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Everything posted by Moon_chilD

  1. Here you have a log from my latest Test (Performance Build 16) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4x7N57WyGnSSlF1dHlPd3N2cTQ/view?usp=sharing (Sorry that 1. The File is so big and 2. Its not on PasteBin. I anted you to see the Full Log rather than a shortened one.) I know there is a F-Ton of messages in the Log. Anybody who can help me, getting rid of them is more than welcome XD
  2. Hey guys, does anybody uses Alive in conjunction with MCC? Right now we play some MCC/ALiVE Mission Templates (on several terrains), This worked for a long time now. Since the latest Arma 3 Update though we have huge problems though. When ever both ALiVE and MCC are running (and actually doing something...ALiVE spawning ambience and MCC generating missions) the server eventually crashes due to a memory leak. Same mission without ALiVE (or MCC) works fine! The Server normally uses about 1400-1600 (of 32000) MB RAM. Whenever I'm getting close to a mission (generated by MCC) it rises up to 3500MB causing the server to crash! (Using the latest performance build) I'm just asking if that happens to other people as well or if it is my settings in the mission. I actually thought I wait with that, to the next ALiVE update...but now I can't wait anymore. (We would love to get ALiVE back T^T) If you need more details, just tell me. Many Greetings Moony
  3. Very nice update. Now the only thing missing for me, to use it with my group are Takistani Civilians. :3 Huge thanks to the CUP devs and contributors for the awesome work! :>
  4. I guess whoever chooses to use that mod, actually wants to choose it. So go with applying itself. ^^
  5. Hey, I have small problem atm. We started using this mod now and we want to use it together with ACE. The problem is, while the mod is basically working, it always resets it when rejoining a server. It always sets everything to 1000. Also the saves do not work. If I save a configuration its just gone when I rejoin (or restart...not sure at the moment) Does that have something to do with the n_stateTracker.fsm (Which we don'T have atm)? If yes, how do I use that file? Do I put it in my mission or what? :3
  6. Moon_chilD

    TAW View Distance Script

    Hey, I have small problem atm. We started using this mod now and we want to use it together with ACE. The problem is, while the mod is basically working, it always resets it when rejoining a server. It always sets everything to 1000. Also the saves do not work. If I save a configuration its just gone when I rejoin (or restart...not sure at the moment) Does that have something to do with the n_stateTracker.fsm (Which we don'T have atm)? If yes, how do I use that file? Do I put it in my mission or what? :3 Damn, wrong thread. Gonna post the same in the Addon Version thread! However, I can't get the ACE Interaction working with the script Version T^T
  7. Maybe I should add, that we also tried to create a new profile. When activating mods then the path is shown correctly. Since Arma3Sync only saves settings when you close down the program (at least for me and my group) - we close down the program to save the settings. Reopening it and getting back on the newly created profile it is back to the wrong path!
  8. Moon_chilD

    Enhanced Movement

    It works just fine for me, with everything up to date. Whenever you use Play withSix you need to check the mod folder if everything is in it. (Sometimes PWS thinks its a nice idea to not download anything at all. Leaving the mod folder dry empty) My suggestion, just don't use Play withSix (but thats my opinion) (Yeah I should try reading posts first.!) What you can do is to manually download the mod from Armaholic and try it with it then!
  9. Tze, health...nobody needs that. That sounds like a plan. Keep up the good work, buddy!
  10. So I'm not the only one where it is not working anymore. (Meh) I mean, you could write your thesis but hey...who am I xD I demand the Kitbag!
  11. Moon_chilD


    Very nice of you! (Man and I thought my question got ignored xD)
  12. The SPMGs, DMR and MX look very good. I'm happy to see you fixed the off parts on the MX so quickly. Its very good to hear that a bagpack overhaul is planed. Looking forward to it. Will they have single colors or will they have the same patterns? (I think since you are with us you are even more productive...but could just be since we always ask you "Could you do this and that...?" xD)
  13. Moon_chilD


    IS there any way for me, to enable the rope tossing for pilots and co-pilots? (Maybe even disable it for the players in the cargo?)
  14. Question: Does anybody else have the problem, that you can't see the terrain in thermal view when it is cloudy or raining? You can still see heat signatures but no terrain at all! (Its either pitch black or all white!) The problem is, using an Attack Helicopter is very hard that way, since you can't distinguish whether a Target is on a hill, behind a Tree or a House. The question is just if anybody else has that problem as well or if we need to see if any of our other mods interfere with ACE at this point! Many Greetings Moony
  15. Moon_chilD


    Both init.sqf and initplayerlocal.sqf can be run simultaniously in a mission. initplayerlocal is basically a init.sqf that runs the scripts in it locally on a client. Meaning that script is not performed by the server. Why this script is run locally I have no idea though. (Sorry if thats not entirely true. Thats just what I understood of it. I'm using these two .sqf files in my missions as well!)
  16. Funny coincident, we discovered the exact same problem during a mission two days ago. While the Laserdesignator and Vector work fine (though different) the Rangefinder just refuses to work! We have not deleted anything in the ACE Folder. (Ace_FCS.dll is in the folder)
  17. Ah okay, I can't tell on what branch I was when the "problem" occurred. So if was on Dev. Branch...sorry! xD
  18. Did he tell you what was the cause?
  19. Ohhh and I was wondering if I was doing something wrong xD Yes had the same issue yesterday!
  20. Very nice to hear its not dead!
  21. ACE, CBA, ALIVE, MCC, TFR, AiA (not tested with CUP yet since we did not have a Reshmaan session lately) to name the prominent.
  22. Reshmaan works fine for month in my community.
  23. Yeah did that already. Have seen that feedback some while ago! ^^ Would be nice if that unnecessary sh*t in the RPT would be gone @.@ Edit: I spread the word in my community! ^^
  24. That sounds like a problem with RHS which popped some errors for me when I did not run -nologs. So this is most likely neither ALiVE nor MCC or ASR. Lets say "confirmed" as I said. I can't run both without crashing. I have tested it with only MCC but not with only Alive! I think thats the error we get. As I said its at least some memory error with huge dysync when it is about to crash.