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Everything posted by braveblades

  1. braveblades

    Custom soldier template

    ok, i will try - thanks! after research i build script based on this scripts what you show. i try to put it here tommorow.
  2. braveblades

    Custom soldier template

    hi Kommiekat, i've another question about your approach - is this possible to insert in this scripts code about detailed skill set? i'd like to define it for every "class". anyway - thanks again man! :)
  3. braveblades

    Custom soldier template

    Thanks man! :) imho BlackMamba approach is more complex and more adress what i imagine, BUT this scripts are cool and for sure its help me customize my units. Excellent.
  4. braveblades

    Scope Mod A3

    Great work!! What a detail model and texture! I think your fingerprint and text add more "character" to this work and a bit of "reality". Personally i prefer more "realistic" textures then "brand-new". But its my point of view :) anyway - it's a top class addon and i looking for more your works -like whole weapons (not only scope) ;) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free
  5. braveblades

    Custom soldier template

    Ok..I think that i'd like to define in my template almost the same things as you. For now i understand much more :) but of course if have time and want to help me more I will be much obliged and.. very, very happy :) Generally i'd like to customize as much as i can, because I pay attention to detail, so as i think about this template i want to define: - classification (class) name (regular, elite, specop, etc.) - uniform (optionally appearance like NV or headset, etc) - weapons (primary and secondary) - magazines (for primary and secondary) - accessories (Rangefinder, Maps, compass, etc.) - skill of unit (in details) - I've a problem because i don't know is this any correlation between setting up manually skill of unit and used external mode like ASR, Zeus & TPW mods) Ok, so next in editor, I imagine that, when I place single solider (name: sol1) on map I can "call" from this template one of class - like "specop", and this sol1 will have specific parameters defined earlier in my template. I imagine that, this approach would not only help me to build the mission, but also to manage a large number of individuals units on map (with different parameters). I will also ensure that every soldier with "class regular" has the same equipment and skills. Second thing what i want is to setup name and soundname for this soldier -but i know how to do this :) I think about this template as a "unified tool" to manage a large number of custom units (without place in init line for every unit specific parameters) ---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ---------- Kommiekat - great! if i may try/use your scripts (and LEARN) it will be great! thanks!
  6. braveblades

    Custom soldier template

    OMG!:omg: BlackMamb - you are a MAN! :) thanks!!.. give me a moment for "read & understand" your explanation!
  7. braveblades

    Custom soldier template

    Thank you so much BlackMamb! This is very detailed instruction. Unfortunately i'm not very good in scripting, so I got your idea but have few question. I forgot to write the important thing - for now I want create only SP mission. The solution is probably the same, but maybe this is important information :) As I good understand your approach, in steps: 1. must define every detail of asset in external script - for example parameters.sqf 2. place gamelogic in editor and place "YourTag_templatesInit_done = false;" in init line 3. place solider in editor and in init line put "[this, "parameters.sqf"] spawn YourTag_fnc_setTemplate;" - i not sure that i correctly call script 4. in description.ext i defined function "YourTag_fnc_setTemplate" and... there i'm little confused :) because i don't understand what is the role of this function.. I think that when I define in script every detail, i just simply call by init field of soldier :(
  8. braveblades

    FHQ M4 for Arma 3 (Prerelease)

    i have problems with sounds too :( in previous versions sounds was so cool. now it's muted and.. are strange. it's sad because this is one of my favourites mod.
  9. braveblades

    [SCRIPT]Basic killticker

    Tuliq, sorry for newbie question, but how exactly run your script. i call it in init.sqf, and... then? :(
  10. braveblades

    M16A4 Example

    model looks promising, but imho the texture is.. a bit blur or low-res.
  11. I confirm that - can't see commands in editor and in SP gameplay :( i try everything but with no effect. still can't see most of commands...
  12. Great addon - downloaded - tested - working great! thanx! :)
  13. braveblades

    RH PDW pack

    Thanx!!! ---------- Post added at 19:29 ---------- Previous post was at 19:21 ---------- It's a great mod RH! I can't wait for HK416 :)
  14. braveblades

    RH PDW pack

    Hey, sorry for my "newbie" question, but.. i installed this superb mod in Arma3/@RHW, then enter Steam startup parameter (-mod=@rhw) and start the game. In option/expansion i see "@RHW" but in edit i can't add this weapon to player and can't see ammo box (under empty/ammo). what's wrong? :(