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About Bejasc3D

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    Game design, CGI, Creative writing, Metal/PopPunk

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  1. I'm really looking forward to an update for this. I hope the parameters to control zombie speed, and food and water spawn amounts is included. Food and water should also come included with military bases found in missions. Maybe a parameter to control how fast food/water drains Also, I have an idea for a new feature. Sometimes, playing at night can be annoying. Obviously it also makes a fun challenege. How about a system so if you're near a campfire for example, or a bed (i understand a bed may be too hard to do), and there are no zombies agro'd on you, you have the option to move the game time forward by 6 hours, simulating sleeping. This could allow people to virtually play at any time they want, without having to worry about times they don't like playing. As an extension to this feature, a tiredness level (just like food/water) could be added, where the value builds up, and must be kept as close to 0 as possible. If it is possible, have this tiredness level effect other gameplay elements, such as camera shake, or even some kind of blurry hud if possible. I don't expect to see this any time soon if you like the idea, or if it's even possible, but I thought I'd suggest it as I'd like to see it. Anyways, I know you're working a lot on Arma3 version of DZS, but don't forget there are a lot of us who use Arma2 DZS too. I myself in many ways prefer it, and am really looking forward to an update :)
  2. I can never find anyone hosting this. Perhaps we could do something like make a private facebook group, where we can organize events for scheduled plays? That way there's more of a chance of actually finding a server, and people not being 'idiots' on it, if we can outline rules and guidelines and things like that.
  3. In the amount I currently play (10 or 20), slower zombies would not be a challenge at all, no. But with many zombies (50+) It becomes more about evading them, instead of engaging them, because you have to save your ammo. For me to have the most fun / and equal challenge, personally, I would have slow zombies, (about the speed of the running crouched mode), about 40 or 50 per km (particularly dense in towns), small or tiny weapons spawn, the same for vehicles. So that your ammo will run out before you can kill all the zombies, you have to still keep on the move, and hunt for new weapons constantly to defend yourself. for me currently, its more a hunt to find a gun I like better. While it would be easy to kill slower zombies, it would be the number of zombies that you had to worry about. It could allow you to raid a house in the middle of nowhere without having to even kill a zombie or run for your life. So to specifically answer the question; Yes, I for one think it is (more for me) enjoyable with slow zombies. I still think a parameter to control the frequency of food and water drops (just like frequency of weapons and vehicles) would be a good idea. Perhaps also adding bottled water and tinned foods to vehicles and drops too, so they can be found in other ways. (interracting with water barrels and food stands is still very confusing to me, and I quite often die of hunger or thirst because I can't figure out how to use them) I thought I would note I too only play via LAN. A server to play on would make it interesting, with having the potential threat of other players, but i've never come across one. Sorry for the real lack of structure to this post, its 3am here and I've been struggling to keep my eyes open since 7pm for some reason, so i've really been pushing it.
  4. I've been lurking on this forums purely for this missions thread, for a very long time now and I thought I would make an account. I was having the same issues not very long ago when I delved deeper into modding the game. Make sure anyone joining has the exact same mods that you do, because they will still show up and work for you, but to anyone without the mods, they just will not be there. I discovered this playing DZS (and some other missions to verify) with my brothers over LAN. Just make sure that you either turn your mods off, or have the other people get them, so that they can interact with them as well. Because the server is coming from your end (you being host), it assumes it should add this content in, but others wont see any of it. The same thing happened for me with a modded vehicle. It was kind of funny, because my brother was on a quad bike, and I was following him in a custom bus, and he couldn't see me! But after I gave him the mods, they all worked. tl;dr? Turn your mods off, or make others get them. @Bobtom I absolutely love this mod. I play it more than any other aspect of ArmA2. I have a few questions, mainly related to zombie speed, and the food and water system, and some features stemming off of those questions. If you could take the time to try to address some of the questions, that would be great :) - Recently I extracted and attempted to change some parts of your code to make zombies walk (I prefer a play style of many more zombies, but much slower). While I was successful at this (i think..), I think if it were to be added as a customizable parameter, other people could easily enjoy this style too. - How do you actually interact with barrels of water, and the market stands to get food or water? Often when my brothers and I are playing, we run out, but find these things and can't refill our food or water with them. I have however noticed some sacks often that have canned food in them, but they seem to be rare. A parameter to control the frequency of food and water spawns would be good, because i've only ever come across this sack once. (However, the water barrel almost seems too common?) Still related to food, how do you actually cook raw meat, so that it becomes edible? Features I suggested above; - Parameter to control zombie speed between running and walking (having read the thread over a few times, i notice it gets requested quite a bit) - Parameter to control food and water spawn Also, I'm completely new to the way these scripts work and how Arma2 mission making / modding works in general, but after inspecting the scripts, it looks very similar to c#? I have some knowledge in c#, and would be interested in helping to contribute and maintain the mission, however I'm just taking a shot in the dark, because it looks similar to c#, and I have no idea how the mission making works. Thanks for providing us with this Craig, it has brought many hours of fun to me (probably somewhere close to 30 or 40 of my total 50 hours logged on steam are from this), as im sure it has to many. I hope you continue to work on this and continue to make it better and better with each update. Cheers, Bejasc3D.