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Everything posted by BusStopWilly

  1. I'm really looking forward to hearing more about this mod. I love a bit of Sci-Fi! Check out my YouTube stuff, a bit old now but was fun to do :D I'll be keeping an eye on this one! BSW
  2. BusStopWilly

    Combat Vest

    You'll need to map the UVs. Then use your UV map file as a base to paint over, creating a simple diffuse map. Elaborate on the diffuse with additional layers such as Ambient Occlusion for more oomph. Not sure how many polys you're using but you may have to retopo it down to a low poly mesh...which will be easier to unwrap and seam the UVs. THEN it's into O2 I guess where you'll possibly have to create an rvmat for it. Hope this helps and not teaching you to suck eggs. BSW
  3. Many thanks for the positive feedback, it's what keeps us going! I've noticed I'm modding both Blu and Opfor vehicles into indies but nvm eh? Who's to say a PMC cant buy their equipment from both sides manufacturers (In 2035 at least)? Couple more screenies for you. Two more chopper reskins. Ones a littlebird and the other...isn't. ZFG Rangemaster :D And finally, a (at the moment) turretless Hunter Hope you like! Have fun! BSW
  4. Amazing quality assets. Keep up the great work! *edit* Just checked out meshcarver.com ...speechless! BSW
  5. BusStopWilly

    Custom face colours ' fix' addon

    Custom faces 'work' regardless of using this mod or not. This mod simply makes the colours 'pop' . If you have face.paa or face.jpg in your profile folder the game WILL load it and other players will see it regardless of mods used. Thanks BSW
  6. First chopper reskin. Have ballsed up the config to some extent, not that great with scripts, sure I'll get the hang of it! Peaking into the cockpit. Flying around. BSW
  7. Hi all, I recently released this addon for Arma3 Alpha - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153429-Custom-face-colours-fix-addon. And have made one for Arma2 too! At last (some of you might say?) And here's the download link for the Arma2 Version of the addon :D http://www.multiupload.nl/V57GD3TN9T So....dust off those C.W. D.D. and your own custom faces, install the addon and see them in all their glory! I do have a signed version too, which can be used instead. Used DSCreate and BinPbo to pack the addon, which generated a .bisign file. Is this the one that needs adding to the zipfile for multiplayer compatibility? Have Fun! BSW *EDIT* Please download and try out this mod and let me know via thread any problems you have, please specify if you're using Nvidia or AMD should you have problems. Mod should be installed like any other, extract the @rvmat folder to your A2OA root folder and run with the -mod=@rvmat launch option.
  8. BusStopWilly

    Custom face colours ' fix' addon

    Resize it to 512x512 and hopefully it should drop in just under at about 96kb. BSW
  9. Just a little update. ZFG Pilot and light patrol finished (I think). More to do, unsure when to stop. :D BSW
  10. BusStopWilly

    Particle Editor

    I have one idea what to do with this fantastic tool... Just spent 10 mins watching small chunks of meat slowly rise out of the floor, daydreaming that I'm in the targeting area of an Akira-esque orbiting laser platform :D Wonder if I can mod-up some kind of mobile HAARP station. BSW
  11. BusStopWilly

    Custom Face

    Not quite sure what you mean, can you elaborate?
  12. BusStopWilly

    Custom face colours ' fix' addon

    Cheers pal! This signing lark is harder than modding :D. Download fixed and now contains .bikey and .bisign BSW
  13. BusStopWilly

    Custom Face

    Take a look here. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153429-Custom-face-colours-fix-addon Have re-uploaded the file with the key. Have fun and let me know if it works, I guess it's up to the server host to allow certain keys?? BSW
  14. BusStopWilly

    Custom face colours ' fix' addon

    First post now edited with latest version which includes signature key for multiplayer servers.
  15. BusStopWilly

    Custom Face

    Tag registered at Ofpec, BSW_. Just got to unpack, re-pack and sign, then will upload newer version BSW
  16. BusStopWilly

    Custom Face

    I can generate a .bisign file when I pack it, is that all that's needed? Ive also done one for Arma2OA :D http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155346-Custom-Face-Colour-Fix-addon-For-Arma2 BSW
  17. Hehe, Yes, I just used those as examples to show the colour differences. BSW
  18. First post edited with a screenshot to make it more interesting? Hopefully so :D BSW
  19. File is now ready for download. Tested and working. New link in first post. .bisign is in the zip too. Sorry for the mistake :) BSW
  20. BusStopWilly

    Custom Face

    Faces are already coded in, and working (although my mod makes 'em better ;)) right there from your A3 (and A2) profile folders (As they always were) . It's the custom textureHL that covers the arms and legs that we're looking for at the mo'. Link to custom face rvmat and thread here and at Armaholic. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153429-Custom-face-colours-fix-addon http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=21979 BSW
  21. BusStopWilly

    Custom Face

    Yes, the problem could be solved if only B.I. would tell us what to name the hand/legs in our profile folder. Addon can then be slightly altered to incorporate the custom arms/legs. Or B.I. could just use my custom rvmat settings for custom faces. The benefit of that is custom faces now look great again and everyone seems happy with that. I will (soon) release a signed version which should be an improvement for multiplayer. PC broken at moment, waiting on a new mobo to be fitted and apparently that means a re-install of windows so I'm gonna lose all B.I. tools and mods:( Hopefully the more people use the addon, the more popular it'll get. BSW
  22. BusStopWilly

    Custom face colours ' fix' addon

    Nvidia 580 mate. :D @Mr.Charles...sweet :D Thanks for the feedback! BSW **edit** omg it's on Armaholic! tyvm Foxhound!
  23. BusStopWilly

    Custom Face

    Edited post above, quite major change as the screenshot shows. :D BSW
  24. BusStopWilly

    Custom Face

    Modified rvmat released, custom faces now look a lot better! Started a new thread here... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153429-Custom-face-colours-fix-addon Download and enjoy! BSW