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Everything posted by SteelSampson

  1. What do I put in the condition field of a trigger if I want it to activate when ALL 4 objects are in inside the trigger area? I tried this with no success: obj1 && obj2 && obj3 && obj4 in thislist; Also tried: myObjects = [obj1,obj2,obj3,obj4]; myObjects in thislist;
  2. I am trying to make a mission where you can only use the radio within the certain trigger areas. This is what I have in one trigger: ACTIVATION:BLUFOR, Present, Repeatedly. CONDITION:this On ACT: 1 setRadioMsg "Request Transport"; hint "Radio Active"; On DEA: 1 setRadioMsg "NULL"; hint "Radio INACTIVE"; I still am able to access the channel even when outside the trigger? What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
  3. I'm wanting to simulate events that happened with Seal Team six in 2011 and Blackhawk down. I want soldiers with rpgs to fire the rpgs at a chopper if it gets within a certain distance.
  4. SteelSampson

    Connection failed

    I am getting this problem, has Bohemia still not fixed this?
  5. createCenter west; wgroup1 = createGroup west; dude = "US_Soldier_EP1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "base", wgroup1]; I understand that the above works... but I am needing to spawn a lone, individual, non-grouped unit. Is this possible? **Just realized I posted in the wrong section I apologize. If a moderator would like to move it that would be great. Thanks.
  6. SteelSampson

    ACRE Pipe Error?

    For some of you the problem might be that you need to re-install TS and make sure the 64.dll or 32.dll(respectively) is put in the right folder. Again, make sure everything is run as admin.
  7. How do I attach a trigger to an IED grouped with several markers? I've been using this: trig1 attachto [car1,[0,0,0]] For some reason it's not working?
  8. Thank you! Would it be possible to reset the damage to 0 after 60 seconds for any vehicle that: 1. has players in it and 2. has reached the damage limit of 0.8?
  9. I am making a training mission and I'd like to simulate loss of mobility on a vehicle and loss of one crewman, like the driver and/or gunner without having everyone in the vehicle go down. Sidenote: they players in the vehicle and the vehicle itself could be different each time the mission is played. Thanks
  10. Is it possible to make it so a vehicle can take damage just never blowup? like limiting the damage it can take to 'damage 0.9' or something?
  11. Awesome! Thank you! Is there a way to make it also choose a random number of crew members?
  12. Sorry, should have clarified this... ai will be disabled. Thanks for the link!
  13. I am also interested in this if anyone has any ideas
  14. Here's the wiki link, but it basically says: don't run the trigger on each individual client. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isServer
  15. In the On Condition field of the triggers try this: this && isServer;
  16. For some reason this isn't working for me. I also have tried: This && ({_x in thislist} count [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4] == 4) ({_x in thislist} count [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4] > 3) This && ({_x in thislist} count [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4] > 3) with as many different variations in trigger activation I could think of. I also made the trigger needlessly large to make sure it covered the area needed. The onAct field works fine when I test the trigger as a basic blufor activated trigger. Any ideas?
  17. I am trying to get OPFOR ai units to ignore BLUFOR unit who are destroying them. I have lowered all skill levels to lowest possible. I have set WPs to Careless and never fire. I have also put this {_x allowfleeing 0} foreach allunits; in the init.sqf. Is there anything else that can be done? Thanks.
  18. Bumpity bump... any thoughts? It seems like it should be easy to make AI just follow their waypoints... but it seems to be impossible:mad: I hope BI fixes this for arma 3. They need to add a waypoint speed: "cannot move" and need to add a waypoint behaviour: oblivious. RaGE.!
  19. SteelSampson

    ACRE Pipe Error?

    Anyone have new ideas on this?
  20. This is what I have in the onAct field: RR2t551 = createVehicle ["T55_TK_EP1",getMarkerPos "r2_1",["r2_2","r2_3","r2_4","r2_5","r2_6","r2_10","r2_19","r2_22"], 100, "NONE"];
  21. I have only eight specific vehicles that I would like to be able to activate the trigger? Thanks.
  22. If I am understanding this right this would have the same effect. The trigger wouldn't be activated until these conditions were met, but then it would still spawn a target for every BLUFOR player in the tank. What I'm asking here is how to access the "Activation" field of the trigger and make it activate based on the vehicles in the trigger not the BLUFOR units in the trigger.
  23. Use trigger countdown or timeout to you liking: countdown delays the reaction of a trigger for a certain length of time, determined by the min, max and mid values. thus if the triggering unit walks into the area then leaves, the trigger will fire after the countdown is complete, regardless of whether the triggering unit is present or not. timeout requires that the condition of the trigger must be met for a certain length of time, determined by the min, max and mid values. thus if the triggering unit walks into the area then leaves before the timeout is complete, the trigger will not fire.
  24. First, Thank you for the PM, I'm still studying it. So... I had several guys help me test my mission yesterday and apparently I did not understand how triggers operate. Here's a screenshot of the trigger area I'm referring to: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/884109618818867408/DA5155D480F2DD6D9E41451E8E08073725A23AE9/ My Goal: Have one target spawn for each vehicle(not player) that rolls through a trigger. My Action: Putting this in the condition line of each of those triggers: this && ({ _x in thislist} count [Tank2_1, Tank2_2, Tank2_3, Tank2_4, Tank2_1b, Tank2_2b, Tank2_3b, Tank2_4b] > 0) && isServer; The Problem: The condition doesn't determine the activation of the trigger it only says "Don't activate until these conditions are met." So every time a full tank rolled though I was still getting four targets (for each of the players in the tank). The Question:: Is there a way to tell the trigger to ignore the players and only activate once for each vehicle that trips the trigger? That way I only get 1 target for each tank. Thanks
  25. Background: I spawned an empty vehicle(vehi1) based on random markers. I now need a units or groups to spawn near Vehi1.