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Everything posted by dreadedentity

  1. dreadedentity

    Select certain units in a radius

    Is it a scripted trigger or an editor placed trigger?
  2. dreadedentity

    Select certain units in a radius

    You can iterate through the array, checking for units that are within a certain distance. _radius = 20; _closeUnits = []; { if (_myAidStation distance _x < _radius) then { _closeUnits pushBack _x; }; }forEach _myArray;
  3. Come hang out whenever you have a minute!
  4. Thanks for the feedback, Tajin. The first "variation" creates the "range" of time that needs to pass before the loop cycles. "flyoverChance" is the chance for a helicopter spawn in that cycle. The second "variation" has to do with the spawned helicopter's direction, I just couldn't think up a better name for it and that also served as a private test, the helicopters are spawned using a random distance/direction or relative position. The variation is then subtracted from the random direction, to create some variability, I didn't think it would be a nice effect if the helicopters always flew directly overhead of the player. Maybe we could request such a command on the FT! That sounds like a command I can get behind. This is true, I'll be looking for a better solution now that it's been brought up. Actually, rather than having the helicopter randomly just take damage, I was originally envisioning spawning an AA trooper on a nearby hill who would then target the poor heli and fire. But there were some extreme technical difficulties with that (like finding the highest hill in an area), Is there any way I can just simulate a missile firing?
  5. Do you mean network lag? I'm not really sure how leaving out a semicolon can cause packets to travel more slowly to their destinations
  6. Yes, you can do this _myConfig = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry"); _unitConfig = (_myConfig >> "OIA_InfSentry"); That creates a variable containing a "config" data type ---------- Post added at 23:36 ---------- Previous post was at 23:27 ---------- Okay, the main difference between what you asking for and MISSION_ROOT is that with ROOT, there is actually no variability. You want to input something and get a certain output. So that said, this should be good. CONFIG_ROOT = { _myConfig = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> _this >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry"); _myConfig; }; So all you have to do is call CONFIG_ROOT with the side string _myConfig = ("East" call CONFIG_ROOT >> "OIA_InfSentry"); _myConfig = ("West" call CONFIG_ROOT >> "OIA_InfSentry"); _myConfig = ("Civ" call CONFIG_ROOT >> "OIA_InfSentry"); _myConfig = ("Guer" call CONFIG_ROOT >> "OIA_InfSentry"); Yeah...that should totally work.
  7. dreadedentity

    [RELEASE] Tornados

    Sweet! Looking great, I'm going to have to give this a whirl :p
  8. dreadedentity

    [RELEASE] Tornados

    All clients randomize their own numbers in multiplayer, I think even the randomization within the particle effect itself. This is still awesome, I'd love to see a picture or video of it in action. Great job!
  9. dreadedentity

    Not so simple waypoint extraction

    but the code above was writteb by a friend, so I had no idea how it actually works.. my guess is that it counts the units left in squad, so the heli takes off when the leftovers are inside. Hehe... leftovers.. anyways, halp? :( what this basically does is count the number of units from squad_1 that are inside the helicopter, then if the number of units inside the helicopter is equal to the number of units in the squad, this condition will return true
  10. dreadedentity

    Want to hear music quickly

    In the config viewer, go to CfgSounds. Select any sound you like and save the filepath somehow (I mean where it says "sound[] =" not the "Path" at the bottom). Then you can use playSound3D to hear that sound with no additional work. Source: I just did it EDIT: I forgot to mention, the filepath needs to have a file extension. Use .wss or .ogg if it didn't come with one
  11. I have never encountered unreliability with while loop conditions _position = [0,0,0]; while {surfaceIsWater _position} do { _position set [0, random 30000]; _position set [1, random 30000]; }; I'm using this in the first mission I've ever made (for Arma 3), and it hasn't let me down. Always spawned on land
  12. The only way to get around port forwarding is by VPN or some program that routes packets for you like GameRanger. I'm not sure what you mean by running the server without steam, I use TADST for my server, but I usually just have steam open.
  13. for "_i" from 10 to 0 step -1 do { hint str _i; };
  14. dreadedentity

    Arma 3 shop and money system?

    If you want your money to show on the screen you're going to need to create a "Display", unless you just want an addAction that will hint your money variable
  15. Just a quick note, if you're unable to join your dedi after creating it, you need to have both Arma 3 Server and Arma 3 itself (in case you run your dedicated from a different computer like me). Also, your client version needs to be the same as the version the server is running, and the server needs a version that is compatible with the client version. It's not really as complicated as it sounds, just keep everything updated.
  16. dreadedentity

    All Server slots as civ?

    I have no knowledge of MCC, but if you just use all civilian units, players will only be able to join as civs. Still having no knowledge of MCC, if the server has an init.sqf, copy and paste this in front of everything: _position = [0,0,0]; while {surfaceIsWater _position} do { _position set [0, random 30000]; _position set [1, random 30000]; }; player setPosATL _position; player setDir (random 360); This will give you a random land position for Altis. Some similar code could be created for Stratis. Since VR has no water except for one little corner that the surfaceIsWater command doesn't work on, players will just be thrown randomly somewhere between [0,0] and [30000,30000]. What this code does is test a position, then if the surface is water, it will randomly select the X & Y coordinates from a range of 0 to 30000. If the surface is still water, it will reset the coordinates. This process repeats until land has been found. The player's position is then set to those coordinates. EDIT: Added a random direction-set too :) EDIT2: I made a video demonstrating this, I thought it was cool so I recorded a short demo video will probably be low quality because I just uploaded it
  17. dreadedentity

    Limiting Effectiveness of Tank AI

    Try setting the skill of the tank's gunners instead of the tank itself
  18. dreadedentity

    Variable scope question

    He probably can't always get the return value from his function but needs updated information, many situations can cause this, such as using the function in multiple scripts running at the same time. Therefore, you need to use a "client variable" which is available to the client no matter what script it's in. The only way I know to do that is with get/setVariable, as mentioned before
  19. dreadedentity

    Adding Weapons to a Group on Trigger

    It sounds like you're not removing the soldier's current clothing
  20. Nearly my favorite website http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/
  21. make sure you forward your ports 2302 and 2303
  22. dreadedentity


    I'm not sure if batteries count as ammo, but you may be interested in ammo, setAmmo
  23. 1800 * 30 may be 15 hours, but that's not how the game reads it. Unless you have parenthesis, the game will stop reading after taking an acceptable parameter. sleep 100; //will sleep for 100 seconds sleep 5 * 20; //will only sleep for 5 seconds sleep (5 * 20); //will sleep for 100 seconds