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Everything posted by dreadedentity

  1. dreadedentity

    Variable Checking Problem (Help!!)

    A better way to do this would be to use the in command: if ("BLA1" in (player getVariable "INV")) then { Hint "you have BLA1!"; };
  2. Don't worry EGW, I understood your joke, and I laughed very hard. I was going to write something similar
  3. dreadedentity

    How to remove the border of a listbox?

    Hello Fight, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, can you provide an example?
  4. Hello Ed, use the command lbSetPictureColorSelected. Strange, it's working fine for me. Remember that colors are in format [red, green, blue, alpha (transparency)], from 0 to 1, where 0 is no color and 1 is maximum color. Transparency works slightly different, 0 for completely transparent 1 for completely opaque. EDIT: Some examples: [color="#FF0000"]Completely red[/color]: [1, 0, 0, 1] [color="#00FF00"]Completely green[/color]: [0, 1, 0, 1] [color="#0000FF"]See-through blue[/color]: [0, 0, 1, 0.5] [color="#FFFF00"]Yellow[/color]: [1, 1, 0, 1] Hope that helps you guys
  5. Hello! Use the command lbSetPictureColor, it's pretty new
  6. You can use a "hit" event handler, I'll let you take it from there
  7. dreadedentity

    line intersect problem

  8. dreadedentity

    Messing up script?

    The two most common reasons for the "Generic error in expression" error, from what I've found, are caused by: 1. Trying to use suspension in a non-scheduled environment (ie. event handlers, editor init's) 2. Selecting an array element that is out-of-range. Where is the (#) symbol located in the resulting error box? A picture would be useful here. Also, take this: while {{_x distance _opDropZone < 100} count units _opGroup == count units _opGroup} do
  9. dreadedentity

    How disable Commanding Menu?

    if you wanted to be super sneaky you could just pass nothing to the script tho
  10. dreadedentity

    2D logical/thinking challenge

    Quadrants are a little bit of an issue, fortunately there's an easy way to get around that. I drew another picture to help clarify things: http://i.imgur.com/a5wfXHv.png (844 kB) Basically, you're trying to create a "local" virtual plane, so your calculations don't have to work with huge numbers, then rotate that. Going back to quadrants, you can tell which quadrant you should end up by looking at the slope of your line of best fit. The idea is to keep your virtual graphed points in either Q2 or Q1 and never have your points in the other 2 quadrants. We can do this by looking at graphed points that are placed into the wrong quadrant: In Q2 you are trying to rotate your local plane to 0°, but, In Q1 you are trying to rotate your local plane to 180°. If you standardize the rotation, all of your points will end up in either Q2 or Q3 no matter if they started in Q1 or Q2 with a positive or negative regression. EDIT: Picture links fixed
  11. dreadedentity

    Passing vehicle name ??

    When you say name of the vehicle, do you actually mean name of the variable that contains the vehicle object?
  12. dreadedentity

    2D logical/thinking challenge

    Yes, exactly! This was my intention, but I forgot to mention it in the video (I had to re-record it 9 times!!!). As an interesting side-note, after you graph your point, rotate it and graph the new point, when you draw a circle that goes through both points, this is how you create a perfect circle by hand in MS Paint. I tried to record this part and add it onto the video before I rendered, but there was a loud movie in the background audio :( EDIT: I'd love to see another video like the one you posted above, but using the new algorithm :)
  13. dreadedentity

    2D logical/thinking challenge

    Hello zapat! I have recorded a video for you. I saw this post about 2 hours after you made it and now, 28 hours later, I am here. Practicing my lines was grueling and empires rose and fell during this time. However, once the dust and nuclear fallout had settled, a single video remained. I bring that video to your attention now: (watch in 720 or 1080)
  14. Why propagate entire functions when all you need to propagate is setOvercast and setRain? I don't believe anyone has written a super extensive guide for multiplayer, try just asking a few questions
  15. dreadedentity

    Make an object appear as another

    You could hide the object and create a different one in the same spot. Not sure if that's what you're after
  16. Actually, looking at your picutre, I'm kinda interested in what piece you're using to build your houses?
  17. dreadedentity

    Debug Console Issues

    Wait...why are you creating a dialog? Just press escape
  18. dreadedentity


    My solution is exactly the same as KK's... DE_replaceSection = { _input = _this select 0; _replace = _this select 1; _replaceWith = _this select 2; _output = "input not found"; _location = _input find _replace; if (_location > -1) then { _front = _input select [0, _location]; _end = _input select [_location + (count _replace)]; _output = format ["%1%2%3", _front, _replaceWith, _end]; }; _output; }; hint str (["Hello! My name is DreadedEntity", "DreadedEntity", "Ed"] call DE_replaceSection);
  19. I'm not sure what you mean by this, but deleting your old player will take care of the issue of you losing points when it gets killed (because it can never get killed)
  20. BIS_fnc_relPos Because screw trigonometry!
  21. dreadedentity

    Spectate mode through an object

    Have you tried selectPlayer or switchCamera? If those 2 don't suit your needs, you're going to need to mess with camera commands
  22. I believe this happens because when you create a new group, all default information about it is created. One of those attributes is the groups "Formation Direction" and that is probably 0 default. So what's happening is that he joins the group, sees the formation direction is 0 so he turns to it, then since he's the group leader he may issue a new direction formation if there are nearby threats. Use the command setFormDir to manually change the formation direction (the wiki says you can use a group as input but I wouldn't trust an empty group). It may also stop him from turning if you simply order him to shoot at you using 1 of the 3 commands that do that, doFire, commandFire, fireAtTarget
  23. Judging from the information you gave about your doMove test, I assume that objects can only be controlled by their FSM's and all of the scripting commands related to controlling objects, like doMove, will actually call the FSM using certain parameters. I can't really say what would be best for you though because I have no idea what you're trying to do, you never said