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Posts posted by jetfox

  1. Small little teaser to go on - Working through some old code to bring to Arma 3!

    What this is for is if you have a second monitor for flying etc you can use it on your second monitor to have a permanent map open! refreshes with location and accuracy.



    Code by Gammadust (Arma 2)

    7thSB Jake for willing to take pictures of the Arma 3 maps for me to input (Couple hundred of them)

    Me for inputting maps together into one big mod


    Not released to public yet, still a bit of work to do client side.

  2. Notes in a quick review: Shops, Revive, Money, Heli lifting, Fast roping, Field Repair, Tags, View Distance, Igiload, Running Jump, Squad management and more. For a complete list and How to use them/how they work, scroll down.

    Or feel free join our TeamSpeak @ ts3.foxgamingservers.com


    The Zeus(s) are ultimately in charge of the game, they will decide what the objective is and how you should do it, E.G He want you to move to the objective by taking the road then you should do it that way, if only for immersion, This does not mean he can necessarily tell you how to attack a Objective, as that is entirely up to the player.

    The starting position in which you can spawn is the Main base, from here you can Purchase Vehicles that are available to the Blufor side, Recruit AI and Purchase Gear

    The way that you earn money is by killing things. Killing friendlies wont, so don't bother.

    If you require any help, the best place to go is to join our TeamSpeak @ ts3.foxgamingservers.com

    //-------------------Information Area---------------------

    Known Problems

    - People can join your squad, even if it is locked.

    - Zeus unable to Lift Vehicles, Deploy Ropes, Deploy Hook and Revive.

    - Zeus unable to place shops and the pads.

    - Nuke kills Shop people, and delete HQ spawn.

    - Recruit AI bug when open menu and hit remove selected AI gives error.

    - Error when call in missile then no longer designate target produced error (Will stop error if target re-established).

    - Not all units are show on map when down.

    - Bug with not being able to repair stuff if pistol is out

    - Bad vehicle type error.

    - Killticker only works for preplaced units

    Rules - iniDbi freezes the client of all who arent in it for reserved slots on zeus (Makes them alt f4)

    - Zeus Admin slot is reserved for Admin`s and special people only

    //-------------------Mechanics AREA---------------------


    - Purchase Vehicles and Purchase Weapons Shops (Authors: Jetfox, Benfox, DN)

    - Moveable Crates, Squad Management and Vehicle Locking (Author: DN)

    - Advanced Support (Author: farooqaaa, Heavily Modified by: Jetfox)

    - Nuke (Author: Ported By: Moerderhoschi, Modified by: Jetfox)

    - Hud (Author: Iceman77, Heavily Modified by: DN)

    - Jumping/Vaulting (Author: ProGamer, Heavily Modified by: DN)

    - Fast Roping (Author: Zealot, Heavily Modified by: DN)

    - Reviving (Author: farooqaaa, Heavily Modified by: Jetfox, DN)

    - Sling Loading(Heli lift) (Authors: ProfCupcake, Modified by: DN)

    - Recruit AI (Author: Dadds Army, Modified by: DN)

    - Igiload (Author: Igi_PL, Modified by: DN)

    - View Distance (Author: Tonic Modified by: DN)

    - Field Repair (Author: Zealot)

    - Kill ticker (Author: Tuliq)

    - Clean up (Author: aeroson)

    Everything else was done by ether Jetfox, Benfox or DN.

    Mechanics -Sky Hook/STARS

    What is it?

    Sky hook allows all helicopter except the AH9 and MH9 to pick up players from the ground without landing.

    First, the player on ground has to deploy his sky hook, then the GhostHawk has to fly straight at the parachute above that player and when he's close enough it will grab the player from the ground and reel him in


    - Sky hook must be fully deployed in order for it to be snagged

    - The Helicopter has to be within 70 meters of the parachute in order for it to snag

    Mechanics Sling Loading(Heli lift)

    - Heli has to be within 10m of the vehicle.

    - Only ground vehicles can be lifted.

    - Only CH-49 Mohawk and the Kajman`s can lift MBT`s(Main battle tanks).

    - In order for parachute to be deployed you have to be above the height of 59m.

    Mechanics Igi-Load

    - Only the Mohawk and MH9 can carry cargo out of all the Helicopters

    - Mohawk can drop cargo mid-flight, MH9 can not.

    - Loading Quadbike takes 2 slots.

    - MH9 cannot load Vehicles.

    - Cargo must be on ground at the back of the vehicle, for Mohawk ramp must be lowered

    - Pilot of the Mohawk can controls who can use the ramp, whether people can load or unload cargo

    - Pilot of the Mohawk can controls whether people can load or unload cargo

    - Pilot of the Mohawk can controls when to drop supplies from back of heli, when in flight.

    - Mohawk has 7 slots.

    - Offroad has 2 slots.

    - Van has 3 slots.

    - Kamsz has 4 slots.

    - HEMTT has 5 slots.

    - Tempest has 3 slots.

    - MH9 has 2 slots.

    Mechanics Moving Crates

    - Mouse over the crate and move it...simple as it gets.

    - Don't try to use them as shields.. bullets will penetrate them.

    Mechanics Reviving

    - Bleed out time is 3 minutes long

    - Stabilize halts the bleed timer indefinitely

    - Drag is self explanatory what it does.

    - Reviving a player gives you instant +100 cash.

    - Respawn with Inventory does what it sounds like, cost = $1000.

    - If you have been a Team killer, when revived you will no longer be a TK`r.

    Mechanics, Fast Roping | Field Repair

    Fast Roping:

    - Only Pilot can deploy and cut ropes.

    - Pilot cannot Fastrope.

    - Pilot cannot deploy ropes whilst moving faster than 10Kmh.

    - If helicopter is moving faster than 10Kmh then the ropes will be cut.

    - Players in back of the heli can open Doors, if that heli allows it.

    Field Repair:

    - Repair lasts for 40-400 sec. (Longer for heavy damaged vehicles), it can be interrupted and the continued, time saves.

    - Each vehicle could be repaired 1 time for spare parts stored in the vehicle itself.For the next repairs you should have Toolkit in your backpack or in vehicle cargo.

    - Field repair fixes only some parts of the vehicle and only to 'Yellow state'.

    - Repair from repair trucks lasts 3 min. but completely repairs vehicles. Repair truck can be used 5 times, then spare parts in it will be depleted.

    - To use repair truck you should sat on the drivers place of the repair truck then look on damaged vehicle and select 'Full repair' in menu.

    Mechanics, Field Repair

    - Repair lasts for 40-400 sec. (Longer for heavy damaged vehicles), it can be interrupted and the continued, time saves.

    - Each vehicle could be repaired 1 time for spare parts stored in the vehicle itself.For the next repairs you should have Toolkit in your backpack or in vehicle cargo.

    - Field repair fixes only some parts of the vehicle and only to 'Yellow state'.

    - Repair from repair trucks lasts 3 min. but completely repairs vehicles. Repair truck can be used 5 times, then spare parts in it will be depleted.

    - To use repair truck you should sat on the drivers place of the repair truck then look on damaged vehicle and select 'Full repair' in menu.

    Mechanics Weapons Shop

    - Purchased weapons will get 1 free mag which will auto be loaded into gun.

    - Purchased attachments will auto be loaded into gun, if you already have that attachment it will tell you, Pistol attachments will auto go on gun if they can, if not able to go in handgun it will try primary.

    - Purchasing Uniform , Vest & backpack, will move all currently stored items into the new Uniform, vest or backpack respectively, If not enough space in new Uniform, vest or backpack some items may be lost

    - Must have enough space in backpack in order to purchase the Medkit or Toolkit.

    Mechanics Vehicles Shop


    UAV`s will Automatically be spawned in the Air, to connect you must have a UAV terminal in your GPS slot, Open the terminal, right click on the UAV and connect.

    - UAV Teminal is not provided when you purchase the UAV`s or UGV`s.

    A-164 Wipeout:

    It will be spawned in the Air, at a different altitude to the UAV and at a speed of 200, the player who purchased it will be moved into the Pilot seat of it.

    Ammo vehicles:

    Purchased Ammo vehicles have infinite ammo for Vehicles whilst they are alive, Every 30 seconds they will be Re-stocked with Ammo(not Inventory ammo).

    MLRS Sandstorm:

    When the vehicle is next to a Ammo vehicle and the Sandstorms ammo = 0, it will be re-armed back to full, it can take up to 50 seconds to re-arm.

    Mechanics, Advanced Support,

    Advanced Support:

    Firstly, there can only be one support marker on the map one time, so if two of you are Calling in Artillery at the same time, the rounds from both of you will land on the Support marker.

    Supply Drop:

    - Cost = $3000

    - Simple to use, click the button and the supply crate will be dropped on or near to your current location


    - Ammo types are: '60MM' = Mortar rounds, 82MM = MLRS rounds, 120MM = Scorcher rounds

    - Amount of rounds dropped = 1

    - Costs: '60MM' = $1000, 82MM = $1000, 120MM = $3000

    Click 'Set Marker' button, click on the map where you would like Artillery dropped, click show marker button to see the marker, if marker not where you want it to be, click delete marker, then repeat this step until it is where you would like it to be, Now click the rounds you would like to drop button and if you have enough cash the the Rounds will be dropped at the marker position.

    Laser Guided Missile:

    - If you die, you will have to re-purchase it!

    - Missile will be fired from the Nuclear Sub(check map for location), So when using there will be flight time

    - Missile will be fired on Laser Designated target

    Mechanics Zeus

    General Tips:

    - FOR ALLMOST ALL THE INFO ON Zeus, see the Field Manual( ESC>Field Manual>Zeus)

    - To put squads into vehicles simply select them and right click on the Vehicle you wan them to Occupy

    - To tell squads to get out, select the group, and press 'G'(Default)

    - Cycling way points, Select Unit or Group, Hold Alt+Ctrl and place your way points

    //-------------------CHANGE-LOG AREA---------------------

    Changelog "United-We-Launch",


    - Replaced Broken Squad Management with My own Squad management

    - Added Vehicle Unlock/Lock option for purchased Vehicles

    - Nuke truck only Lock/Unlock-able for DN, Jetfox and Benfox

    - Auto lock squad when you purchase AI

    - Changed default editing area back down to 0


    - Added Options in settings for enabling and disabling HUD, Hud includes

    - Fixed attachments pass to new purchased weapon(if it cant it will be lost, so think before you buy)

    - Fixed No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgweapons.' error when purchasing Guns and Re spawning with Loadout


    - Added Params for IgiLoad, Skyhook and Advanced Support that can be changed by Admin on mission load, Default are as follows IgiLoad Enabled, Skyhook and Advanced Support: Reserved player list only

    - Re-link of Zeus's, CTD issues seems to have been fixed by BI

    - Logged in admin can enter Zeus Interface any time

    - Changed Default protection value from 0 to 50 around players

    - Changed so all helicopters can do Hook people except AH9, MH9 and AH-99


    - Added Foxhound Uniform ($100)

    - Added Shemag Mask (Tan) ($20) to Clothing

    - Changed Repair time halved everything, added more free repairs

    - Changed Respawn with Gear cost, new cost = $500

    - Fixed Various bugs related to Menu's


    - Fixed bug with Admin Zeus Check

    - Fixed floating unconscious bug

    - Allow Zeus's to see all players


    - Fixed Clean up script was not enabled

    - Fixed Unable to purchase IR GRENADE

    - Fixed Bugs with Re-spawn with Gear

    - Changed So when you purchase Weapon, it will not change to secondary and You get 1 mag loaded in already

    Download Link(s):



    Includes our full inidbi database we have gathered over time, The mission in a pbo, and the mission depboed.

  3. ==========

    About Us


    First off, I would like to formally welcome you to FoxGaming,

    We were formed around a year ago when Arma 3 Zeus was officially released on development servers, We were a general community back then but as we progressed into this year we decided in our own time to open up a small business for specifically Arma servers only.




    Starts at: $0.50 Cents Per Slot (USD)

    Headless client packages available


    Our Servers Specifications


    In Pennsylvania:

    We run our servers clocked at 3.2 GHz on Dual Intel x5650 processors, with 48 GB's of ram clocked at 1600 mhz and a 9.0 Column Access Strobe latency, or CL (Which leaves 24GB's of spare ram)

    Our Storage; Dual TB HDD in raid

    Bandwidth Usage: We do not limit bandwidth, but each of our servers has a 30 tb limit which we will pay overage fees if it should occur. (No extra cost to you)

    Upload/Download: Our server is on a GB/s connection in Pennsylvania

    Europe: Not Open To Public Yet, (Not Purchased Or Setup Yet)

    Servers are run on an Intel 1245v2 Clocked at 3.4GHz, with 32GB's of ram.

    Storage: Dual 2TB Storage in raid

    Bandwidth Usage: We do not limit bandwidth on this server nor do we intend to unless a degradation of other users services occur which we will investigate.

    Upload/Download: Our server is on a 250MBp/s connection in Europe



    The cPanel


    We've gone through a history of cPanel testing and now are staying with TCadmin

    Best regards,

    FoxGaming - A Cheap Arma Hosting Company



    \\\Side Notes///

    New Website Coming Soon (Eta 1-2 Weeks) - Partially done / released to public!

  4. Got curious over the long week, seeing how expensive Arma 3 server's were from certain companys I thought to myself why not open a small Arma 3 hosting company.. Would anyone be interested in this if the prices were reasonable? Around $25 for 50 slot Arma servers?

    -JetFox, Founder of the Arma 3 Zeus Community "FoxGaming".

    Some Photos of Cpanel:



  5. [] spawn {

    if(isServer)exitWith{}; // Prevents server from running the code

    _UID = getPlayerUID player;

    _reservedUIDs = ["7623423424323423073","7234324234234230"]; //Admin UIDS

    _player = getAssignedCuratorUnit bis_curator;

    if ((player == _player) && !(_UID in _reservedUIDs)) then {

    // 20 second countdown until player gets frozen

    for "_i" from 0 to 20 do {

    hint format["This slot is for Admins Only - leave it within %1 before your input gets frozen.",(21 -_i)];

    sleep 1;


    disableUserInput true;



    Init.sqf zeus be named bis_curator

  6. [] spawn { _UID = getPlayerUID player; _player = getAssignedCuratorUnit bis_curator; if (player == _player) then { _Admin_Zues_check = missionNamespace getVariable "Admin_Zues_check"; if (_UID in _Admin_Zues_check) then {} else { for "_i" from 0 to 10 do { hint format["This slot is for Admins Only - leave it within %1 before your input gets frozen.",(11 -_i)]; sleep 1; }; while {true} do { sleep 0.5; disableUserInput true; }; }; }; };

    Goes in init.sqf

    Is using inidbi format

    Will post old format when I'm home in 5-5 and a half hours

  7. Yeah Mortensen that can be accomplished

    I'll organize the code when I'm on my pc but there it is its what we use for limiting our Zeus slot...

    Zeus slot

    [] spawn {

    if(isServer)exitWith{}; // Prevents server from running the code

    _UID = getPlayerUID player;

    _reservedUIDs = ["7623423424323423073","7234324234234230"]; //Admin UIDS

    _player = getAssignedCuratorUnit bis_curator;

    if ((player == _player) && !(_UID in _reservedUIDs)) then {

    // 20 second countdown until player gets frozen

    for "_i" from 0 to 20 do {

    hint format["This slot is for Admins Only - leave it within %1 before your input gets frozen.",(21 -_i)];

    sleep 1;


    disableUserInput true;



    Init.sqf zeus be named bis_curator

    ---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ----------

    [/color]If you need help feel free to message me

  8. Modified your files a bit to work with all helicopters that are spawned (The camo one specifically) currently adding all helis, Love using this in zeus


    player removeaction ls;

    player removeaction initialize_hook;

    ls = player addAction ["Launch Skyhook", "Scripts\Hook\Skyhook.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "call FAR_Check and player == vehicle player"];


    //INF_Mike64's Skyhook system.


    //Directions:linelength is the length of line x -1, hitz is the radius of the hit zone for a successful pick up.

    // the aircraft selected for pick up must be named catcher.

    //ls = player addAction ["Launch Skyhook", "Skyhook.sqf"]; must be put into the unit wished to have the Skyhook ability.

    //IF your using ACE change ParachuteMediumWest_EP1 to ACE_B61_Parachute for a more accurate representation


    //You can choose between three IR-Targets:

    //"NVG_TargetC": Independent AI will attack this.

    //"NVG_TargetW": West AI will attack this.

    //"NVG_TargetE": East AI will attack this.

    // OPTIONS

    _linelength = -130;

    _hitz = 60;

    _n2 = 0;

    _balloon = "Steerable_Parachute_F";

    _IRBeacon = "Chemlight_green";

    // CODE


    _stop = "false";

    player removeaction ls;

    para = _balloon createVehicle (position player);

    _x =2;

    while {_x < -_linelength} do {

    para attachto [player,[0,0,_x]];

    _x = _x +0.5;

    sleep 0.01};

    para attachto [player,[0,0,-_linelength]];

    lightNV = _IRBeacon createVehicle (position para);

    lightNV Attachto [para,[0,0,0]];

    lightNV1 = _IRBeacon createVehicle (position para);

    lightNV1 Attachto [para,[0,0,-20]];

    lightNV2 = _IRBeacon createVehicle (position para);

    lightNV2 Attachto [para,[0,0,-40]];

    lightNV3 = _IRBeacon createVehicle (position para);

    lightNV3 Attachto [para,[0,0,-60]];

    dt = player addaction ["Dismantle Skyhook","Scripts\Hook\skyhookend.sqf", [], 1, false, false];

    while {alive para} do {

    sleep 0.2;

    if (_stop == "true") exitWith{};

    _list = (position para) nearEntities ["B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", 80];


    if (para distance _x < 80) exitWith {

    bject = getPos player nearestObject "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F";

    [_x,para,lightNV,lightNV1,lightNV2,lightNV3] spawn {

    _heli = _this select 0;

    _para = _this select 1;

    _lightNV = _this select 2;

    _lightNV1 = _this select 3;

    _lightNV2 = _this select 4;

    _lightNV3 = _this select 5;

    _linelength = -130;

    _hitz = 60;

    _n2 = 0;

    _stop = "false";

    while {_para distance _heli > _hitz} do {

    if (_stop == "true") exitWith{};


    deleteVehicle _para;

    deleteVehicle _lightNV;

    deleteVehicle _lightNV1;

    deleteVehicle _lightNV2;

    deleteVehicle _lightNV3;

    player switchmove "HaloFreeFall_non";

    _linelength = getPosATL _heli select 2;

    _linelength = (_linelength - 1) * -1;

    while {_linelength < -5} do {

    player attachto [_heli,[0,_n2,_linelength]];

    _linelength = _linelength + 0.5;

    _n2 = _n2 - 0.1;

    sleep 0.01


    while {_n2 < 0} do {

    player attachto [_heli,[0,_n2,-4]];

    _n2 = _n2 + 0.2;

    sleep 0.01


    detach player;

    player moveincargo _heli;

    sleep 0.5;

    player moveincargo _heli;

    player removeaction dt;



    }forEach _list;



    deleteVehicle para;

    deleteVehicle lightNV;

    deleteVehicle lightNV1;

    deleteVehicle lightNV2;

    deleteVehicle lightNV3;

    _stop = "true";

    ls = player addAction ["Launch Skyhook", "Scripts\Hook\Skyhook.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "call FAR_Check and player == vehicle player"];

    player removeaction dt;
