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About HSTaran

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  1. It works this time ( with Task ID ). Thanks you so much !! My question is how to create a "EndMission" task ? An other thing, when i start the mission, it asked me to start with the second task : http://zupimages.net/up/2/677572741.jpg
  2. of course ( i used same name than you ) : http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/698316arma32013030817262881.jpg
  3. I really don' t see where i may have been mistaken http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/203169arma32013030815092201.jpg
  4. well, i did exactly that, and it don' t work. Look what i have : http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/499690arma32013030814421570.jpg And if i set to current task and kill the targer : http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=508089arma32013030814435928.jpg It don' t care:( The task seems not assigned to the target. When you create modules, they are otomaticly grouped with each others. What must you do with that ?
  5. To be sure i did not make a mistake : My target is a Medic. Therefore my script is !(alive Medic) ? or must I rename the medic and use it in the script ? The problem is i tryed the two things without effect... I didn' t see the screenshot. Thanks, i ll try to do exactly the same.
  6. That does not work either. I feel that the task have no link with the enemy. Therefore the task don' t appears ingame ( only on objectives window, but no waitpoint showed, no succeeded if i terminate the enemy ).
  7. Hello, i did ( again and again ) exactly what you say ( just changed the vehicule by a soldier ). But it won' t work properly for me : i have the task in the objectives window ( a good point ), but it is nowhere ingame, no marker on the map. When i kill the soldier, it say nothing, no succeeded, and the task is always active.