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About Exakt785

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  1. That didn't meant you, that is why I didn't use your post as a quote, it is something that I hear often, both at work and outside.
  2. It is also funny to hear, "We don't have these kind of issues with consoles"... Well that is far from the truth, especially at this stage of the project. Also the (current) consoles are very limited memory wise, they only have 1GB of RAM/VRAM (either that they share the same 1GB or is split 512MB RAM and 512MB VRAM).
  3. It is still early in the development, it may take about a month or two (maybe more, depending on their timetable) before we see any real performance boost. They will work on it when they hit the BETA stage, right now, their focus is to implement all functionalities. Once they hit BETA, this is when they start the polish of the game (graphics, performances, game balance), while trying to fix the big issues that may still be lingering. As for the AI, as stated in the post above, the AI can cause a lot of strain on the server, it depends on how the mission was built. Does the AI spawns for every places where it should be at the beginning of the mission, or does it spawn once the players are within a certain distance of an objective. The former causes a lot of lag/performance drops for most of the mission while the latter depends totally on where the players are. If there is a player near each objectives, than you get the same amount of lag/performance drops as if the AI is spawned at the beginning of the mission, if the players all go for the same objective and proceed one objective at a time, there is less strain on the server, since there is less CPU usage for the AI itself.
  4. Yeah, I saw that one, but I found that some stuff was missing, such has include a DxDiag file (System Specs) in a performance issue, as an example.
  5. Added, but not in Big gigantic font. Thanks for the suggestion. Exakt
  6. Exakt785

    Possible to have fun without microphone?

    Don't worry, a lot of people play without a mike, I myself play from time to time without one and I've been a long fan of the series (since OFP). Also there will be plenty of servers with missions that you can pop in and out without a hitch and you don't need to be in a clan. I have been in a few and I have to say that they are all quite fun to play with, it is just with my job, I don't necessarily have the time to participate in ops, especially during the summer. About the sense of realism/dedication, it is just like you, it is just that we enjoy military sims more than racing sims ;) .
  7. Hello everybody, I work in the game development industry and got through the feedback tracker regularly and I see some points that we can all try to ameliorate. I am sharing a few pointers to make each of your issues filed in the feedback tracker more accurate and helpful to the devs. Search Please search for the issue before filling one in. A good tip is to use only a word at first, like for example "Ifrit". Now if there is one thousand issues about the Ifrit, you'll want to narrow it down, add a new simple word to the search, this should bring the number of issue to a more manageable amount (around 100). Now you can check the details of the issues and if you see your issue already filled, please add a note with further information. Category While most people get it right, there is a few misuse of some categories, such as Ingame UI. Ingame UI is basically the pause menu when you are playing a mission, Communication and the Mouse-wheel menu. If it is the MP Server Browser or anything that is accessible from the Main Menu, the category should be set to Menu UI. As for HW Issues, it is for crashes due to your hardware, such as DirectX crashes or Video Card crashes, a loss of FPS is not an HW Issue, but rather a Performance issue. About Game Freezes and Game Crashes, there is a small difference. A Game Freeze is just the program becoming unresponsive and does not crash to desktop, while the latter will produce a crash to desktop. Reproducibility Try at least to reproduce the issue a few times (3 or more). Also please add a note in the description on how often the issue occurs if the repro rate is not 100% (Always), this helps the devs in assigning a priority on the issue. Severity Now that can be somewhat difficult to gauge, depending on the person filling the issue, but usually, there is some good ground rules. Feature : Can be considered as a suggestion, if you believe a feature should be added and is not present, use this severity. Trivial : It is an issue, but if it doesn't affect gameplay in any ways, this is the severity you use, eg: the muzzle of the rifle slightly clips through a wall, without going all the way through. Most of the small cosmetic graphical issues will often end up with this severity. Text : The title says it, any text issues, grammatical and syntax errors fall into this category. Tweak : This is for game balance issues, too much recoil on a weapon is one such example. Minor : It doesn't break the game but really needs to be fixed, most of the flagrant graphical issues and minor functionalities are usually found under this type of severity. High : A missing feature that is or had been implemented (in previous versions) and does not work, a place where you get stuck in the map and can't get out of, a placeholder texture when we will be in BETA and very bad performance losses. Urgent : A freeze, crash or an issue that blocks the progression of the campaign/mission. Immediate : Usually, it is the devs that may escalate an issue up to this level of severity. Most of the issues that can be found to be escalated are crashes/freezes (more and more as the project advances) and some legal issues. Priority Usually, this should follow the same route as the severity, but usually it is used by the devs to remember what needs to be done as soon as possible during the current milestone (ALPHA, BETA, Release Candidate). I would suggest to set it at None, let the devs assign the priority based on the milestone, as stated earlier. Summary The summary should contain has much information about the issue while being brief. Check the following example http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4237. Here we can clearly see the version, along with a very brief but clear description of the issue. Providing the version in the title will help the devs in seeing if this issue was corrected or not in a build that they work with. Remember that there is multiple versions of the build being worked on and then compile into a Dev Branch build or the stable ALPHA one. Description This is where you can write a whole novel for the issue. This is where you put in the details and the outcomes of the issue. Sometimes, the issue that you are reporting may cause other issues, this is where you write them. There is only one thing here, please do not post opinions in this box, it is not the purpose of it, instead, write them in the Additional Information one Steps to Reproduce Steps to reproduce the issue are critical and saves a lot of time for the devs, otherwise, they have to figure out how it happened. Numbered steps, like an IKEA kit manual are necessary. Again, look at the example issue linked above and check the Steps to Reproduce. This is the best way to write them. Additional Information This is where you can add more information, maybe that you forgot to include in the description, an expected result or a comment on why it is an issue with your point of view, but please back it up with sensible opinions/facts. Upload File This, as you guessed it, is where you attach a file to the issue. In a perfect world, every issue should include at least a screenshot, press F12 for Steam to take one. If you are running FRAPS, only attach a video if it is a sound or animation issue, the database doesn't need the extra load for just a placeholder texture of a text issue. As for Crashes, attach the crash log. In all performance issues, a DxDiag file should be attached, this will help the devs in finding what kind of hardware may have some issues. Vote Up/Vote Down Log in the feedback tracker to vote an issue up or down, otherwise you won't see the vote buttons. Hope this helps, we can make ArmA III a game that all can be proud of, both the devs and the community, Exakt
  8. Good for an Alpha, can't wait to see more as the game progresses.