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Everything posted by farooqaaa

  1. I have a server running on Linux using Wine. Users experience desync when the player count goes above 15. Anyone else having these issues? Is there any way to fix this? Server Specs: Intel Quad-Core Xeon E3-1230 3.20Ghz 8GB DDR3 Memory 100mbit dedicated connection
  2. Thanks a lot. That works!
  3. Is there any way to disable Windows Error Reporting in Wine? I tried the registry edit but it doesn't work.
  4. Follow this video. Ignore the Teamspeak stuff if you're installing it on a server. http://www.youtube.com./watch?v=ah3BJZpXaq4
  5. farooqaaa

    Arma3 Videos

    Stealing a chopper
  6. According to Arma 2 Wiki the player event "HandleDamage" should process the damage returned from that event but it's not working in Arma 3 and damage is handled by the engine no matter what this event returns. Example code: player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _damage = 0; _damage; }]; I know that I can set allowDamage to false to stop the player from taking damage but that's not what I want to do. I want to customize the damage before it is processed. Can anyone help? How does Arma 3 handle this event? Thanks
  7. Thanks for the fast response. I did that but still no luck. This doesn't make the player invincible: player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { 0 }]; And this doesn't make it die instantly after taking any amount of damage: player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { 1 }];
  8. The only one that seems to be working so far is the Zeu Server Briefing addon. How would I go about doing this: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/serversidescripting/wiki/Example_Messaging That shows regular messages to clients that are connected to your server but it's working. I have added it inot the Zeu code but still now luck. _handle = []ExecVM "\userconfig\zeu\zeu_A3serverBriefing.hpp"; waitUntil {scriptDone _handle}; {Publicvariable _x}foreach ["ZEU_SERVERTITLE", "ZEU_SERVERINFO"]; if ( isServer ) then { _init = ' if ( !isDedicated ) then { zeu_serverbriefing = this; [] spawn { waitUntil { (!isNull player) && (! isnil "ZEU_SERVERTITLE") && (! isnil "ZEU_SERVERINFO")}; player createDiarySubject ["zeu_serverPage",ZEU_SERVERTITLE]; player createDiaryRecord ["zeu_serverPage",["Server Info",ZEU_SERVERINFO]]; }; }'; "logic" createUnit [[1,1,1], (createGroup sideLogic), _init, 0.5, "corporal"]; " [] spawn { while {true} do { hintSilent ""TeamSpeak IP : xx.xx.xx.xx""; sleep 10; hintSilent ""VoIP enabled""; sleep 10; hintSilent ""Any other information needed""; sleep 300; }; }; " call CreateLogicCode; };
  9. netlog=true is not working.
  10. New Arma 3 update brought a new bug. Throwing grenades will crash your server. I'm not sure when this will be fixed so I need to way to keep order on my server. How can I kick or ban a player automatically that throws grenades? I have got the throwing grenades part right. I have added an antigrenade script to all my missions and it warns the user but how can I tell the server to kick/ban the player? If that's not possible then how can I stop players from throwing grenades? The only solution is to edit all missions and remove grenades but that's a lot of work. Thanks in advance.
  11. It's not ridiculous if even the server name has "No grenades!" appended to it and you are warned when you spawn each time.
  12. farooqaaa

    Server crash on 0.52?

    Confirming this. Throwing 2 grenades in quick succession crashed my server multiple times.
  13. Thanks. This will come in handy.
  14. farooqaaa

    Server side addons?

    Thanks a lot. I never thought about that. That clears the server messages part. But for other stuff I need a while loop going which for some reason doesn't work. I did put it in the area and the code worked too but it wasn't running as a loop, just once. My code also had a few sleep calls which were supposed to be executed after a minute but they all executed at once.
  15. Can you post a screenshot please?
  16. How would I go about getting it working on an Arma 3 dedicated server?
  17. farooqaaa

    Arma3 Videos

    Ifrit Physics
  18. Disregard that. It's working now. ------------------------ Does this work for dedicated servers? I have done everything but my players still not see it. Am I missing something? I have made a @zeu folder inside Arma 3 root and there's an "addons" folder inside it where I have put the .pbo file. I have added "-mod=@CBA_A3;@zeu" to the launch parameters too but still no luck.