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About DCeighty8

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    Confirmed. It's awesome :)
  2. Uhm, isn't Arma mission development more about the free flow of information and sharing all ideas than calling forum police?
  3. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    Nothing is a replacement for a real admin, but running servers on TvT missions you can use scripts to at least keep the worst out (anti-tk scripts for instance). Currently our server actually runs pretty smoothly when we aren't there. There is the occasional issue, but it doesn't self destruct or anything. The setting in A2 at least was in the bec\config file and was called "timeout". Currently your server will autostart after a mere 9000 seconds, so whether you want it or not, it is there. Saying that if you don't want it to change from how it is, you could just leave the lobby timeout at the level it is at now. We run different servers with different goals apparently, and we will be using different methods to achieve this. See here to see the option I am referring to in A2.
  4. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    Yeah you're right. I shouldn't of encouraged the scrapping so much myself and just kept it to the topic at hand. Anyways hopefully if someone comes up with a work around they will post it here :)
  5. I am building a simple Capture the Base game mode for multiplayer, and I'm using a trigger on timeout to end the mission currently when one team holds the base for two minutes. It works fine with one rather large issue. It doesn't seem to reset the timer properly when the condition (east countSide thislist == 0 AND west countSide thislist >= 1) gets interrupted by an enemy player entering the area. It will reset the count down timer when all West players leave the area, but if the number of East players increases in the area it continues to count down instead of stopping and resetting when the conditions are met again. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me. Thanks in advance!
  6. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    See? start with that instead of accusing me of being some whiny B**** complaining about an incomplete game. Because the way you started this conversation was completely inappropriate. It's not that hard to at least ATTEMPT to help.
  7. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    I think you need to go back and read the original post, because I was asking if anyone knew a work around for the time being. You have provided nothing other than a head ache. I know it's not complete, I mention this in the original post, saying that BE is not yet implemented. Go away if you don't have anything to do other than pretend like we are whining about an incomplete game, because that is so far from what is happening.
  8. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    No. (My last post is apparently under mod review and it contained some rather rude words pointed in your direction)
  9. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    I've seen you say this in a number of threads now and it's probably the least helpful thing I've read yet. Honestly, I understand completely it's an alpha, I understand this is something they overlooked probably, so I made a post about it. If I don't will anyone? Will they never notice it? I am testing stuff and posting about it rather than not. Not to mention maybe despite it being an alpha, there may be an option that I missed somewhere. Seriously think about what you're posting. I'm not whining and complaining, I'm looking for a solution or at least letting BI know there is an issue. EDIT: KilrBe3 gets it. Thank you.
  10. It would be nice if there was a server side option available to change the lobby timeout from the default of 9000 seconds. In Arma 2 there was a battleye control option in the config.cfg to do this, but with the lack of BE on Arma 3 currently there is no option. An admin can of course force start a mission to prevent this, but in a case where an admin is not available it can be quite frustrating.
  11. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    Eventually I am sure we will have more admins, but for the time being this is how it is. Myself and the others have a fair amount of experience running servers between us (most of which is with the Arma engine, not sure what part makes you think we are new to this), so trust me when I say we know how being an admin goes when you have a popular server up 24/7. We are also the type that aren't going to trust any sort of person off the server to be an admin. A bad admin can earn your server a rather dark reputation really quickly. Even with a large pool of admins, there are always times when an admin can't be on. It happens, and it'd be nice if I server didn't have to trust a random pub being voted to admin power to make it playable. If an admin needs to take a break to go eat lunch and he is the only one on, the server shouldn't have to sit through a 9000 second time out. I am going to post a feature request, but I was hoping someone would find a way around this in the meantime. Once Battleye is enable of course this will not be an issue anymore.
  12. DCeighty8

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    I don't think you understand the issue. We have a dedicated server running TDM matches all the time. It rarely crashes and runs great. We have 3 or 4 admins currently for the server, when they are on it can be skipped. But there are times (like when people sleep or work) when there can't be an admin on. In between missions it sits at a lobby time out for 9000 seconds. Seems excessive. The server is pretty much always full whether we are on or not, so yes I do care, as I want people playing on my server to have fun regardless if I'm there or not. We have voting admins on to kind of fix this right now, but it's not a great fix and not how we want to resolve it. You're response was fairly rude, if you hadn't actually attempted to give an answer it would be of been pretty much spam.
  13. We have a dedicated server running with a map rotation, but the timeout at the lobby (waiting for everyone to ready up) is defaulted to 9000 seconds. Not a big deal with an admin on who can force start the round, but if an admin isn't on it's a far stretch to get 40 people readied up in a reasonable amount of time. The only info I can find on changing this setting is using BEC config.cfg, which doesn't exist to my knowledge in ARMA 3 yet. Anyone have any advice?
  14. DCeighty8

    Dedicated Server Crash

    Our server has been having the same issues. The mod directx seemed to help a bit but an hour later our server has just crashed yet again.