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About Juicy87

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  1. I'm not good at tweaking ArmA, but if you eventually switch over: an I5-4670K does the trick. I just bought it and it runs really really well on a mix of high/ultra settings. Be sure to pick the right motherboard, with a good one you can clock that I5 over to 4.5 ghz ( I haven't even done that yet)
  2. Juicy87

    Eager to Play ARMA 3 - MP Too Slow

    Yeah, probably so. I needed a new motherboard too. My motherboard was 118 euros. Real money, but the game experience is def. worth it.
  3. Maybe a strange question, but is your Steam perhaps in Offline Mode? I had the same prob, where my connection timed out and Steam set itself in offline. The thing is, you will be able to see servers in ARMA III when Steam is in offline mode, only the joining fails.
  4. Juicy87

    Eager to Play ARMA 3 - MP Too Slow

    There are a lot of threads about this, but here goes: You're processor is way to slow for ARMA III multiplayer. I experienced the same problems when I had a processor in the same range. I upgraded to an I5-4670K and it now runs flawless.
  5. Juicy87

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I upgraded my PC this weekend. My PC Build: - Intel I5-4670K 3.4 GHZ (not yet OC'd, need to replace PSU for that, which I will do soon.) - 128 GB SSD - Radeon HD 7870 2gb Joker Card Tahiti LE - Gigabyte Z87-D3HP,s1150 Motherboard ARMA III performs amazingly well. between 50 and 60 fps in Multiplayer. Settings: a mix of High, V-High and Ultra. Like most of us know: It's all in the processor speeds.
  6. Hey all, I'm looking for a group of friendly people to play some ARMA III. Here's some info about me: Age: 25 Location: Netherlands Game experience: Thousands of hours America's Army 2: http://goo.gl/OZByp . Hundreds of hours Flashpoint, Deltaforce; Landwarrior. A lot of FPS in general. My Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/juicy87/ Pets: Yes, two cats. -> http://goo.gl/qJblG Favorite food: Pizza. Relationship: Yes What am I looking for: -Clan/group based in Europe, for the obvious reasons (lag, timezones, etc). -Realistisc gameplay, but no über realistic. (I'm not calling anyone sir or sergeant or something like that:j:.) -Mature group of people, who know how to behave nicely on public servers. -English as main language. - Preferred: matches against other clans, activity on public servers as well (CTI, Wasteland, etc,) I will be an active player, but I can't promise I will be online every night. If you think you can use me, please let me know! Juicy87.
  7. Hey guys, So I have a pretty low-end system, that could use some tweaks. Only thing is that I don't know which thing to replace first, since my budget is limited. r AMD A8-3850 Llano 3Ghz -> I know this is a weak part, but core temp doesn't show very much load coming trough the processor while playing the game. The known bug I guess, so I don't know if this has priority or not? 8 GB of RAM. AMD Radeon 6700 series -> I know this causes me problems, since it's the 'silent' edition, no fans. GPU temp going trough the roof according to MSI afterburner. Was thinking about replacing it with a CLUB3D AMD HD7870XT Jokercard / 2GB / GDDR5 / PCIe / ATI. Any thoughts on this card? Low-Speed Hard-drive -> Already ordered an Samsung SSD 128 GB Any help would be appreciated, especially if a new processor is needed (given the low CPU optimization at this moment.) Please remember that I'm on a low-budget here, and can't really replace everything at the same time. Thanks in advance, Juicy87