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Posts posted by robowilso

  1. about a week ago I sent in a report to the official Arma 3 bug tracker and made a request to have all four sides of the rail available and included as an "i.e." UGL's, VFG's, and AFG's along with flashlights and lazers so on and so forth,,,, I got an email a few days back that the request was assigned. Could mean they are working on it to see the plausibility of it or agree and are working on implementing it as we speak, either way i'm taking it as a step in a good direction as far as this issue goes.

  2. not necessarily @ fullerpj,,, bu when was the last update? I remember sometime back begging and graveling for it and i see ppl talking about a new new update the version I have is from months ago,,, and while i'm here does anyone know how to fix the problem with arma 3 fps "fluttering"- "sticking" started since the new update and i can't fix it. Any news or precendence?

  3. Had a lot of fun with AFM flying the MH-6M (RotorLib a bit tweaked).

    The Hellfire Variant looks hot. Looking forward. I do not really need a TOW Variant, but heck, why not :)

    I would prefer a HMD-Free version. I think there will be enough HMD-Mods coming out. I actually like the grease pencil variant, I would just prefer a simple cross like it was in A2 ACE. The Cross and Circle was to much, the dot a bit minimalistic :D

    I have a key on by Warthog Throttle which pauses TrackIR for the time beeing. Very happy with that solution.

    Just a question about the service menu. Will we be able to define the fuel level in the Service menu also? Would be nice if we could load up only 50% of the fuel to have a bit less weight.

    Didnt BIS added Chaffs to the Flaredispensers in 1.48? That probably caused the issue

    Best regards

    @SwissMAF, I think that's a very insightful question to ask to all the addon authros out there that have integrated John Spartan's and Sauls's 'Service menu'! The very visualization i'm getting imagining choosing to disassemble benches and bolt on missle pylons and vulcans (or w.e. GAU) they decide to go with, missle variants, rocket variants [please guys create rocket varities similiar to NodUnit and Franze's AH-64 Apache mod. I know the weapon payloads of the two aircrafts are very different; options is what i'm trying to get at. Most everyone loves to have the option to do something. I have a thing with lights, console lights, cargo lights, collision lights etc... You guys are really doing [and on the path TO DO alot} to change the dynamics of this airframe and bring to life all of the many roles it can fulfill on the battlefield. I love it!

  4. I'll try to break it down for you based on what I know.

    M855A1 aka EPR (Enhanced Penetration Round) 62 grain FMJ bullet with a steel penetrator. Best at armor penetration (good against some obstacles too) but lowest damage of the 3 different rounds that are simulated. Developed by the US Army and is completely lead free (uses a copper slug instead).

    Mk 318 aka SOST (named after the Special Opeations Science and Technology team who developed it) is a 62 grain Open Tipped Match round with a penetrator in the rear (after the hollow point) it is simulated as being a bit more effective on soft, unarmored targets, but doesn't have the same penetration capability as the M855A1.

    Mk 262 is a sniper/marksman's round, it weights 77 grains and is also Open Tipped. Of the three its probably the most accurate, even if it is a little bit slower because of the added weight. It does the most damage but is also the worst when it comes to armor and obstacle penetration. Mk 262 is typically what my unit uses because it usually requires less rounds to kill/incap. The biggest real-life disadvantage of the Mk 262 is that its probably 4x more expensive vs other 5.56 rounds.

    All three of these rounds were developed to supplement or replace the M855 round which was developed in the early 1980s and was later known to have some leathality issues especially when used with the M4 carbine.The US ARMY uses the M855A1 and the Marines + SOCOM use the Mk 318. There is still a lot of conjecture as to which round is actually "better" as the Marines have been resistant to using the M855A1 after it performed poorly in early tests.

    Just one more thing to add. The MK318 round is made for SBR's (Short Barreled Rifles) as it was actually a chore to design a round to allow repetitive and reliable fire from sbr's such as cqb, mk18, etc. etc. 7

  5. Dorph;2965699']I must say that i do not hope that the nuke will be added to other planes than the b2. The problem with the nuke is

    that it very hard on a stressed server' date=' if i use it on my server that has been running for a while with many clients,

    it simply crashes the server. I never use the b2 in my public server due to its heavy power, it will simply kill a whole

    target before any infantry reaches the target. If added to other planes i beg you to include a simple way to disable it.

    I think if added to more planes it will shrink the use of this great mod on public mp-servers. The f16 as an example is

    already very powerfull with 12 lockable agm65 missiles + radarjammer.[/quote']

    So the entire Arma 3 community should just step aside and accept that because your server package can't handle nuclear destruction at high pop, then none fo the thousands of players that use this addon pack should have a proper function that offers immersive freedom?

    @fullerpj,,, please add the b61 to the service menu of the appropriate aircrafts. #SuperAwesome

  6. My uncle is a 160th SOAR veteran! I will give him a shout and see if he could possibly provide a solution to the sound accuracy, (might even be able to get a sample) i'll update this post when i get in touch with him.

    Congratulations on the new update! It looks to be a BiG one, *straps in* :ok: :coop:

  7. JR is a config bridge for mods which provide weapons and attachments. On it's own it does nothing. JM has been incorporated into JR.

    ASDG Attachments is a a mod that provides content - for now, the Atlis bipods. But it's now obsolete because they were released before the Mark/Bipods DLC/patch and don't use that technology.

    So there are no optical attatchments in the ASDG_Attachments addon?

    I also have a mod in my dir named ASDG_MRT_ACO. is that a Robalo creation for MRT or the other way around?

    Thank You for one of the first, most useful, most creative addons made for A3! Robalo has been etched in the Arma history books, We all love it!!!

  8. Congratulations on the new place and great to see you "back in the saddle!" While you were getting everything squared away there were alot of releases that (when ran concurrent with) SpookWar are absolute Game Changers! Thanks for the new update, I just downloaded it so this isn't a test-report, just wanted to welcome you back.

    I also have been eagerly waiting your return to ask what you thought about ACE3/RHS/USAF compatibility, and if you had ever considered (in the future) of bringing the VQI experience to the USS Nimitz or ATLAS LHD? i apologize for the flurry of questions , if they came out as vagrant or intrusive. I have really enjoyed this addon since I did my first HALO, and appreciate all the hard work, patience, and detail you have poured into this project. I will help aide in it's development in any way I can! WB Goblin!

  9. Hey Kimi_uy! Thank you again for all of your work! Not just with this config addon, but all of the immersion adding work you've done on a great many projects that so many of us have made "staples" in our A# gameplay.

    *I'm sure by now you're wondering.."ok, Rob. what do you want?" So, i'll get right to it. If you had the time and wouldn't mind, Could you release/write an ACE compatible config for adding imperial measurements to the HUD's? It may sound petty, but to fly the F/A-18 or A-10's , F-16 all those american fighter aircraft, and be able to experience flyng/fighting in them with actual american measurement system, would be game changing for many people. I see posts from american arma players talking about this all the way back from A1 and through all the archaeological digs ive taken through these forums and armaholic i havent seen anything ever released to offer this. I know you are determined to bring as much realism to this "realistic mil-sim" as you can, so whaddya think?

  10. can you please integrate the CSE biometric scanner system into ACE, or please tell me if I add the CSE pbo that contains it to my ace addons folder will it work? That feature opened up so much immersion and realism for patrol/search/detain/HVT TYPE OF MISSIONS AND WOULD FIT VERY VERY NICELY WITH THE ALREADY PRESENT CAPTIVITY SYSTEM :)

    *Are highly trained fighter/helo pilots truly THAT sensitive to gforces? To black out pulling a turn at 500km/h?

  11. OH WOW!!!!!! *is blown away* has this new gift also been applied to distant ingressing/egressing aircrafts??? I know that thrill you speak of, that ominous invisible sound of incoming danger, hearing the "whop..whop.. whop.. whop..whop" faintly at first but growing ever more distinct until realizing it's the sound of a blackhawk full of true warriors coming to "punch your card" AARRRGH!!!!!! Thank You so much for fixing this game and allowing it to be felt by its players the was it was only imagined in the past!
