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Everything posted by dreadedentity

  1. dreadedentity

    Anyone know how to reload ammo box?

    //USAGE: _handle = [crateObject, timeInMinutes] execVM "scriptName.sqf"; //EXAMPLE: 0 = [this, 5] execVM "boxRefiller.sqf"; _crate = (_this select 0); _type = typeOf (_this select 0); _pos = getPosATL _crate; _dir = direction _crate; while {true} do { deleteVehicle (_this select 0); _obj = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _obj setPosATL _pos; _obj setDir _dir; sleep ((_this select 1) * 60); };
  2. dreadedentity

    Swiveling 3DLine / Icon

    I'm not sure what you mean by swivel, just spinning? I don't have much experience with drawLine3D but for drawIcon3D I'm not sure they have direction, so it's not possible to rotate them? Not really sure, try changing the 'angle' value and see what happens I guess
  3. Hello, I had some extra time on my hands tonight, so I thought I'd share what little knowledge I have with the community. I wrote up this guide on variables and data types, in it we'll explore: What a variable is The four ways define a variable, that I know (hopefully) In-depth explanation of magic variables Getting data from a variable And finally data types (split up into Arma-specific and non Arma-specific) I hope that I have amassed enough knowledge that there will be at least one new thing in here for every person. Download (Dropbox) (I just found out you can read this directly from dropbox, without even having to download it.) This guide is not allowed to be sold or included as part of a paid-for package without express consent from the author, DreadedEntity. If found in violation of this license, the author will take any and all action available to him to protect this content. Enjoy! Be on the lookout for future written and video guides.
  4. Thanks for the support everyone! I might update this guide with some info on that, I just didn't want to write anything that's too advanced in there. My plan is to cover just about every topic somewhere down the line. I kinda didn't want to just say it out loud, but for a lot of us guys that have been doing this for a while, even released a script or two, honestly, this particular part to the guide won't be very helpful to you. Sure! You can link the guide directly from my dropbox, or link this thread. Hell, you can even download and host it somewhere for yourself and link it from there. For the rest of your message, rest assured in a future guide there will be a section teaching people "how to read the wiki" LMAO.
  5. You're probably right, I'll take a look at it. I just don't want to have the worry of having to keep a site maintained and updated at the moment
  6. Thanks! No good at HTML, nor hosting websites. Rather get famous than rich (but I could work with both at the same time)
  7. Make sure to PM me or JShock if you're interested, guys, so we can give you the teamspeak address.
  8. dreadedentity

    Dread's Simple Patrol Script

    Hello friends, I completely rewrote this script last night. Enjoy the new version
  9. dreadedentity

    Delete Map Objects?

    If it's a default map object, I'm not sure there's an easy way to do that. You might consider remaking altis/stratis as a separate map at this point
  10. dreadedentity

    Trouble with animated NPC/Player

    You can use say to make the AI move it's lips
  11. dreadedentity

    [RELEASE] Tornados

    I desperately wish I knew how to use photoshop so I could quickly whip up a purple tornado now
  12. Everyone be sure to PM JShock or me for the Teamspeak address if you want it
  13. Oops you're right I did. I edited the original code now
  14. hint str ({side _x == east && {player distance _x < 1000}} count allUnits);
  15. dreadedentity

    Select certain units in a radius

    This is my mistake, change joinAs to joinSilent and it should work
  16. dreadedentity

    Select certain units in a radius

    Oh, I didn't realize that you wanted to execVM a script from the trigger. That means we can use local variables again. Actually, if you want to create a script out of this, we can edit it a little to make it more dynamic: _aidStation = (_this select 0); _radius = (_this select 1); _group = (_this select 2); _unitArray = (_this select 3); _closeUnits = []; { if (_aidStation distance _x < _radius) then { _closeUnits pushBack _x; }; }forEach _unitArray; _closeUnits joinAs _group; What I've done here is make it so that the script will take input. You probably see a lot of people doing [] execVM "myScript.sqf", well now you can put stuff inside the square brackets! A usage example: [this, 10, createGroup west, playableUnits] execVM "radiusCheck.sqf"; I'll explain some of the parameters this - "this" is a magic variable. when used in the editor, it refers to the object itself 10 - pretty simple, this is the range of the effect createGroup west - this creates a new west group (you can use your own named groups, but this was easier for concept) playableUnits - returns an array with all playableUnits (this array includes AI, though, so you have to exclude them in the script)
  17. Hello, I am trying to make my first addon, but I'm really not sure what's going on here. My addon is only supposed to be 2 scripts that I could then use preprocessFile to use them, like how iniDB does it. I thought there would be more simple tutorials just to show you the most basic things, but I couldn't find one, even on armaholics. How do I use BI Tools? Thanks a lot guys EDIT: clarified some wording
  18. dreadedentity

    My First Addon

    Okay I'll give that a try But can anyone confirm this? I'm just wondering if this is a possible alternative. I may not be much of an addon-guy. Even my computer, which is usually so obedient, is fighting me haha
  19. dreadedentity

    My First Addon

    I'm such a fool, I completely forgot that I installed Arma 3 Tools on my other hard drive. I found the .exe. I clicked on "P: Drive (DevP)" but it doesn't seem to do anything, the P drive doesn't get created
  20. dreadedentity

    My First Addon

    Sorry, I really don't see an "Arma 3 Tools" folder anywhere in "\SteamApps\", am I looking in the right folder? Also, I'm wondering if I even need to make an addon for this, I just read in another post further down the forum that by using a backslash before the filepath will tell the game engine to start from the game's root directory. Theoretically, could I just make a folder called "@myAddon" in the game directory, throw "myScript.sqf" in it in plain text, and use preprocessFile "\@myAddon\myScript.sqf"?
  21. dreadedentity

    My First Addon

    Thanks for your answer, austin. Where can I find the BITools executable? I have navigated to "~\steam\SteamApps\Common", and even checked in the A3 folder, but I didn't see it
  22. dreadedentity

    My First Addon

    Thanks for your reply, it seems a lot simpler when you have some instructions laid out for you. I don't know anything about BI Tools, other than that's what you use to make addons in A3. One question about the P drive, however, how do I make/put the files into it? In BI Tools I see "Mount P: Drive" but when I click it, it doesn't do anything.
  23. dreadedentity

    My First Addon

    Sure, basically in my .pbo there would only be 2 scripts. How exactly can I make the pbo with them inside of it? I did manage to make an empty pbo with BI Tools, though, so I got that going for me.
  24. dreadedentity

    Select certain units in a radius

    Okay, for editor placed triggers, I don't think you can use local variables so I rewrote that code using global variables, to join the units to a certain group, make sure the group is named from a global variable, then you can just use joinSilent: radius = 20; closeUnits = []; { if (myAidStation distance _x < radius) then { closeUnits pushBack _x; }; }forEach myArray; closeUnits joinSilent myGroup;