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About skimmer8824

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    Private First Class
  1. Is it safe to assume it is a bug that needs to be reported? Every other dialog control appears to function fine.
  2. comm menu: expression = "[] execVM 'dialog.sqf'"; action menu: _client addAction["<t color='#FFFF00'>Tablet</t>","dialog.sqf",[],-99,False,True]; ---------- Post added at 18:24 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ---------- Can you upload your test mission? I have attached the mission folder that demonstrates the issue for me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1b1foniswfgtut8/MapControl_Demo.Stratis.rar Calling the dialog from the action menu results in the correct action of the mouse wheel zoom on the map. Calling the dialog from support (Comm Menu) renders the mouse wheel useless; however, using the num pad plus and minus keys do work.
  3. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Communication_Menu I can post an example mission later today to demonstrate.
  4. When opening a dialog with a map control from the communication menu, the mouse wheel zoom is non functioning. If the same dialog is opened from the action menu, then the zoom works as intended. Has anyone else run into this feature/bug?
  5. Any ideas?, I can post the PBO if needed.
  6. How are you "scripting" the unit? The following commands should create a BLUFOR soldier in your squad. _unit = group player createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos player, [], 0, "FORM"]; Edit: I just reread your post. I would use the addAction command to the init of your "hostage" like follows: this addAction ["Follow me!","followme.sqf"]; and then in your followme.sqf: (_this select 0) join group (_this select 1);
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. This works in a listen server environment, but I still can't get it to work on a dedicated server. The RPT file contains repeated entries of "Handler not present".
  8. Hi, I have been trying to get this simple piece of code to work. It is properly executed in SP and on a listen server; however, it fails to work on a dedicated server. The code gives the player an action to print "Hello" to all clients. What have I overlooked? Thanks! init.sqf: // init.sqf waituntil {!(isnil "bis_fnc_init")}; showChat true; enableSaving [False, False]; gc_function = {(_this select 0) globalchat (_this select 1)}; sayHello = FALSE; publicVariable "sayHello"; if(!isDedicated) then { player addAction ["Say Hello","talk.sqf"]; }; if (isServer) then { while {true} do { waitUntil {sayHello}; [[player, "Hello"], "gc_function"] call BIS_fnc_mp; sayHello = FALSE; publicVariable "sayHello"; }; }; talk.sqf: sayHello = TRUE; publicVariable "sayHello";
  9. skimmer8824

    Help Patrol script

    I've had success with using the BIS_fnc_spawnCrew function. _heli = createVehicle ["B_MH9_F", getPos homeBase, [], 0, "NONE"]; _grp = createGroup West; [_heli, _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnCrew; It will populate the vehicle with the appropriate crew. I had trouble finding it on the BIKI, but there is some documentation about it on the OFPEC.com website. I would post a link, but my member status is prohibiting it.
  10. skimmer8824

    Spawn an AI soldier next to me

    Your syntax looks OK; it could be that the function tried to run before the BIS_fnc's were initialized. Try putting the following code in front of that line: waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; Another method to create an AI unit is to use the following command: unit = group player createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos player, [], 0, "FORM"]; Additionally, you can create a random unit from a defined array of unit types: unitList = ["B_medic_F","B_soldier_AR_F","B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_GL_F"]; unit = group player createUnit [unitList select (round(random ((count unitList) - 1))), getPos player, [], 0, "FORM"];
  11. Did you type this in the editor? You cannot use local variables (defined with a "_" preceding the name) in the editor. You can use "this" in the init field of the unit which is a placeholder for the unit you are modifying. An example would be: (group this) allowfleeing 0; (driver this) disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; (driver this) disableAI "TARGET"; (driver this) setBehavior "CARELESS"; (driver this) setCombatMode "BLUE";
  12. Hi all, I just want to begin with that these forums and the BIS wiki have been a great resource to me in the past for SP missions; however, with the release of Arma3 I have just recently begun to take up scripting for MP compatible missions. What my problem comes down to is I am having trouble allowing a client to control an AI squad or vehicle that is local to the server. I have been trying numerous techniques with setVariable and publicVariable without any success. Below I have posted a simplified version of what I am trying to accomplish. The player has an action to move the AI unit to the player's current location. Testing this in SP, listen server, and dedicated, results in the AI unit's failure to move. init.sqf if (!isServer) then {waitUntil {!isNull player}}; showChat TRUE; //Server if (isServer) then { MOVEGROUP = createGroup WEST; GUY = MOVEGROUP createUnit ["B_Helipilot_F", getPos cone,[],0,"NONE"]; publicVariable "GUY"; _null = [] execVM "loop.sqf"; }; //Client if(!isDedicated) then { player addAction ["Move GUY","move.sqf"]; }; loop.sqf: GUY setVariable ["GUYMOVETO",[], TRUE]; GUY setVariable ["GUYMOVE",FALSE, TRUE]; while {TRUE} do { if (GUY getVariable "GUYMOVE") then { GUY move (GUY getVariable "GUYMOVETO"); GUY setVariable["GUYMOVETO",[],TRUE]; GUY setVariable["GUYMOVE",FALSE,TRUE]; GUY globalChat "moving..."; publicVariable "GUY"; }; sleep 0.5; ]; move.sqf: private ["_pos"]; if (GUY getVariable "GUYMOVE") exitWith {player globalChat "can't move";}; _pos = getPos player; hint str _pos; player globalChat "sending move order"; GUY setVariable["GUYMOVETO",_pos,TRUE]; GUY setVariable["GUYMOVE",TRUE,TRUE]; publicVariable "GUY"; I could be completely misunderstanding the usage of setVariable, but that's why I am posting this here. Thanks for any help!