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Everything posted by Weathers

  1. Was a big fan of the BF series up until BF3. They took too big a step in the direction of COD and lost a lot of what made BF BF. I remember playing BF2 all those years ago and dreaming of BF3 but when it finally did arrive it was a watered down game albeit a watered down game with some amazing visuals. Prior to BF3, BF was the lowest complexity or arcadish shooter I could stomach so now I have emigrated to Arma, via BF2 Project Reality. Arma 2's controls were overly clunky and restrictive imo so I stayed with BF2PR for the most part, but now ArmA3 has most of that sorted I can't wait, because I loved the depth of ArmA2 - I jjust echo the thoughtts of others here in the hope that BIS don't fall foul of the recent casualization craze of former Greats.
  2. Weathers

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Just a word on AMD 13.3 beta and crossfire. I have HD 6870s in crossfire and prior to 13.3 I'd get more max GPU utilization but lower min utilzation, so more sporadic performance. Wiith 13.3 I get constant 50% utilization on each card. Either way performance isn't great (FPS ranging from 20fps all the way up to 80+, with the avg being around 30), tho it's not unexpected considering this is alpha. (i5 3750k at stock - OC=crash for me)