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About Drastdevix

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  1. Drastdevix

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I didn't understand. But my Proc is not overcklocked.
  2. Drastdevix

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    For my part i didn't had any problems on Arma 2.
  3. Drastdevix

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I got same troubles, good fps in solo and unplayable in multi. And changing option (low and reduce view range) doesn't affect the fps. Here is my config : Win 7 I7 2.67GHz 6Go DDR3 531.98MHz GeForce GTX 660 (asus OC).
  4. Drastdevix

    low FPS in multiplayer

    I got same troubles, good fps in solo and unplayable in multi. And changing option (low and reduce view range) doesn't affect the fps. Here is my config : Win 7 I7 2.67GHz 6Go DDR3 531.98MHz GeForce GTX 660 (asus OC).
  5. Drastdevix

    Stuck at 18fps

    Hi guys, this game look awesome, i loved Arma II, and Arma III is a lot better but i have a problem. In fact i'm stuck at 18fps, in low or very high, always the same. I followed guide to increase fps and it didn't work. Here is my config : Win 7 I7 2.67GHz 6Go DDR3 531.98MHz GeForce GTX 660 (asus OC). Is it an alpha issue, an arma III issue, or just my computer? Note : I run arma II without any problems. Thanks and see you in game. Edit : I got 60fps in Showcase : Infantry. So i tried to reduce the view range in multi and it doesn't affect the fps.