500] execVM "fn_taskRush.sqf";


    This of course doesn't work, but you can see what I'm after

    [p0_1, p0_2, p0_3, 1500] execVM "fn_taskRush.sqf";



  4. Never noticed your arsenal option before on the advanced module, looks to be all I need although sometimes a vehicle gets destroyed in a bad location, which is where the manual respawn comes in handy, also timing.


    I'll keep playing with the error.

    Edit; that was it I had my character labeled wrong.


    Thanks once again

    • Like 1

  5. Guys, I'm trying to use a trigger to create a replacement vehicle, once it's lost, for multiplayer use rather than having to go to zeus.

    The trigger is, radio to activate, repeatable, server only. 

    The code for On Activation is

    private _vehicle = "B_T_LSV_01_armed_F" createVehicle (getPos p1); ["AmmoboxInit",[_vehicle,true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;


    This works fine when testing and I'm the only player.

    When the other players are in game I'm getting multiple vehicles spawning  and of course mayhem (usually everyone dies with a vehicle  on their head 😉 ) and a lot of 'what the ****"


    Would like this to work with only one vehicle spawning if you have an idea to fix this script


  6. Ya I try to keep the triggers simple, no loops and delete zones including triggers after leaving a played zone, but that doesn't help at the beginning of a mission.

    Waste of time putting effort into something only to not see it show up, we call it that Arma thing.

    I'll try your suggestions.

    Thanks for the info Pierre

  7. Guys I'm finding triggers with longer detailed scripts are hit and miss during multiplayer sessions. When I check the triggers during mission building they work every time, not so much after a number of players get connected.

    Question I have is, will I have more consistent results running these scripts from a sqf file?


  8. Is there a way to do this in a trigger without having to do it the way I have presented.

    I'm looking for something like      forEach [p1,p2,p3];


    [west, p1] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

    [west, p2] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

    [west, p3] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

    [west, p4] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

    [west, p5] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

  9. I have two triggers activation set with opfor present.





    {_x enablesimulation false; _x setVariable ["enablesimulation",false] } forEach thisList;



    This is the second trigger


    this && player inArea thisTrigger


    {_x enablesimulation true; _x setVariable ["enablesimulation",true] } forEach thisList;



    What could I use if I wanted to include  Civilians InArea thisTrigger in the condition for both triggers


    I know you can set this in eden, setting distance but I like having more control over this.




