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Everything posted by dreadedentity

  1. You could always spawn identical objects right on top of the old ones and make those invincible
  2. dreadedentity

    Stuck on loading screen

    Have you both tried restarting your computers?
  3. disableAI, but this only works for voluntary movement by the AI. Since they are boats, they are able to float away if they get rammed into or something similar. In this case, it may be easier to constantly spam setVelocity until something happens. _noVelocity = [] spawn { while {true} do { setVelocity [0,0,0]; }; }; waitUntil {YOUR_CONDITION_HERE}; terminate _noVelocity;
  4. dreadedentity

    Problem exiting while loop

    spawn, terminate loop1 = [] spawn { while {true} do { }; }; loop2 = [] spawn { while {true} do { }; }; //now you decide you don't want to use loop1 anymore terminate loop1;
  5. Oops, that's what I get for organizing my dropbox files! I made a new link
  6. Well, I thought that the path to missions was hard-coded, but it seems I was wrong. The little script works by reading the mission filepath, parsing the strings, then the results are hard-coded from that array. Like, the normal filepath if you just used the default install directory would be "C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\PROFILENAME\missions\MISSION_NAME", so I literally just counted which elements I needed from the array to display them in a hint. I actually thought that the mission folder was hard-coded to "my documents", how did you get a different directory? EDIT: D'oh it makes sense now. Since you're not using your boot drive, there is no Users folder, so just changing the install directory should be sufficient.
  7. It's because your filepath is different! :o Not enough elements in the array
  8. dreadedentity

    RVMATs And Relative Dirs

    You might need to use the root mission directory
  9. _trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player]; _trg setTriggerActivation["ALPHA", "PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["BETA", "PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["CHARLIE","PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["DELTA", "PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["ECHO", "PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["FOXTROT","PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["GOLF", "PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["HOTEL", "PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["INDIA", "PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerActivation["JULIET", "PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerText "Your custom radio name here"; _trg setTriggerStatements["this", "hint 'Radio has been triggered'", ""];
  10. I can load up Arma 3 in ~20 seconds with my SSD... Not trying to be rude, but why are you having 48 CTD's per day? When I was learning dialogs, I followed a , had the wiki open in the background, and had maybe 10 CTD's at maximum.
  11. The game searches the mission directory for files, so make sure you include the filepath to the file if you put it inside any folders. For example, if you have a folder called 'scripts' that you put it in, you need to use: call compile preprocessFile "scripts\whitelist.txt" If that still doesn't work, post or PM me a download for the mission and I'll take an in-depth look.
  12. dreadedentity

    Eventhandler help/shots fired

    I can't believe I didn't see such a fun script to write until late at night. In Rejenorst's example, this will make it so that if any unit fires more than X times, something will happen. While there's nothing wrong with doing it that way, if you wanted to make it so the entire team can only shoot X number of times, then you'll need to go a different route: initServer.sqf (this will only be run by the server) totalShots = 0; JIPplayer = ""; "JIPplayer" addPublicVariableEventHandler { (_this select 1) addEventHandler ["Fired", { totalShots = totalShots + 1; }]; }; waitUntil {totalShots == 20}; [] execVM "myScript.sqf"; init.sqf (put this at the very top, before anything else) waitUntil {player == player}; JIPplayer = player; publicVariableServer "JIPplayer"; JIPplayer = nil;
  13. You can avoid using variables when it isn't necessary to retain the information they would hold. I think it would safely work to use something like this: if !((getPlayerUID player) in (call compile preprocessFile "whitelist.txt")) then { endMission "Loser"; };
  14. It really depends on what you want to do, I'm not sure what exactly you want to do or how you want things set up...But I can tell you that error is from putting a local variable in the init line of a unit. Local variables are not allowed to be created in init lines for some reason. Yep, compileFinal would be extremely useful here :p From what I understand, compileFinal prevents the variable the expression is attached to from being overwritten.
  15. An easy way to use a text file to edit parts of code is with preprocessFile. _UIDList = call compileFinal preProcessFile "whitelist.txt"; whitelist.txt ["123456789","123456789","123456789"]
  16. For my new script, I'm trying to create a system where users can add their own files and the mission will work without any editing to the scripts. Is that possible or will I need to make an addon? If the only way to do this is by creating an addon are there any reference materials to get me started? (Keep in mind I'm kind of a beginner)
  17. No. The reason the variable didn't change was because of use of the private command. Private allows you to create a new variable, without regard to variables in a parent scope. That means that you can even create variables with exactly the same name, and they won't affect each other. So if you don't use the private command in a lower scope, it'll be fine.
  18. Urban troops can be found under Opfor -> CSAT -> Men (Urban) Their classnames might have been changed, that's one reason
  19. You should define _pvar1, _pvar2, and _array before your "If Then" statements because variables remain local to the scope they were defined in. Lower scopes have access to them, but higher scopes do not. If you don't believe me you can run a small check like this: if (true) then { private["_test"]; _test = "This variable will only exist inside this ""if"" statement"; }; hint str _test; That said: _pvar1 = ""; _pvar2 = ""; _array = []; if (CONDITION_1) then { _pvar1 = "stuff"; if (!(_pvar1 in _array)) then {_pvar1 = "other stuff"}; } else { _pvar1 = "other stuff"; }; if (CONDITION_2) then { _pvar2 = _pvar1 + "is stuff"; } else { _pvar2 = _pvar1 + "is other stuff"; }; _pvar2 call WAK_fnc_someFunction; Correction: It only localizes them to the scope that the command was run in
  20. dreadedentity

    PVP alive unit counter/ indicator

    In ArmaEdit, you can edit the headers by clicking on Tools -> Edit Auto Header Data. That's what I use :) If you want an updated list of commands, I can PM mine to you. (weapon/ammo classnames haven't been updated, just commands)
  21. I was under the impression that this is exactly how that works...