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Everything posted by Psycho5553

  1. How can i make an .paa File to an .png file? Can someone help me please!
  2. The title says it all. I really need help with it. i dont find an solution. please say step by step what i should do. im trying to convert an building
  3. Psycho5553

    HAFM - ArmA 2 HMMWVs import

    How do you port Vehicles from Arma II to arma III ? i would love to know
  4. Is there an way to get only some people be avaible to use it on the server? I would like todo so only some players can use it trought there Arma 3 UI or something
  5. Hello! I was wondering if there is an way to start playing music when you die? I already have an good .ogg file track that is 23 Secounds.
  6. Psycho5553

    Play music when you die?

    thank you im gonna check it out
  7. Hi : ) I want to make so when an Bluefor (player) comes with an vehicle into an trigger an civillian starts running to the road. I want it to look like the civillian runs infront of the car to die.
  8. Psycho5553

    Weapon Models

    Hello. im going to start making weapon models in Arma 3. Can anyone please send me tutorials. i dont know where to start!
  9. Psycho5553

    Utes Life! RP

    UTES LIFE RP v1.0 Created By Swedisharmex What is Life? Well A life mod is an RP game mod that You should act like real life! WE WANT SERIOUS ROLEPLAYERS REGULAR RULES Players are not permitted to use hacks under any circumstances Players should not abuse glitches and must report them to the Admins Racism will not be tolerated Insults and bad gestures should be kept to a minimum You need to be on Ts3 to play as a Cop We will have more relaxed rules regarding playing with the intentions of being a criminal - killing etc In the GreenZones of the map its not allowed to Shot,Rob or driving over someone. 99% of the rules will be on the map... NEW LIFE RULE Cops are allowed to random search!!! what is so special about it?? Well... It will soon get modded with other guns,cars and more (Addons) And Ofc The map is the special part! Never seen an utes life before Looks awesome! When does it come out?? Well. It will come out soon (1 month) Un-modded as an regular server everyone can join! But in the future we will make addons into it... It will also come to arma 3 in This or Next Year When its out How do i find the server??? Search on Swedisharmex and you will find it! When you add addons will you need to sign up/Do an application for the life mod?? Yes Are you going to have an password on the server? If so whats the password going to be? No password when its in the unmodded version. It will in the Modded version When its in the modded version do civillians also need to be on ts3?? Yes More Info is coming soon! REMEMBER its just an alpha!
  10. Hello :) Im trying to fix an intro at the start of an mission. but i dont know how to make an camera flying around or make music play at the same time. I want an camera flying around and text on the screen and music at the same time. Is that possible? i saw it on an TDM mission once
  11. Psycho5553

    Addaction GTA Style.

    Thanks Alot!
  12. Pull Out action I want to make an action on all cars that says ''Pull out'' And when you do it the guy in the car poofs/jump out (Like in GTA when u steal an car) But i need help with the SQF file. What should i write in it??!
  13. Psycho5553

    No AI spawn if no Player

    Ok thanks Alot!!! :)
  14. im just doing an simple mission with vehicle respawns and player respawn and stuff. But how do i do so when an slot is controlled by AI they dont spawn! they should only spawn when the slot for them is taken. Like they have in these ''Life'' missions. The character/Unit dont spawn until the player choose its slot. Hope I will get some help.
  15. Psycho5553


    this attachto [NAMEOFATM, [+0,1.1,0.5]];
  16. Thanks to : Fuzzy, Ramiraz, A2L, LifeProjectRPG, RP-Mods, TCG and Rentless Life PROJECT TAVIANAX LIFE ---More Pictures--- http://cdn.imghack.se/images/dc0b6e8eeb1eb83e21f8498436fac6bb.jpg (231 kB) http://cdn.imghack.se/images/80936b41125a9195cf4c80131d6590b8.jpg (214 kB) http://cdn.imghack.se/images/685b987f9ae20e1500edaa3a262530fe.jpg (400 kB) http://cdn.imghack.se/images/755b57acbec86e96872ad215a66d956c.jpg (162 kB) http://cdn.imghack.se/images/e4b30a385ad90cc36fefe63ea0b99b00.jpg (230 kB) http://cdn.imghack.se/images/f1c5df585209e17c6328b006247f45fc.jpg (151 kB) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Info: Project TavianaX Life is created by Swedisharmex. On Project TavianaX Life you can earn money on Drugs,Diamonds,oil and much more. The special part on this life mod is that deathmatching is not against the rules (You may not deathmatch Emts Read all the rules at http://swedisharmex.enjin.com/rules). BUT we have trained ''SWAT'' Units that could easy takeout a bunch of gangsters and terrorists. Its also alot more easier to join as civil then other life mods. You Can Buy houses on this mod! You can get an house at ghetto place and in town for in-game money. But you could also get one if you are donating over 5$. The Life mod is on the map Taviana. The map Taviana Was made by : Martin http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?51263-Martin The Rules Is on our website: www.swedisharmex.enjin.com You can read about the whole life mod on our website. This Life Mod is not up anymore! (getting up soon!!!) *Release Date: 2014-06-10* Check Us Out On www.swedisharmex.enjin.com Everyone Is Welcome On Teamspeak 3
  17. hi. I need help. Im making an mission that is called ''Saving private anton'' If anton dies i want an hint to pop up... how do i do that???
  18. The Special part is that you can buy houses for in-game money. On 99% of all life mods you need to donate to get an house. and its also on the map Taviana... . The special part is also that you need to ask NPC's at bars/resturants to find a secret base where you can buy illegal weapons and stuff.
  19. Im also making one. (I also re-skinned all cars so they dont say island life) But stat save is pretty easy. Check this out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150293-iniDB-Save-and-Load-data-to-the-server-or-your-local-computer-without-databases! <---- Saving system without database
  20. Psycho5553

    Looking for Rp life Server

    Swedisharmex Will soon release their life mod. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156420-Project-TavianaX-Life-Created-and-hosted-By-Swedisharmex!!!
  21. Psycho5553

    What life server do you reccomend?

    You should Join Swedisharmex. They are underrated really underrated. Look: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156420-Project-TavianaX-Life-Created-and-hosted-By-Swedisharmex!!!&p=2410683#post2410683