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Posts posted by robowilso

  1. it appears development on this addon has ceased sadly. CTD's widely reported and no response or support from developers. I traditionally have been "an ACRE guy" but it's time to make the switch to TFAR in order to have reliable combat communications.  I pray they either begin updating this project again or make it an open source community project to keep it alive

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  2. Thanks for the explanation! Great to shed some light on this since my stuff was only assumption based.


    This behavior does however happen with GBU12, a few other GBU's (cant remember which, sry) and so on, and even when hitting dead bang on top of the turret. So the type and size of munition in my tests doesn't seem to have much of an impact :)

    But I do however agree on the hit-values, but as hinted this was more an example than an actual value to be used. I'm sure they are tweakable, and I'm happy to test it out further if there's an interest from Sgt. Fuller and lala14.


    Anywho, I'm open for PMs for further discussion so I don't dilute this thread anymore :)



    I have been to an exhibition exercise at Ft. Campbell Ky. when my uncle was in the 160th, and we stood atop a plateau overlooking a massive field and 4 AH6 little birds, 4 blackhawks, and 2 apache's ingressed from behind us and after passing overhead they began firing on concrete structures, old tanks, jeeps, and humvees that were scattered about. So i've personally seen real rockets, minigun rounds, and missles impact these different types of hard and soft targets. There IS NO WAY that ANY of the crew of those vehicles would be able to escape!! much less be able to dismount with weapons drawn and RUN around and ENGAGE anything!!!!!  your bug report is valid sir. However instead of the community modders all upping their damage values, I think it would be easier to file this with Bohemia and have them change the impact effect of these types of weapons.  *and just as a side note,,,, the real damage of rockets upon tanks and lesser targets are absolutely devastating. I suggest you download the Apache made by franze & nodunit. They're weapons are the most realistic impact effects i've seen of any mod thus far.

  3. Have you thought about retexturing some vanilla Arma 3 vehicles that are currently used in real life?

    The Zamak is the KamAZ-5350 used by the Russian Army.

    The Tempest is the Kamaz Typhoon also used by Russia.

    The Strider is the Fennek used by Germany.

    The HEMTT is of course the HEMTT used by the US Army.

    And the Hunter is the L-ATV that is entering service in the US Army and USMC in 2018. Although the in game model looks a bit different to the real thing.


    I did try retexturing some of these myself, but I just couldn't get them working and I have no idea what I was doing wrong.  :unsure:




    The vanilla Arma 3 vehicles have been re-textured sooo soo many times!! Google "camo pattern" and I can almost guarantee there is a retexture project with any of the camos, or ALL of them. do a little scrounging around armaholic.com to find what you need. These guys are on a whole different level m8 :)

  4. will this mod be separate from the us USAF mod. also will there be a RAF/RN (Royal Air Force/Royal Navy) texture for the F35-B for those British units.  

    I seriously doubt it, seeing as how this 5th Gen aircraft is proprietary U.S. D.O.D. property. If youre a RAF enthusiast you should try the hew Eurofighter mod that has just been released. is the UK seriously not developing a 5th Gen fighter aircraft?

  5. thank you for the info.

    i guess this mod is not exactly what i was looking for. still seems impressive for what it is and i might give it a try nevertheless.


    do you know, if there is a mod out there that doesn't necessarily change micro-ai, but acts like a strategy-game-ai (think "total war" series battles). so that as a mission editor i could drop down some squads and support units and put them under master AI control instead of giving/scripting waypoints. the master AI would get some abstract goals ranging from very important to optional (f.e.: defend main base (at all cost), hold territory A, seize territoy B (optional).


    so in a way i'm looking for a mod like ALiVE, which has less a focus on ambient combat and a bigger focus on a commander AI that gives waypoints to AI groups in a very stratetic way, managing different type of units for different tasks, having basic understanding of terrain, using recon and calculating risk/reward concerning a certain set of predefined goals and units available.

    do you know, if such a mod exists? i think there was something like this for arma 2, but i'm not sure...


    (if there's no such mod, think of my question as a feature request / suggestion for ALiVE ;) )



    I may be mistaken here by saying this but from my understanding the 'A.L.I.V.E. Mil-Commander' used with the 'C2IASTAR' system functions in that exact manner [everything you outlined in the quote above] and does all those things in great detail and on any size scale you can imagine. I have poured over the documentation for this software for years since it's first release and always have it loaded in my game when mission making but my :936: 'ing A.D.D. will not allow me to grasp the overall way it all works so that i can run wild with it in my own way. I can recreate the mission setups that are demonstrated in the ALIVE Wiki,, but those are just a itsy bitsy peek of what this tool can be manipulated to accomplish in our Arma 3 missions. I pray someone that has a concrete grasp on the inter-working relationships of these modules will make a youtube tutorial explaining the way they work. If anyone on the dev team or any thread cruisers know of any groups of guys that cooperatively design missions together implementing ALIVE; please shoot me a PM on how to get in contact with them. 

  6. was there ever a pdf or acrobat document released detailing the usage of so many of these new 5th gen softwares that are now in use? If anyone here has the time/ or passion for this mod to teach me how to implement it's features, please send me an add through Steam or join my coop group (not organized unit or mil-sim ) I would just really enjoy learning how to effectively/fluently work these birds to their maximum potential while engaging enemy.   http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hshpipe i'm always down to co-design a mission to preactice/test/play in or jump into a different user mission and have our way with it!!!


    Honestly, many users who bought this game were in love with A3L. But this can be seen as an advantage, because these users may not know that these addons/mods can be downloaded and used at any time.



    I'm not planting myself on either side of this [most likely] much needed debate,,,, I can testify to two things from my own expereience with A3L..... Whether I was playing arma 2OA (&DayZ) 16+ hours per day or have survived for entire weekends at a time running binge mil-sim campaigns; Anytime someone younger than a M.A.M. (Military Aged Male) joined the fray their presence acted like a slowly acting cancer that would almost always either cause severe problems among the local populace or frustrate the server admins to the point that they would jus stop the server for awhile.


    my point with stating these experiences is to publicly recognize that A3L is a community built up out of people that realize the effect that children have on the virtual battlefield is more damaging than the lack of political correctnedness of allowing their labors and toils to be spoiled. I quoted the above quote from the awesome Ranwer, because I have cut into all of their repositories [and while I did indeed see quite a few assetts included in there that have been artfully designed and ported to A3 ... I also have seen many many examples of the A3L teams own personal 3d modellling/texturing/and scripting and the sheer amount of work those guys have put into those assets, and when you are  [no joke]reviewing 100's or ++ every day, basically giving every potential player an elementary psych eval, plus all of the above mentioned works and then there's the matter of renting and paying for and maintaining 3-4 dedicated boxes each of which could at any time be running up to 1-4 instances at a time

  8. I'm digging the angles and slopes on that new "GhostHawk" I believe that model you have devised, is about as close as an artist can get to the actual helicopters used in that mission,without having the exact spec sheet on it.  The A3 vanilla Ghosthawk is an extremely advanced imagination of that design that indeed would be fitting for a 2035 imagination of that bird in mass production. 


    I'm also very excited that Warlord & team are sticking strong to the 160th SOAR theme for this project and not "coloring outside the lines" by making this an international blackhawk pack. These guys in the U.S. 160th, spearhead almost all USSOCOM operations in all manner of environments, with all varieties of the worlds most vicious warriors aboard. They deserve their own 'locker' here in the Armaverse & I can't think of a better team of guys to give it to them.



                                                                                                                                                                                                       Death Waits-In The Dark



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  9. To the users that are having issues with the laser locking weapons not picking up the laser designation


    This is especially true when using ACE and may even be true without ACE


    When designating targets... if you are marking from the east you will need to ingress (approach) from the west. The reason for this is that the object you are marking would obstruct the marker from the aquisition pod .  I found this answer in the ACE user documentation in which I will link below. So try this out and report back to us to see if this approach fixes your problem




    "Q: Laser locking is broken, when are you going to fix it?
    A: Fun fact, it isn't, you need to come from the direction of the laser, (laser is pointing to the east, you come from the west) and you drop the GBU, it will then guide itself to the target. The reasoning behind that is that the vehicle or building laser designated would obstruct the laser and the GBU would then be unable to lock on it."

  10. hey fullerpj, I cannot get the GBU-31 or GBU-39 to lock to to GPS INS targeting system coordinate on the F-22 or the B-2. Does this guidance system work in your mod or is it a W.I.P..... or is there some custom user control that must be set? Although i'm getting decent at dropping dumb bombs on hard targets, that GPS/INS would be a really nice feature to really bring the realism up. Thank You
