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Everything posted by feanix

  1. I'm trying to import a heightmap into Terrain Builder but whenever I import it the sea level in Terrain Builder appears to be at the lowest possible elevation position and I get pretty terrible bands across my elevation. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/870465/AdjustedHeightmap.bmp
  2. When I use the Game Updater to update in the console log that pops up it asks me to enter in my Steam Guard code from my mobile but there's nowhere to enter it. Please don't tell me I have to disable security features in order to use this app. :(
  3. Okay, something interesting. When you delete the user data and the GU goes back to it's "first time setup" you get a command prompt window that asks you for the same thing. In the command prompt you are able to type in the code and keep going. However, later on when you're at the window in my screenshot you're not looking at a command prompt anymore, just a dump of whatever from the CLI running somewhere else. Because it's just an output window you cant type in your code. But if you could it would work. So all we really need is a way to type in the code when the time comes.
  4. I'm trying to move some map markers around my mission. I want to be able to move them an arbitrary distance along an arbitrary angle. So 5 metres at azimuth 20, or 0.1 metres at azimuth 183. Does anyone know of a good way to do this?
  5. Hehe, yeah! It's just my place holder for now, it takes a long time to render large sat images out of L3DT. I think I worked out that I'm using the wrong colours in my mask texture as the layers.cfg isnt set up to recognise any of them! D: I'm halfway through a fix atm, will report back.
  6. Your videos make me really excited, Silola! I've just recently started work on tropical terrain and I'm quite daunted at the prospect of placing some of the items using the existing tools. I'm sure there are plenty of us who will jump all over this when it's ready for us to try! Keep up the great work! :D
  7. Here are my settings. This works pretty well for the sat image (some slight brokeness with the textured map but this seems like a common problem? ) http://i.imgur.com/4H3bi9u.png
  8. I know this is some hardcore necro but it seemed smarter to post here than make another thread about the exact same thing. I'm having the same problem. My mask image is 4096, just like my satellite map. I'm posting them here in case it helps. http://i.imgur.com/0xZWAnr.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/870465/mask_lco2.bmp
  9. Haha, as I suspected! :P Thanks for the link! :D :D
  10. I'm trying to put together a basic config to just get my terrain to show up when I include the addon in the game. I don't mind if there are no objects, if the sky is wrong. As long as the terrain elevation and sea level are correct so I can fly around and make some decisions about the feel of the scale of the terrain. To the end I'm trying to make the most cut down possible config.cpp possible that still works enough to make the terrain show up in the list of terrains in the editor. Here's what I have so far: #define _ARMA_ //Class config.bin{ class CfgPatches { class Yisai { units[] = {"Fènghuáng"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0; version = "30/07/2011"; fileName = "Yisai.pbo"; author = "Feanix"; }; }; class CfgWorlds { class CAWorld; class Stratis: CAWorld { class Grid; class DefaultClutter; }; class Yisai: Stratis { }; }; When I try to pack the addon in Addon Builder I get error 1 (not very helpful). I don't get this error if I remove the Yisai class. But then the terrain doesn't show up. I don't know that it would if I did get it to build with the Yisai class... but I'm kinda poking around in the dark here. What am I doing wrong here?
  11. feanix

    Elavation Issues

    Okay, so I figured out I could change the height range of my heightmap to a negative number in L3DT so that 0 was the correct waterlevel. That's worked. In summary: Expect problems if you use bitmaps for heightmap information, there just aren't enough colours and you can't have negative values. Use data formats like XYZ or ASC. Convert using L3DT if you need to. You need to lower your terrain so everything underwater is negative to get the correct water level.
  12. feanix

    Elavation Issues

    I'm currently using World Machine and then I import the r16 from World Machine into L3DT so I can export xyz since World Machine cannot export in that. If there's a way to sort the water with L3DT then it could definitely work for me.
  13. feanix

    Elavation Issues

    I was using BMP. Using XYZ has given me a much better result. It's useful to know that 0 is sea level by default. How do I have underwater elevation, though? Do I need to lower the terrain in Terrain Builder after I reimport it?
  14. feanix

    Zeus useful scripting commands

    Here's another sript you guys might find useful. It'll make all the troops in a vehicle eject. Run it on the group leader (should work for any squad member but I havn't tested it out). I found I needed to use this to get troops to disembark from hovering helis. { unassignvehicle _x; _x action ["EJECT", vehicle this]; sleep 0.1; } foreach units group this;
  15. feanix

    Zeus useful scripting commands

    Thank you!
  16. feanix

    Zeus useful scripting commands

    I can't see an exec field in the dialog that comes up when you double click a unit. Am I missing something?