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Posts posted by almaxkiller

  1. get rid of all the following from your command line

    -noPause -noSound -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -high -maxMem=8192 -noCB

    and then try it

    If that doesnt work, post your bandwidth config

    Testing that now.

    Here is my bandwidth config if you want to take a look at that for me as well

    // These options are created by default





    // These options are important for performance tuning

    //MinBandwidth = 10000000; // Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to have (in bps). This value helps server to estimate bandwidth available. Increasing it to too optimistic values can increase lag and CPU load, as too many messages will be sent but discarded. Default: 131072

    MaxBandwidth = 100000000; // Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to never have. This value helps the server to estimate bandwidth available. 10Mbps=10000000 100Mbps=100000000

    MaxMsgSend = 512; // Maximum number of messages per client, that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128

    MaxSizeGuaranteed = 1024; // Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512

    MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 128; // Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position and object state updates. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256


    Some additional information:

    The purpose of the max message size is to reduce the latency.

    The minimum possible latency of the message is size/bandwidth (the time needed to send the message).

    A 1300 B message sent over 256 kbps connection has a minimal latency of 1300/(256000/8) sec ~= 40 ms.

    The latency is more important for non-guaranteed messages (position/state updates) in general.

    So better keep the MaxSizeNonguaranteed low at all, unless more non-guaranteed messages need to be send (depending on the mission).

    Additional information for MaxSizeGuaranteed:

    Guaranteed messages are publicVariable, boarding vehicle, killing the unit and similar.

    When there is no combat and no scripting, it is common that there are almost no guaranteed messages send.

    For hosting Wasteland, use a higher value than default.


    MinErrorToSend = 0.004; // Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.001

    MinErrorToSendNear = 0.01; // Minimal error to send updates across network for near units. Using larger value can reduce traffic sent for near units. Used to control client to server traffic as well. Default: 0.01

    // Maximal size of packet sent over network. Default: 1400

    // Desync might happen if used MaxSizeGuaranteed/MaxSizeNonguaranteed values over the maxPacketSize.

    class sockets




    // Physical location of the Server on world Map.

    // See "http://www.findlatitudeandlongitude.com" for more infos.

    serverLatitude = 51;

    serverLongitude = 9;

    Also note that this is not running Wasteland, but is instead running a Stratis Life server. Just recycled the server from when we had two separate Wasteland mods running and edited the files for our needs.

  2. I keep getting the error "Too many virtual memory blocks requested" that then crashes the server. I have scoured the internet and have not been able to find an actual solution to this. I can say it is happening alot on BETA (Dev and Stable build) compared to Alpha. As it it is happening 1 to 3 times daily on BETA compared to the 1 time I can remember it happening on ALPHA.

    Server Specs:

    CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1230 sandybridge (8 cores w/HT)

    RAM: 16 GB DDR3 ECC Memory

    HD: 1000 GB Hard Drive

    BW: 100 Mbps Unmetered*

    OS: Windows Server 2008

    Start-up parameters:

    "arma3server2332.exe" -port=2332 "-config=wasteland\server2332.cfg" "-profiles=wasteland" "-name=wasteland" "-cfg=wasteland\basic.cfg" -mod=@iniDB -noPause -noSound -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -high -maxMem=8192 -noCB -world=empty

    Let me know if you need anything else! And thank you for your help.

  3. Squad name: Never Stand Alone [NSA]

    Timezone/location: USA (with EU and AUS members)

    Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Like to play both

    Contact email: webmaster@nsaclan.com

    Website address: NSAClan.com

    Short description: We are a laid back clan with a focus on having fun. We have a 17 or older age requirement. We host our own servers which include ARMA 3, ARMA 2, TS3, DayZ, and others. We do not have a strict attandence policy. We are looking to get more members to open the opportunity to scrim.

    Language: English

  4. Hi I am Almaxkiller from Never Stand Alone [NSA]. We are a laid back clan that likes to have fun, but also like to play seriously when it is needed. We are always looking to add additional members to our group so I will post a little about our clan here.

    What is unique about NSA:

    • We have our own site and forums
    • We Host several servers, including ARMA 3, ARMA 2, DayZ, TF2, Teamspeak, and more
    • 17 or older age requirement
    • We have the Top Ranked ARMA 2 UTES Server
    • We do not have a strict attendance policy

    Now for the stuff that does not quite work in a list. We are a multi-platform clan (most of our members are now PC players, but we do accept PS3 and XBOX as well). The games we usually play the most are ARMA 3, ARMA 2, BF3 (soon to be BF4), Minecraft, TF2, and DayZ (We will be pretty active on the stand alone once it releases). We do stem out to other games, but that list is what we are most active on. We are currently 34 members strong. We do hope to do some more serious game play (like scrims) once we have a larger member base. Our clan operates like a democracy, all members have a vote in how we develop. We do not have a strict attendance policy, but instead just ask for activity in game and on the forums semi regularly (we understand most people have lives, jobs, families, responsibilities) or to post a notification if they are going to be away for a while. We try to have gaming events every or every other weekend. We promote based on activity and how respectful the person is, not on how much they donate or 'suck up'. We have a sort of Donator give back program where donators have the chance to win prizes and get some special benefits.

    If any of that sounds interesting to you check us out at NSAClan.com. If you have any questions feel free to contact a member, advisor, or leader at our site!

  5. If you want to time compress the skipTime is the command you're looking for.

    I have made a mod to do this. Though is a single player only version, then the problem would be synching all players with the server time. I may look into making it mp compatible. In the mean time feel free to check how i did it.

    What would I put in and where would I put it? I read the wiki on skiptime but was unable to understand what achieved what results (the examples are pretty poor and do not even say what they do).

  6. Hey guys,

    I am not seeing anything on this yet in the ARMA 3 section so I am wondering if anybody can help me out. I am looking to do a short Day/Night cycle on our server. I am looking to do either 30 min of day and 30 mins of night, or do 1 hour of each. Can anybody post the code needed to do this and where it needs to be placed?

    I was on a ARMA 3 server the other night that had 20 min day and 20 min night and it was a blast, which is why I want to get something like that running on ours as well. Thank you for anybody who can help!

  7. Back on topic:

    I for one hope if they stick with BE that it gets improved in some way. If not I hope they switch.


    We had a hacker join our server and after finding him I spectated him record it (showing him tp'ing, running god mode, and spawning in vehicles right in front of himself) and sent it along to BE...almost a month later the hacker tried to join our server again (so was obviously not banned yet).

    BUT one of our admins got banned by BE for no apparent reason other than using the implemented admin functions on our server which allow you to spectate, view player locations, delete hacked in vehicles, etc. All of which we (and he) have used for legit admin purposes only. When he tried to battle it their reply: "We will not remove Global Bans. The case has been closed.". It is BS that the few (very few hopefully) that get a false positive are screwed out of the money they spent on the game and BE is unwilling to investigate the false positive.

  8. I have found a way to shut down the server when stopping the fireDaemon service.

    Create a post-service action using the following:

    Executable: C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe

    Working Dir: C:\Windows\System32

    Parameters: /fi "WindowTitle eq arma 3*"

    Execution Time: 60000

    Run Program: After Event

    Run Detached: Not selected

    You should be able to adjust the WindowTitle Parameter to shutdown only one server if you have multiple servers, as long as they are on different ports.

    Or you could just create a bat file named ARMA3STOP.bat with the following:

    @echo off

    echo Shut-Down Operation

    REM Kill ARMA3 if running

    taskkill /f /IM arma3.exe

    timeout /T 3


  9. I don't understand this messing about trying to get multiple servers running when there's a simple and easy method.

    Just create a new text document in the Arma 3 directory (steamapps/common/Arma 3) called "steam_appid" put "107410" inside it, save it then enjoy running multiple instances.

    Seems to work fine.

    For anyone that needs simplier instructions,

    Create a steam_appid.txt file in your arma 3 root folder

    Put 107410 in it, and hit save

    Paste/or create a new server config for each new server you want to run

    Create a new shortcut of ArmA3.exe for each server, and point it to the individual configs.

    I did exactly this and I still get the steam error message. Any ideas?

  10. Ok I got Firedeamon working where it will automatically restart the server if it closes.


    Create a batch file and name it "arma3servercheck.bat" using notepad or notepad+.

    Place the following in it:

    @echo off

    tasklist | findstr /i arma3.exe

    if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto restart

    goto end


    start "" "server.bat"



    Then create your "server.bat" file using the launch parameters of your choosing.

    Example (this is what we are using to run our ARMA 3 Wasteland server):

    "arma3.exe" -server -ip= -port=2398 "-config=wasteland\server.cfg" "-profiles=wasteland" "-name=wasteland" "-cfg=wasteland\basic.cfg" -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=1 -maxMem=2048


    NOTE: Both of these files MUST be saved in the same location as your ARMA3.exe, otherwise you need to change the file directory to "arma3.exe" in each. Also note that if you are using this process you should have exit on the last line of the server.bat otherwise you will come back to a messy server with a lot of cmd windows open (depending on how many times your server shut down).

    In FireDeamon create a service with the arma3servercheck.bat file and have it have a start-up time of 60000ms and a pre-launch delay of 60000ms. Also in the "Upon Program Exit:" Have it set to Restart the Program at 60000ms. All of those settings are overkill I am sure, but it makes it were every minute the process runs to see if arma3.exe is running, and if not starts it up. Hope this helps some people, and if anybody comes up with a better solution please let me know!

  11. Having a similar problem to this with TCAdmin - Server starts, TCA doesn't see it so tries to start another copy, Steam throws up an error window that it can't run two copies, TCA still can't see it, so tries to start another copy, steam throws up another window etc etc.

    TCA also won't shut down the server since it never gets the process id which stays as 0

    That is the same issue I have when I try to use FD and a batch file. If anybody comes up with a solution I/we would love to see it!
